Anyone for a Bose Offer?


Well-Known Member
Nov 12, 2008
I am not fascinated anyway:indifferent14:


There is an universal opinion on the net that Bose is all hype and full of it.

Disclaimer:This post is not at all intended to offend any Bose owners. I have heard Bose only fleetingly.

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I beg to differ here....My first impression of Bose speakers was very good. I was quite amazed at the size of speakers and the loud clear sound they were producing without distortion. The sound was airy, and feels like you are immersed in a swimming pool full of sound :) I feel that Bose is good company. People who like to listen to electronic/fast music will like them.
I agree wholely with you. I have a bose V20 at home, and the simplicity of the setup, the elegant look of the speakers and the system, and the better than adequate sound performance is a winner for me. Living in a small apartment in Mumbai, I cannot afford to have the monstor sized ugly speakers jutting out of every wall. I am no fan of the big thumpers either. The Bose v20 delivers just the right volume with just the kind of thump I need.

BTW, I just supplemented by bose v20 with a 40" TV over the weekend. Was watching 'The Dark KNight' on Blu-ray yesterday through the bose home theater, with curtains drawn and lights turned off. The effect (Both sound & video) was simply AWESOME !! Bose (& Samsung) rocks. :clapping:

I beg to differ here....My first impression of Bose speakers was very good. I was quite amazed at the size of speakers and the loud clear sound they were producing without distortion. The sound was airy, and feels like you are immersed in a swimming pool full of sound :) I feel that Bose is good company. People who like to listen to electronic/fast music will like them.

yes even some budget computer speakers sounded great - in fact back in college my combination of soundblaster platinum along with creative 5200/5300 had so many takers that the local computer shop gave me a 1gb pen drive free (those were expensive that time) since i referred them to his store.

I have heard Bose extensively in various places including bose stores in CP Delhi, South Coast plaza, CA, at a couple of friends places (1 was actually very happy - other 2 wanted to throw their 2.1 systems away) and even in a nissan 350z. At all place I found out one thing - bose emphasized highs and lows that has many takers (remember most people turned on rock or jazz on the equalizer on compact systems for better sound) - but had very muddy midrange and vocals (where IMHO most of the data lies).

Having a marketing background - i would say hats off to Bose; as a connoisseur of good music - i would say I can get 200% better quality at 50% lesser monetary value - that implies a total rip-off.:rolleyes:

PS: And yes its nice to be back of the forum after a short hiatus.
The thing is, they are slightly better than the Sonys and the Philips-es of the world.

Bose's sound is scooped out with accentuated treble and bass, and a subdued mid-range. And I am not speaking solely from what i've read, i've heard Bose home setups on a number of occasions. Overall the sound is reasonably decent, but the value is just not there, and for the same money you can get much much better stuff.

I beg to differ here....My first impression of Bose speakers was very good. I was quite amazed at the size of speakers and the loud clear sound they were producing without distortion. The sound was airy, and feels like you are immersed in a swimming pool full of sound :) I feel that Bose is good company. People who like to listen to electronic/fast music will like them.
Exactly. Quite spot on the issue with the mids. I love to hear vocals and when I listened to Bose (probably in some music store) it was all chham chhamm chhamm or dhhann dhhhann dhhann. The mids were very subdued....Only the highs are bright and low with some added emphasis..
Once i heard their Wave system or something, many years ago. The moment the guy hit the play button, the sound was clear and airy no doubt, but i asked him 'where's the bass?' he said 'sir, this is bass for you, can't you hear?', man, there was nothing in the bass dept., just the treble and midrange. i don't know may be was i asking too much from the wave? I shook my head in disbelief - at that time i was having zero setup in my house and little hifi knowledge.:sad:
i actually thought the Wave sounded nice for its size (but definitely not for its price), and it's less "scooped out" than the other Bose stuff that I've heard. But of course then I heard the Audioengine 2s and the A2s easily eclipse the Wave.

Once i heard their Wave system or something, many years ago. The moment the guy hit the play button, the sound was clear and airy no doubt, but i asked him 'where's the bass?' he said 'sir, this is bass for you, can't you hear?', man, there was nothing in the bass dept., just the treble and midrange. i don't know may be was i asking too much from the wave? I shook my head in disbelief - at that time i was having zero setup in my house and little hifi knowledge.:sad:
Here's an interesting review of the Bose 201 bookshelves (12k per pair in India). Seems like they're not entirely rubbish, and unlike the sub-sat systems which i've heard with scooped out mids, the mids are where these speakers apparently shine.

AudiogoN Reviews: Bose 201 Series V

I've never heard the 201s, but if I ever get some free time, I should go over to a Bose shop and try and listen to them.
My first speakers were 201's ( Bought Used ) and IMHO they were decent speakers - this is apx 10 yeras back I paired them with first Sonodyne ,then Fiaher and in the end sansui amp

Anyway there was some mismatch between Fisher ( 60 WPC) and bose and that is why I sold fisher

Still as a brand I think they are doing excellant job - remember brand is nothing to do with intended utility - how do you explain a 20 Rs diluted chemicals ( Coke n Pepsi) are they really quench your thirst or how do you explain a 20000 Rs Eramangildo Zegna shirt ( Yes 20 K and I think it is starting price!) - it's utility is not covering the body and if it is not fitting it will look bad -as bad as rs 200 shirt!Or your cellphone shows correct time ,a 20 $ casio will show correct time then what is the use of Rolex?

There comes brand in picture...

And I worked in mass electronics industry and mind well genearl people do not eed "true and honest" sound they like coloured excessively bassy and treble havy ( jhankaar beats) sound.Bose is for this segment which MOST of the consumers are in this segment!
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