Best Portable/Mini-setup Sound : what to buy ?


New Member
Oct 17, 2008

I would like to know the options for a carry around portable system that is high end. It could be a dock or a 2spk/source-ampli system.
Budget upto 1 lac.

the B&W Ipod Dock costs 36k but lacks bass.

what are the views about Arcam solo 5.1/mini... what are they?
or NAD visio 5.....

Another option is active bookshelf speakers...

I mean the system should occupy space taken by a 'sony music system' but obviously of not that sound category.
And if i have to shift, i just pack the system and carry it.

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You could get our very own BOSE:D dock

Surprisingly you didn't like the B&W Zeppillin . I thought that the bass from a juke box of that size was quite good. B&W got this right IMO though too expensive.

You also have the Meridian Ferrari F80 ( not sure abt the exact model name) since you are not averse to spending the big bucks.
There are some very nice options. NAD Viso 2 (I don't think you need 5) is one good option and probably the cheaper one. Arcam Solo Movie 2.1 is another.
By the way I own the zeppelin. I wouldn't say it lacks bass. Definitely not like a floorstander or a woofer. In fact if that bass is less then I think you might need a subwoofer for sure. Its pretty good sounding, though has its own limitations for a single box sound.
If you are looking for only stereo single boxes, you can think of Linn Sneaky DS as well. A very different solution.
You can go the active speaker route as well. Quad's are one.
Purchase the Audiolab 6000A Integrated Amplifier at a special offer price.