But The Song DOES NOT Remain the Same

$ 4400 a pair (US Prices)

4400 x 45 = Rs.1,98,000 ex-US. Say 20% on transit = Rs.2,37,000
Customs in India (@36%) = Rs.3,23,000
Price paid = Rs.3,60,000 ..... Dealer margin = @ 13% (Thats very fair)

:p .... just trying to determine my net worth and affordability ..... well, I rightly said earlier, even if I sold myself, shan't be able to come up with this figure ..........

Congratulations Malvai. May these darth vaders make some great music for you :)
Congratulations manav.
Bryston+ Thiels = Good pairing

Now sit back and enjoy what u have.


Thanks bro!

The amp does have a firm grip on them Thiels. Every reviewer says that these are pretty hard to drive. The Bryston 3 BSST is doing a great job!

I have no complaints! In fact, I used to find the Bryston 3 BSST a bit edgy with the Monitor Audio RS 8.

With the Thiel CS 2.4 they sound very very neutral, despite the superb bass slam!

The imaging is pint point! And no matter where in the room, it sounds good. It only gets better if you are sitting in the sweet spot!

And they do allow a fairly decent and wide sweet spot.

Though, quite frankly, I am still trying to re-arrange the living room to optimise the experience almost everyday!
Hi Malvai

This is a great combo - congrats on being an owner of the Bryston Thiel Combo. The SST series is one of the best from Bryston as they seem to have taken care of the "soul-less" 'dry' categorisation from earlier amps. The pairing is fantastic as the Bryston's can drive the Thiels very effortlessly with more to spare.

Enjoy the system.
Great system and nice room/placement. Have you tried experimenting with spearker toe-in to get the best soundstage and imaging? Are you planning to upgrade the CDP and the pre-amp (probably a tube amp if it works with the Bryston) also?
Great system and nice room/placement. Have you tried experimenting with spearker toe-in to get the best soundstage and imaging? Are you planning to upgrade the CDP and the pre-amp (probably a tube amp if it works with the Bryston) also?

Thanks for the compliment bro.
I have been experimenting with the speaker placement quite a bit and have more or less found an optimal placement for now. Need to do some room tweaks though.... Like reducing the height of the rack, removing the TV from the equation altogether etc.

Apart from that have already ordered a pair of XLO ULTRA 6 cables. Got lucky and found a guy with New Old Stock! Sweet deal!

Am also slowly buying better IC's. Got a good deal on audiogon on a pair of VDH "The Second" XLR's! So, that's on the way here now.

Next I will be putting up my Onkyo Preamp. I have been dilly dallying on it as it is one SWEET pre amp. Its already beaten the Bryston BP6 head to head! Its phono stage is great too! So, its really hard for me to part.

But, soon, I will be buying a superb passive pre-amp. A friend is helping out to optimise it with a very niche marketer/producer in Europe. Once I have it will probably put the Onkyo up for sale.

Then, I'll also need a phono amp. This is when I order The Nighthawk! A product that Shaizada swears by. Purely looking at its spec ad capabilities the Nighthawk will be the most interesting buy for me. As it will be an 'end of the line solution' just like the ordered passive pre and the existing Thiels!

In short, my work is cut out for me! give or take a couple of ICs and phono cartridges! :lol:
Its almost 15 days since I've had the speakers now, and I thought I should update!

In the last 2 weeks or so since the Thiels came, they've been 'burnt in' at an average of about 10-12 hours a day!

Now with over a 160 hours of play, these big boys sound waaaaaaaaaay better. The HF's are crisp and seem to be settling in. The LF's are punchier!

As I write this, am listening to J. Joplin's get it while you can.... Its a song from a best of hers that was half speed mastered in the early 80's.

The song is quite apt! Guys you gotta get the Thiels... while you can!
Hi manav
Have always liked the thiels and am thinking of taking the plunge and getting myself one!!
Just want to hear both the thiels i.e 2.4 & 3.7 on my amp and then decide.
Can always flog the 805s later.
Hi manav
Have always liked the thiels and am thinking of taking the plunge and getting myself one!!
Just want to hear both the thiels i.e 2.4 & 3.7 on my amp and then decide.
Can always flog the 805s later.

Bro! Take the plunge I tell ya! Its worth it.
In case you want to, you're most welcome to bring your amp home and have a looooong listen!

Will keep the beer chilled and the Tikka's on call! And, no Chembur is only 35 mins away (if you take the Dock road!)

One more thing, the 3.7 is simply too big for most Mumbai homes. Plus your amp is just right for the 2.4 (IMHO).
belated congrats malvai!

looks like no boom in the sound but boom in the business eh? ;) and with the clearaudio you surely must be enjoying right now!

