Amplifier types and their application in hifi audio


New Member
Mar 16, 2011
I am very new to this audio world while going through them I find myself confused with few terms. Can some body help me out on them and their use.
1. AV receivers
2. AV separators
3. Integrated amplifiers
4. pre-amplifiers
a power amplifier is the unit that amplifies the sound and powers the speakers
a pre amplifier is a unit that has some software like dts, dolby digital etc and also controls volume, bass, treble etc
a tuner is a radio frequency receiver
power amp + pre amp in one unit = integrated amp
integrated amp + tuner in one unit = receiver

there are two types of amps based on usage. a stereo amp has two channels and is mainly used for listening to music. a av amp will generally have 7.1 (7 surround channels and 1 sub out)

i am not sure what you mean by separators but the word separates is normally used when you use separate units for pre and power amps
1. AV receivers
2. AV separators
3. Integrated amplifiers
4. pre-amplifiers

Hi !

I am not good at this - but I will give it a try;;


AV Receiver = Audio Video Receiver

This is a 'control centre' for your surround sound - movie / game etc.
It takes a digital feed by HDMI [generally] from your Compouter / DVD / Blue Ray player & sends a HDMI - Video to your screen / projector / LCD / Plasma / LED etc.
Audio is 'processed' & sent to your front / centre / rear / sub etc. speakers.

2] AV Separates

The same as above.

However, the Processor & Amplifier are in different boxes.
The Pre Amplifier is in 1 box & the Power Amplifier is in a different box or several boxes. This will cost more & 'could' be more accurate & also more powerful.

3] Integrated Amplifiers

This is for pure 2 channel music play back.
There is no video circuit in this at all.
This is the most basic form of music play back.
Out from a 'source' [CD Player / Computer / DVD Player / Blue Ray Player etc.] is fed into an I.A. [Int Amp] & it will drive a speaker - direct.

4] Pre Amplifier

Amplification can be 'sub' divided into 2 parts.
a] Pre & b] Power

A Pre Amplifier in most cases - reduced the volume from a source.
The out from a Source [CD Player or any other - except a LP Player] is very high for a power amplifier & the pre amplifier generally does the job or spl reduction. The Voltage is reduced before it is sent to a Power Amplifier.

A Power Amplifier takes the Volts from a Pre Amplifier & increases it & also converts into current & feeds a speaker. That is why it is called an 'amplifier' it does the job of 'amplification' !!

I do hope this sheds some light & makes things clear. If you need to understand more, do feel free to pm & call me - I will try my best to make this clear to you. My knowledge too is limited, since I do not have a degree in Electronics, but I shall try....I promise !
Hi !

I am not good at this - but I will give it a try;

My knowledge too is limited, since I do not have a degree in Electronics, but I shall try....I promise !

Hmmm. Interesting statements Shanti!:)

By the way i am firm believer of a fact that a degree confirms that the person has 'information' but it does not ensure that the person has 'knowledge' and at the same time, a person can be very knowledgable even without any formal degree.
AVR primary use for home theater

Integrated and preamp+power primary for 2 channel stereo use (music). Integrated will drive your speaker directly and cost less than preamp+power.

Integrated no need warming up, you put the power on and ready onboard whereas for preamp power you need at least 10 minutes to warm out.
Thanks for the explanations, now I think I know what to look for my stereo music system. Can you also tell me about some of the good amplifiers available and also their range if possible.
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There are several brands which is very excellent, I can put some of it

01. Burmester (Made in Germany)
02. T+A Elektroakustik (Made in Germany)
03. McInstosh Labs (Made in USA)
04. Viola (Made in USA)
05. Mark Levinson (Made in USA)
06. YBA (Made in France)
07. Naim Audio (Made in UK)
08. Chord Electronics (Made in UK)
09. Linn Sondek (Made in UK)
10. Sim Audio (Made in Canada)
11. Classe (Made in Canada)
12. Bel Canto (Made in Italy)
13. Audio Note (Made in UK)
14. AMR (Made in UK)

I am not too sure about your budget availability but these brands are not cheap and price range is from 5000 - 50,000 USD per unit (I meant the cost of preamp itself can range from 5000 - 50,000 USD and same thing with power amplifier). I would suggest to have a look on Sim Audio since you are a beginner at Hi End Audio...the price is not too costly but the quality is very impressive.
There are several brands which is very excellent, I can put some of it

01. Burmester (Made in Germany)
02. T+A Elektroakustik (Made in Germany)
03. McInstosh Labs (Made in USA)
04. Viola (Made in USA)
05. Mark Levinson (Made in USA)
06. YBA (Made in France)
07. Naim Audio (Made in UK)
08. Chord Electronics (Made in UK)
09. Linn Sondek (Made in UK)
10. Sim Audio (Made in Canada)
11. Classe (Made in Canada)
12. Bel Canto (Made in Italy)
13. Audio Note (Made in UK)
14. AMR (Made in UK)

I am not too sure about your budget availability but these brands are not cheap and price range is from 5000 - 50,000 USD per unit (I meant the cost of preamp itself can range from 5000 - 50,000 USD and same thing with power amplifier). I would suggest to have a look on Sim Audio since you are a beginner at Hi End Audio...the price is not too costly but the quality is very impressive.

