A lot to buy - please advice


Nov 27, 2011
Hi Mates,

This is my 1st post on this forum. Spare me if i dont write according to the protocol !

1st i ll explain what all i have - as it's relevant

1. Laptop with HDMI
2. LCD with 2 HDMI in

Want to buy 5.1 set - up...

Option 1

Buy Onkyo 3400 for 25k, connect my laptop to amp, amp to LCD and watch movies :)

Option 2

Buy USB to 5.1 converter, connect Logitech ( or any other ) 5.1 system ( which costs around 5k ) and watch movies :)

If we analyse, there is a cost difference of 19K ( which is huge ), i know sound quality would drop but i ASSUME not to extremes.

My questions are -

1. Can option 2 give me decent 5.1 sound ? ( Source .mkv movies thru laptop )

2. Which usb to 5.1 converter to buy ?

3. Any other option ?

Thanks a lot...

Waiting for expert advice :)
See as per my suggestion Option 1 is far better .... You can explore many features with Onkyo those nowhere available in Logitech..
Coolatric, what about the cost of the "USB to 5.1 converter"? I am assuming you are talking about those external USB sound cards for laptops with 5.1 analog out. The decoding options on the onkyo 3400 would be far better. Also the sound quality from many of the 5k 5.1 systems is quite poor. Atleast I am yet to hear one that is acceptable. Option one anyway if you have the dough to spare. Can the option two do HD audio and the likes? Else look at the legit h 5.1 with digital input for 16k.
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