AV receiver and Speakers for Western ,Indian Classical/Folk music and Movies


New Member
Sep 29, 2020
Hi All

I live in INDIA (Chennai) and I am planning for a good speaker and AV receiver .The speakers will be used for movies at moderate volumes, and streaming classical (both Western and Indian Classical/folk, JAZZ , POP ) as well as occasional rock. Voice clarity is important.
My room size is 15 x 15 , budget for AV receiver and speakers would be 75000 INR

Don't know about the receiver, but the QA Concept 20 should work out for your need.
For 75K, you can go with Yamaha 585 AVR(around 45K) & QAccoustic 3020i/3030i bookshelf speakers. I own Yamaha and it is very musical.
For Music, you can't go wrong with Marantz/Yamaha AVR with QAquistic speakers.
+1. You cannot go wrong with Marantz and Yamaha for music but Denon is not bad either.
Q Acoustics are great and there is a ELAC Original B6 for sale in the for sale section. It’s good as well. Quite punchier speakers too.
If you want floor standers, you may check Onkyo SKF-4800. They are reviewed well by CNET. I own them too. Good for both movies and music with good bass.
Hello Chander , OM , Prodigy Shinshya

Thanks a lot for all your comments , I am very new to buying professional musical systems .
I googled few sites , where there says spend 70% of budget for speakers rest for AV receiver . Please advise a receiver and set of speakers for listening to indian music and holly wood movie

some article says ohms for speaker and AV should match and 90+DB is excellent

I also read that Bananna buttons are best and we need to also buy good wires for connections like Silverline etc
speaker wire selection

please advise


Hi All

Thi site talk about selecting the AV / Speakers based on some calculations . Not sure how to measure them

As your first step, please do not worry about cables. get the right AVR and Speakers. and use the regular coppers speaker cables for now.

Are you looking at a 5.1 setup or are you ok for a pair of stereo speakers ? you will get better quality for the money with a stereo setup on music. For a stereo, something like a Marantz CR412 will play CDs. allow bluetooth and also has a 60 W amp at around 37K. Pair that with a speaker like a Elac debut at 35K or if you can extend further a Epos K5 at around 42 K. so many options there

If its an AVR there are many options , but for music a stereo amp will be far better unless you want to move to a 5 speaker setup for HT.
@thirumaran oh boy, oh boy! Google is the reason we are all broke (apologies to the ones who still aren't). There is a lot to this hobby to read about and a lot to 'get-into'. But you will have enough time for that.

To begin - get yourself a decent AVR, as suggested by many FMs here. For your sound needs QAcoustics sound like what could work for you, BUT and it is a big BUT, you have to listen and decide. In my opinion you can't go wrong with QAs on a budget.

Once you are in - get into the numbers, but for now just listen and enjoy.

And please do know, I do not propose not being educated, it is extremely important you are, but sometimes the knowledge comes in the way of enjoyment. Please ENJOY first.
Hi Chander

You are right ,too many research not advised for starter like -:)
My worry I should not selecting a wrong Receiver and Speaker which I cannot enjoy ..hence asking advise before I do a purchase on Make and model of Receiver and speakers for Indian music

Hello Chander , OM , Prodigy Shinshya

Thanks a lot for all your comments , I am very new to buying professional musical systems .
I googled few sites , where there says spend 70% of budget for speakers rest for AV receiver . Please advise a receiver and set of speakers for listening to indian music and holly wood movie

some article says ohms for speaker and AV should match and 90+DB is excellent

I also read that Bananna buttons are best and we need to also buy good wires for connections like Silverline etc
speaker wire selection

please advise


Hi All

Thi site talk about selecting the AV / Speakers based on some calculations . Not sure how to measure them

I somewhat agree to the ratio of 70/30 when you are starting off with your HiFi journey but when time flys and you get used to your rigs, you will start investing on better sources. So it is vice-versa that time . Anyways, that’s everyone’s story.

If I were to be in your place, I would have picked up a good Floor Standers (May be a brand new QAcoustics 3050i. Should cost you somewhere around 60k) and look for an AVR in the used section.
The 3050i are good speakers and will last longer and you may not think of upgrading those at least for 6 to 7 years.

So for now go for a used AVR. If you are lucky you get some good deals on HFV. Grab the opportunity and pick it up. By doing this you will stay within your budget and will be happy long term. You will have a good 2.0 for now.

The QA 3050i delivers good sound and you may not need a sub for 2 channel listening. Later you can add a Center from the same series and a sub.
What's your ratio of movies/music?
If it is predominantly music, go for stereo amp.

For movies you will need a subwoofer.
You could look at bookshelves (or even large satellites) and subwoofer combination.

If you want to save some money, look at the sale section for pre-owned equipment.
Even now there is a Yamaha V585 posted for sale.
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