A Hi-fi'er now on PFO


Sep 13, 2009
Dear freinds, I have been recently appointed to write a column from an Indian point of view on Positive Feedback Online (PFO)!

This column will deal with the Indian audio scene and will feature products that are currently avaiable or soon to be launched or even manufactured in India.

The first article talks about the 2nd coming of Vinyl in India.

Here is the link to the first article!


This is great news Manav. Congratulations ! Looking forward to more articles.
Congrats Malvai,

Enjoyed going though your article. About Vinyl's making a comeback, I am having mixed emotions. On one hand, I have this urge to listen to something on a regular basis, that I was listening to quite a long time back and on the other, am scared that this will just add to my 'Must have Audio Equipment' list further stressing my almost non-existent funds. :)


Congrats Malvai,

Enjoyed going though your article. About Vinyl's making a comeback, I am having mixed emotions. On one hand, I have this urge to listen to something on a regular basis, that I was listening to quite a long time back and on the other, am scared that this will just add to my 'Must have Audio Equipment' list further stressing my almost non-existent funds. :)


Man one can't get back time. And life is too short to have regrets.... Get your gear and chill!
'And life is too short to have regrets'
If I look back I only regret some the things I did not do,never the things I actually did do:)
'And life is too short to have regrets'
If I look back I only regret some the things I did not do,never the things I actually did do:)

Well said!
Had i not invested in a GOOD LP player and gone all out to build a VINYL collection, i'd have regretted it 10 years from now!

I have not regretted upgrading any of my components! and the only regret I do have is that I do not have only a truly excellent DAC or CDP... That too i intend correcting!
Well said!
Had i not invested in a GOOD LP player and gone all out to build a VINYL collection, i'd have regretted it 10 years from now!

I have not regretted upgrading any of my components! and the only regret I do have is that I do not have only a truly excellent DAC or CDP... That too i intend correcting!

On the 4CDP's thread,Dr.Bass had mentioned a Goldnote Stribbert available with Jacob,and Dinyaar had mentioned an EMM Labs.Have you heard these CDP's?
The Audio Note recommended by Murali at HiFi Sg also seems interesting.
Edit: Contents deleted so as to not pollute a good thread.

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On the 4CDP's thread,Dr.Bass had mentioned a Goldnote Stribbert available with Jacob,and Dinyaar had mentioned an EMM Labs.Have you heard these CDP's?
The Audio Note recommended by Murali at HiFi Sg also seems interesting.

I know of all the options bro... have heard them too... I like the stibberts, but due to we guys just having our first child (a week back!) I am going slow on my spending!

But yeah, in the next few months, I'm gonna go for it. I am leaning more towards a DAC + Comp setup for digital, though... as Vinyl will continue to be my media of first priority...
Congrats Manav

Thanks Rikhav!

I intend using this as an opportunity to review more and more brands from India! also brands that are there in India. I find that many of the reviews that we read are quite biased and very far from the real experience... so I intend reviewing stuff as if I were buying it!

Hopefully, you guys wil see a review on some good CDP or DAC very very soon!
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Thanks Rikhav!

I intend using this as an opportunity to review more and more brands from India! also brands that are there in India. I find that many of the reviews that we read are quite biased and very far from the real experience... so I intend reviewing stuff as if I were buying it!

Hopefully, you guys wil see a review on some good CDP or DAC very very soon!

Hi Manav
First of all congratulatons again on becomng a father. :)

Secondly, really looking forward to read your reviews.
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