A very memorable trip to Kannur


New Member
Apr 20, 2009

Wife was pregnant and was to deliver mid december. So I had applied for my leaves and was going about my work as usual.

On November 23rd got a call saying that Baby's was not moving much and wife was admitted to hospital. So I started at 1:30 AM from chennai and drove all the way to Kannur(East coast to West coast) non-stop.


The roads went from Good to bad to worse. Driving without a break I reached at 1:00 PM on 24th. Went straight to the hospital. The doctor had decided to do a c-section on 25th November.

The next day by 9:00 AM we had a beautiful baby girl. What a feeling !!! Dont have words to describe. Both the mother and Baby were doing fine and were discharged in 4 days.

The next few days just flew off.

How the meet Happened:

With Some time at hand, I decided to check HFV and I remembered that Suri was from Kannur. Immediately sent him a PM and he was gracious enough to accept my request to come home & listen to his speakers.

The Meet:
We decided to meet after 6:30 PM. I reached his place at 6:30 PM[didnt want Suri to change his mind :) ]. After introducing ourselves we got down to Business !Ahem! Thanks for the wonderful scotch Suri Sir :)

I didnt carry any Music along since the visit was impromptu. We first played the Witches of Sound with a Marantz Amp and Marantz DVD Player. I am not sure about Model numbers. May be Suri can add it later.

The first thing I noticed was the sound staging. Compared to what I have heard till date this was Massive(subjective). I was sitting at the soft spot. Somehow I felt that something was not right. The highs were well.. very high. Suri assumed it could be the Marantz DVD player. After some time we found that the treble was set to full on the Amp :p

We got to speaking about my Musical tastes and How I liked to listen to Music(forward sounding/warm/atmosphere). It was not a serious listening session. It was more of a "lets see how this sounds" kinda session. Time just flew.


[To be continued]
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Congratulations on your little girl. You are very very lucky to have her. I should know - I've got one and I count my blessings every day. Well almost! She's 7 now and jabbers more than both my old grandmothers put together.
Congrats Sushanth on your bundle of joy! Hope the lil one is doing great.
So Suri got a DVD player for the time being till his Marantz CDP arrives?
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