Bro! Take the plunge I tell ya! Its worth it.
In case you want to, you're most welcome to bring your amp home and have a looooong listen!

Will keep the beer chilled and the Tikka's on call! And, no Chembur is only 35 mins away (if you take the Dock road!)

One more thing, the 3.7 is simply too big for most Mumbai homes. Plus your amp is just right for the 2.4 (IMHO).

Thanks for the invite Manav.

What I am planning is hearing it at the Juhu Boomerang outlet. They have the Accuphase E 350 plus the Pre/power (Class A/B) Will hear the 2.4 with both these and then take a call.
Speakers are heavy so unless I really like the initial listen I wont make the effort to lug them home.

U are right on the 3.7 being a large speaker and sometimes too large to accomodate in a moderately sized room. I am more familiar with the 3.7 but I hope the 2.4 does it for me.
Yesterday I had opportunity to hear very high end audio system at malvai's place. here is my noob impression of it.

He has in his setup ...
Turntable : Clear Audio, probably best designed Turntable. Worth their money for looks, but I know they do their job brilliantly for which they are made.
Pre and power : Sorry, I have little knowledge of Onkyo pre and Bryston amp but I think they are very very high end.
Speakers : Thiels. Can't describe in audiophile terms but here is a shot at how I find them... No matter what music you feed them they easily deliver the sound you want. Dire Straits, Dave Brubeck and my favourite ZZ Top vinyls Simply rocks in this system. Speakers gave a feeling they were kind of made up of number of drivers and each driver playing different instruments (High fidelity ? Stereo separation ? I don't know). They were like disciplined gymnasts of communist Russia :p each note and instrument sound delivered perfectly and effortlessly. Amazing clarity at both low and high level of volume. In short, an audition of his system before one decides buying anything else would be of great help.

Oh! I forgot, Malvai showed me his vinyl collection. Neatly arranged in beautiful wooden rack showcase. A great collection (few of which he promised to give me to listen to as looooooong as I want :D).

Malvai, thanks a lot for introducing high end to me.
Hiten :)
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Manav is one of the good guys :) I'm really happy for him and his progress in the quest of sound.

Now I just need to raid that vinyl collection of his! hehe
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Yesterday I had opportunity to hear very high end audio system at malvai's place. here is my noob impression of it.

He has in his setup ...
Turntable : Clear Audio, probably best designed Turntable. Worth their money for looks, but I know they do their job brilliantly for which they are made.
Pre and power : Sorry, I have little knowledge of Onkyo pre and Bryston amp but I think they are very very high end.
Speakers : Thiels. Can't describe in audiophile terms but here is a shot at how I find them... No matter what music you feed them they easily deliver the sound you want. Dire Straits, Dave Brubeck and my favourite ZZ Top vinyls Simply rocks in this system. Speakers gave a feeling they were kind of made up of number of drivers and each driver playing different instruments (High fidelity ? Stereo separation ? I don't know). They were like disciplined gymnasts of communist Russia :p each note and instrument sound delivered perfectly and effortlessly. Amazing clarity at both low and high level of volume. In short, an audition of his system before one decides buying anything else would be of great help.

Oh! I forgot, Malvai showed me his vinyl collection. Neatly arranged in beautiful wooden rack showcase. A great collection (few of which he promised to give me to listen to as looooooong as I want :D).

Malvai, thanks a lot for introducing high end to me.
Hiten :)

@Hiten: Thanks for all the compliments. you're most welcome to come over anytime!

Manav is one of the good guys :) I'm really happy for him and his progress in the quest of sound.

Now I just need to raid that vinyl collection of his! hehe

@Shaizada: Thanks bro! the sound is gonna get better 'n better. Just got meself a VDH 'The Second' XLR. Have attached the pre and power to each other with it. The sound is now waaaaaay more detailed. Warm, but not mushy. The HF's are even more refined. The mid's are butter. The Bass had got some enhancement too. I now hear LF's that were suppressed earlier. More cables changes coming up. And yup, the Nighthawk is happening too! The passive pre is also being worked on!
And bro, i'll be the one doing the raiding! You got a collection that is far far far ahead of me as of now. I mean c'mon! What is a measly 900 LP collection in front of what you've stashed!

Manav is one of the reference line product from the product line of God!

@anm: bro! Am speechless!
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man udidmt buy a plasma yet common kidding go buy a plasma or lcd see the glow on ur chicks lips:eek:hyeah:

dude, for both me and my 'chick' music and books are the real deal. movies are best seen in the cinema hall or on a flat screen CRT. Plasma and LCD tech is still not near good old crt.

But, thanks for the suggestion any day.

For now, we're both very happy to see the lovely images our ears are making us see.
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