Av Racks for Stereo and Home Theatre

Congratulations on the new venture! Nice to see a real engineering approach for a change. Here's another (unsolicited) suggestion:

Glass tends to ring and if you can source some sandstone from a local supplier this would be a big step up from glass. Granite and other stone materials also ring to some extent. Perhaps a wood option might also be worth looking at. These could all be options for you to consider.

Also I could not see clearly from the picture but is that an isolation design on the feet at the bottom of the rack?
@ Nikhil thanks for the encouragement. I will see if sandstone is available and revert to you. The problem with wood is the inconsistency in procurement, for my house I bought a whole log of mahogany. The look and finish is a dream but the doors and windows have warped and some would not even close. In India there is no substitute for teak. Carpenters only know how to work with teak.
Yes it is an isolation design at the feet. At every level I have used Isolation. Every level is independent of the next. if you notice the legs are not attached to the other with a bracket this is because even the glass has been drilled on a cnc machined. This is not a fabricated table but an engineered one thanks for noticing.
It will automatically always be in firm contact with the ground and with the next level at all times and stay that way forever as it is a tripod. Levels can be added or removed. The user can make it into two racks if desired. The options are endless.
I didn't see any banner. It would be nice to have in-house commercial member(s) for making quality racks and stands. What's the status of the rack development?
i would certainly be interested in good quality racks fro my music system. have u commercialized it yet?
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