1 = excellent
2 = good
3 = still good
4 = the best as of now
5 = the best has passed
6 = gone to sleep
7 = I never liked the sound
8 = best smps guys in the works - nice - I like
9 = Linn you mean - used to be 'better'
10 = yes; mid-fi @ best !
11 = ex ML persons - not to write home about
12 = would not touch with a barge pole

There are many more options, but I am not sure if what you suggest is on the lines of this persons requirements. The 'upper' budget may be US $'s 1k/- [I assume] !!
So am integrated amplifier will suit - again an assumption..

p.s. Why were Tube products not suggested in that list ??

dartzeel / mbl / lamm / accuphase / gryphon / gamut / audio net / the lars / bladelius / wavac / audio research / vtl / vsl / trl / bat /
The list is rather long, but I assume you get my drift;;;
Simplified view for Stereo sound...

Integrated Amplifier:
This is where most of us start, and, even remain! You plug in your sources and your speakers, switch on --- and play.

On the back:
all those connections just mentioned.
On the front: controls to select source, adjust volume, etc.

This box includes the functions of pre-amp and power amp in one box.
I have owned three integrated amplifiers over the past twenty years or so. I have not gone to the separate pre/power arrangement.

You plug in your sources, but there are no connectors for speakers, and no output with sufficient power to drive speakers. (but you might be able to use headphones)

On the front:
may look just like the integrated amps just mentioned: controls for which source to listen to, volume control, etc. Adjusts the various input levels and (according to volume control) gives suitable output to a power amp

On the back: outputs to power amp

Power amp: pumps up the output from the preamp to a power that you can actually hear from your speakers.

On the back: input, output.
On the front: on/off switch.

The Audio-Visual world of movie watching, 5.1 or 7.1 speaker systems, attempting to recreate the cinema experience (Home-Theatre) in the home is a whole other universe entirely, about which I know almost nothing --- because I don't watch movies! :o

I don't think it is necessary to bring brand names into basic definitions at all, and certainly not to focus on the more up-market manufacturers. Most of us are likely to start with names that are familiar in the High-Street store (I started with Sony) and some of the names known for mass-production also produce some very fine, and pricey, higher-end kit (Marantz is the first name to enter my head)
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My personal choice will be Burmester, T+A Elektroakustik, McIntosh Labs and Sim Audio.

But for very beginner I prefer to buy Sim Audio. Do remember as well that cables play important role to produce a very good quality sound.

Several cables companies that highly I recommend are:

01. MIT Cables
02. Kimber Kable
03. Crystal Cable
04. Van den Hull
05. Voodoo Cables
06. Transparent Cables
07. DH Labs Silver Sonic

and many more cables companies hanging around in the market, you just need to listen and select according to your budget. I recommend to buy cables from their reference series. I am using 4 differents cable companies, ie Voodoo Cables for power cables for my preamp, power amp and CD player, DH labs Silver Sonic for my speaker and analog interconnect and MIT Cables power cable for my Phono Pre Amp
I have absolutely no idea about sonodyne brand....Why don't you buy audio/stereo system from people all over the world already know so that one day if you want to sell, it will be easy for you.

other than brands that I have mentioned previously, here are some more:

01. Dan D'Agostino
02. Primare
03. Ayre
04. Berkeley Audio Design

Good Luck,
Hi Shanti,

Sorry my mistake...Berkeley Audio does not make any amp...I was thinking other things....thanks for the correction....

Met Vriendelijke Groet,
I have seen power rating for speakers and amplifiers do they have any connection or they have to be matched if so in what ratio? I have gone through some NAD and Marantz amps please let me know which one should I prefer. How do you feel about ONKYO Integrated Digital Amplifier.
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I have seen power rating for speakers and amplifiers do they have any connection or they have to be matched if so in what ratio? I have gone through some NAD and Marantz amps please let me know which one should I prefer. How do you feel about ONKYO Integrated Digital Amplifier.

DO you like Honda or Toyota ?
Is it not personal !!
In the same manner - NAD or Marantz or Denon or Yamaha are all in and around the same level, it just boils down to personal preference....
Listen / Audition them all & buy what you like...
I intend to buy the Esoteric AI 10 Class D integrated amplifier which can be word synced with my Esoteric SA 10 cdp. Although I will hold on to my Bryston pre/power amplifiers, as I am not quite sure how it will sound.

I have been wanting to read up on Class A/AB/D amplifiers, but have never got around to doing so. Perhaps somebody can shed some light on the topologies of these amps and how they affect sound quality.
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