Advice | <=40k | Pune


New Member
Oct 2, 2008
Hi All,

I am planning to get a HTIB for my living room. The main sitting area is about 12'x14' and is already having a 42' LCD. I am real noob, hence am looking for the help.

Mine criterion would be:

Music: 60%
Movie: 35%
Games: 5%

I am already having an HTPC and would be hooking the HTIB to it.

Please help me out. I have reviewed some Onkyo model at Xcite at Pune. However found them flat... but obviously they were installed properly, as all the 5 speakers along with woofer were sitting at one place.

What's the budget? Since you will be connecting it to a PC I am assuming the media will be played from the PC i.e. both music and movies. Getting good output for both movies and music is really not possible, but seeing music is your primary requirement you can go for a 2.0/2.1 setup which will also perform well for movies unless you are looking for a 7.1 setup for HD content. Also, post the specs/configuration of your HTPC.
What's the budget? Since you will be connecting it to a PC I am assuming the media will be played from the PC i.e. both music and movies. Getting good output for both movies and music is really not possible, but seeing music is your primary requirement you can go for a 2.0/2.1 setup which will also perform well for movies unless you are looking for a 7.1 setup for HD content. Also, post the specs/configuration of your HTPC.

the specs for the PC are really important wrt to the usage.

I have an Onkyo 606 and since the last 2 months searching for a good HTPC config.

For music a DAC coupled with a good stereo amp is the way to go for music. But if its movies you want - you will be hard pressed for choices. A good receiver will cost you money and then again stereo sound output won't be great. I can recommend denon 1909 to an extent for all round audio video (i.e. stereo and surround) but that is expensive at 42k.

What sound card do you have? HDMI out? What mother board processor?

If you use the PC just for music and quality is your criteria then you need an good soundcard (onboard wont do - until and unless you have the MSI media live diva which is decent). That can be hooked to a 2 channel amp and you are good to go for movies.
What's the budget? Since you will be connecting it to a PC I am assuming the media will be played from the PC i.e. both music and movies. Getting good output for both movies and music is really not possible, but seeing music is your primary requirement you can go for a 2.0/2.1 setup which will also perform well for movies unless you are looking for a 7.1 setup for HD content. Also, post the specs/configuration of your HTPC.

Thanks for the reply moserw, I did expect you to be the first one :D.

Back to thread, yes, budget as I mentioned in the title is upto 40k max. Right, I am going to connect through my PC as well as a DVD player and a portable player ( Creative Zen). I have mine living room wired up for 5.1, hence would like to minimally go for 5.1. Mine HTPC specs are listed here:

My HTPC Setup, a humble one, but lip smacking good. - Show-Off - TechEnclave

Yup the stock fan is replaced with SCCF. Would you advice me a sound card for good music as well movie experience?

the specs for the PC are really important wrt to the usage.

I have an Onkyo 606 and since the last 2 months searching for a good HTPC config.

For music a DAC coupled with a good stereo amp is the way to go for music. But if its movies you want - you will be hard pressed for choices. A good receiver will cost you money and then again stereo sound output won't be great. I can recommend denon 1909 to an extent for all round audio video (i.e. stereo and surround) but that is expensive at 42k.

What sound card do you have? HDMI out? What mother board processor?

If you use the PC just for music and quality is your criteria then you need an good soundcard (onboard wont do - until and unless you have the MSI media live diva which is decent). That can be hooked to a 2 channel amp and you are good to go for movies.


I am open to installing a sound card, am aware that the stock wont do, however have no idea as which will fit my bill. Hence, am troubling you guys. I have already listed my specs in above reply to moserw.

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Bump for moserbw and suprateep

40K is pretty limited/cutting it thin for good music. You can go with an entry to mid level AVR from Yamaha and go with Wharfedale's or similar for decent music output. But this will be a 2.0 package and not 5.1. For 5.1 you can pick a pretty decent to nifty set from Yamaha or Onkyo for around 40K and they will be good for movies, but not so in terms of music. I guess this will be a question that will not be answered in a long time. You have to sacrifice somewhere.

One route you can explore is going with Audioengine A5 2.0 powered speakers for the PC to blast your music on and they are very good for music output and cost 20K. The remaining 20K can go for Philips 4750 (not my personal choice due to its limited upgrading options and the fact its an integrated HTIB so if the DVD/amp goes then you'll be left high and dry, but its still recommended by many on this forum) or an entry level Onkyo HTIB like 3100/3105 for 20K which are pretty decently good for movies. With this you'll have very good music output and decent to good movie output and should keep you happy seeing music at 60% is your primary requirement.

Otherwise you'll need to start with a Yamaha AVR for around 55-60K (I think) in the 663 and then follow up with speakers, cables, etc. to have a single unit that will deliver great in both the music and movies department.

My recommendation is for Audioengine A5 and an entry level HTIB from Philips or Onkyo or maybe increase the budget or lay off for a while before going for a HTIB and use the Audioengine A5 for a while.
dude i can give you a great take that will let you have a great solution but you have to play around with your HTPC.

Get the MSI Live Diva 5.1 amplifier card along with the motherboard. Should cost around 10 max. It includes the 780 chipset with HD decoding capability and audio chipset from d2 (its good) Add some ram and some the HDD and you are good to go.

Movies, surround sound - you can easily accommodate 5.1 speaker system within 25-30k.
on a serious note your HTPC specs are slightly off - my definition a HTPC is same as a NMT (play movies with more customization, listen to audio with better quality and browsing and downloading in parallel, maybe occasional gaming that too maybe). That is posing a problem here - no sound card man and you want music??

Please invest in a good sound card and decent speakers.

