Backup DVD/CD or External Hard Disk Which One?

The Maxtor HD I have uses a special USB wire which needs 2 USB port of the computer . Why is this done ? Is it for additional power from 2 ports.

But I use only one port - This may be the cause of data loss.:sad:
This is highly doubthful.

You wont lose the data due to intermittent loss in powering your USB. Your drive is either powered or not. If there is insufficient power it wont even be recognised by the PC.

If you are getting paranoid about this problem, you may want to look into flash based drives of larger capacity. They are very expensive now but as with storage, the prices shoudl drop in a few months.

16GB pen drives at available nowadays for about 1800 rupees.

Theitdepot - USB-Flash-Pen-drive

I have one permanently plugged in to my car stereo. It is quite convenient!
"Next time try using Copy Paste command.That way original files stays on HD. after confirming backup you can delete it."

This is a wise suggestion......will do so...Thanks......

In a cut-paste operation, to my knowledge, the item gets deleted (cut) from the source location only after the item has been successfully transferred to the destination location (paste operation). Until then, you see the source item greyed out. If the operation fails, the greying out goes away.

In that sense, a cut-paste is about as safe as a copy-paste, and avoids an extra delete or shift-delete.

I'm fairly certain that the cut-paste was successful.. probably landed somewhere else, as mentioned by others.
"Next time try using Copy Paste command.That way original files stays on HD. after confirming backup you can delete it."

This is a wise suggestion......will do so...Thanks......

One more thing: You can try doing "Undo" (control+Z) if you accidentally cut-paste something.
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