Plus the entry level AVRs or even 40-50 k avr will accept digital signals only - and onboard soundcards are prone to noise leaking.

Anyway since you need a solution and - and have a budget - and thats good - in my mind go try out the yamaha 363(20-22k) and dont buy the speakers from yamaha.

Try the yamaha with Mission 33 (13k) or 34 (18k) - that will give you a 2 speaker avr setup within 33-38k. You can haggle and get a mission center for another 3-4k (dont know the prices) and build around that.

The missions are laid back slightly and Yamaha slightly forward (some people might bay for my blood but thats my perception). You should be good to go.

BTW if you are interested i can put you through to the right guys who can get you the missions and the Yamaha at these rates. Elsewhere in pune missions 34's are being sold for 25k. Shesh.

PS: PM case you want some feedback call me.
Thanks moserw and suprateep,

As I had mentioned earlier, I am a real noob in this department. But yeah have one good thing and that is have this knack of picking up distortion in music and missing "richness" in music does hurt me, occasionally I would just shut off the music instead of accepting whats thrown at me.

So with said that, I am not even aware if 40k is a decent budget. I just did a digging around for 663, liked its spec. However just wanted to point out, I dont need upscaling or picture processing as that will be done by HTPC, I put in a dedicated GPU just for that. Hence all I need is an amplifier and set of speakers. Ofcourse, mine HTPC misses a good card and hence am looking for help from you guys. I am not keen on a dedicated motherboad for same, cause if it dies, then the whole thing dies. Hence am more keen on a card.

I hope I have cleared myself.... (fingers crossed).

Please pour in your views/suggestions, as that will really help me in a proper study and identify what I am really looking for. I really appreciate your effort guys.

Thanks moserw and suprateep,

As I had mentioned earlier, I am a real noob in this department. But yeah have one good thing and that is have this knack of picking up distortion in music and missing "richness" in music does hurt me, occasionally I would just shut off the music instead of accepting whats thrown at me.

So with said that, I am not even aware if 40k is a decent budget. I just did a digging around for 663, liked its spec. However just wanted to point out, I dont need upscaling or picture processing as that will be done by HTPC, I put in a dedicated GPU just for that. Hence all I need is an amplifier and set of speakers. Ofcourse, mine HTPC misses a good card and hence am looking for help from you guys. I am not keen on a dedicated motherboad for same, cause if it dies, then the whole thing dies. Hence am more keen on a card.

I hope I have cleared myself.... (fingers crossed).

Please pour in your views/suggestions, as that will really help me in a proper study and identify what I am really looking for. I really appreciate your effort guys.


dude if you like the 663 go get it - but its expensive around 40k - a denon 1909 or a onkyo 606 would be a better buy IMHO. Pick up a 363 - its not so bad - invest in speakers. IMHO with a shoestring budget opt for the mission package (m33i towers, center - can't recollect the model and surrounds). Built bit by bit. You will be using it for years and missions are really VFMs. I have the m35 and I really love em.

BTW if its a soundcard you are looking at to - as long as you use the digital connection to the receiver for audio out - it wont make too much of a diff atleast for card upto 5-10k IMHO. Only when you use analog out - you will notice the diff.You want to go all out - get the HDAV 1.3 deluxe or wait for the azuntech XIFI HD
If music is important then absolutely go with the Audioengine A5. You can make a trip to Mumbai to audition them I think. They are great speakers for music. You can invest in a good sound card, for music I would recommend the Asus Xonar range depending on your budget. Lay off the 5.1 HT package for a while. The Audioengine A5 will serve you well for music and the odd movie and in their price range are an absolute steal.

You can also explore what Suprateep has suggested. I've personally not heard the Missions so cannot comment on them.

Thanks moserw and suprateep,

As I had mentioned earlier, I am a real noob in this department. But yeah have one good thing and that is have this knack of picking up distortion in music and missing "richness" in music does hurt me, occasionally I would just shut off the music instead of accepting whats thrown at me.

So with said that, I am not even aware if 40k is a decent budget. I just did a digging around for 663, liked its spec. However just wanted to point out, I dont need upscaling or picture processing as that will be done by HTPC, I put in a dedicated GPU just for that. Hence all I need is an amplifier and set of speakers. Ofcourse, mine HTPC misses a good card and hence am looking for help from you guys. I am not keen on a dedicated motherboad for same, cause if it dies, then the whole thing dies. Hence am more keen on a card.

I hope I have cleared myself.... (fingers crossed).

Please pour in your views/suggestions, as that will really help me in a proper study and identify what I am really looking for. I really appreciate your effort guys.

If music is important then absolutely go with the Audioengine A5. You can make a trip to Mumbai to audition them I think. They are great speakers for music. You can invest in a good sound card, for music I would recommend the Asus Xonar range depending on your budget. Lay off the 5.1 HT package for a while. The Audioengine A5 will serve you well for music and the odd movie and in their price range are an absolute steal.

You can also explore what Suprateep has suggested. I've personally not heard the Missions so cannot comment on them.

i have not heard the Audioengine A5 - but it seems to have great reviews and feedback from the members and other sites. Give it a shot - start with small but good components and build them up - thats my only take - i rushed for my 5,1 package (they are decent but only for movies, though the sub is mor ethan what i had expected - very tight) - i wish i waited more and had a better budget. Finally I had to get better front speakers for stereo.

Just my 2 paisa - be patient and build your system slowly
Yup am referring to Philips HTIB.


check out vijay sales - they shoudl have it along with the 3568/89. Its a good VFM system but I am not too sure of the future upgrade path for this.

madbullram can give you better details on the performance actually
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