Cable talk-Qed,Kimber,Nordost

Anyone knows where can i get a hi quality power cable. I want this for my cousin who is having a vintage Hitachi Power amplifier,. and the Power consumption is 1800watts.


I dont know what is available in coimbatore.
The power consumption is generally at MAX power (at full load) and at normal listening levels we dont go close to max. Secondly consumption will also depend on speaker impedances. Basically get a 2.5 3 CORE power cable from FINOLEX etc for getting the job done. If u want to get into different branded power cords then the list is huge. Cheap,decent (relatively) ones are the kimber and supra cables.
he he of course, statistically worthless, but just great fun to see what he'd used. I'm going to blind test some speaker wire and interconnects on my setup one of these days, and see if i can spot a difference. It will not have any significance to anyone else of course, but if i personally can't spot a difference on my setup, then I probably shouldn't be spending that money.

I dunno, all the poll proves is that for 15 people Chord cable sounds as good/bad as keys and chocolate wrappers.

Statistically, it proves nothing.

Personally, I believe there are only two kinds of cables, ones that do the job and ones that do not. Beyond that, the differences between 'good' cables are only for tonal variations, not night and day improvements as one is led to believe.

Of course 'Good' has very little to do with the price of the cable.
I dunno, all the poll proves is that for 15 people Chord cable sounds as good/bad as keys and chocolate wrappers.

Statistically, it proves nothing.

Personally, I believe there are only two kinds of cables, ones that do the job and ones that do not. Beyond that, the differences between 'good' cables are only for tonal variations, not night and day improvements as one is led to believe.

Of course 'Good' has very little to do with the price of the cable.

Listening to a .wav file on god knows what PC is now the way of evaluating cables?!?!?
Anyhow, mediocrity is the general rule of humanity. My proof in USA is:
- Budweiser sells far more than any good beer.
- Mcdonalds does far more business than any good restaurant
- Crap pop movies do far more business than any intellectual film
- Crap "Oprah" pop books sell far more than any intellectual book
and it just goes on....So, yes, both the test method and the result appear to match the general caliber of humanity.

But as another poster said, s/he will try it on their own to see if they are part of the statistically insignificant 5% that have the attention span and ability to acutally discern.

Suggest the rest of you do the same.
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The fact that the mass market exists is because most people can hear no differences in things like this. The result simply proves that the mass market can breathe a sigh of relief, as most people still cannot hear the differences.

I will strongly disagree with this part of your statement. Most people have been brainwashed and misinformed that they can't hear differences. I have not yet had a single person in my basement that hasn't left with a sense of wow at what they have heard.

Most afterwards will question and dismiss because high-quality sound reproduction isn't important to them. No issues there since we all have our hobbies....

As one individual essentially said to me "this sounds amazing but you actually just sit here and do nothing but listen to music? Thats weird.". Fair enough and I do it all the time.

(I also disagree that PCs are a source of good sound but this is changing as the high-end market is now paying attention to music servers, et al).

i agree that there is not huge differences among a certain league of cable . Have you ever tried cotton insulated are that they require very less burnin time.

How do you feel on OFC / pure silver/silver coated copper ones ...
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Did anyone triy serious listening with QED silver any cable?Even chord?
They are supposed to be the best by hifi mag.
Did anyone triy serious listening with QED silver any cable?Even chord?
They are supposed to be the best by hifi mag.

There can be no Best!!! Cables are system specific.
And QED is definately not the 'best'. Some chord ICS are good but then so are so many from different cable cos.
There can be no Best!!! Cables are system specific.
And QED is definately not the 'best'. Some chord ICS are good but then so are so many from different cable cos.


As you know av-EXPO @BKC on 2,3 & 4OCT,I m thinking of new spk cables for Fronts & centre,
Last time I cld see both cables available.I need moderately priced cables(above cables too)which are actually faithful to signal,ie carry exactly same sound which amp outputs upto spk.I know sound is dependent on source & amp.I heard both chord,Qued to be best in its class.Many are suggesting DAC,MX too.Which one are ideal?

As you know av-EXPO @BKC on 2,3 & 4OCT,I m thinking of new spk cables for Fronts & centre,
Last time I cld see both cables available.I need moderately priced cables(above cables too)which are actually faithful to signal,ie carry exactly same sound which amp outputs upto spk.I know sound is dependent on source & amp.I heard both chord,Qued to be best in its class.Many are suggesting DAC,MX too.Which one are ideal?

For ur fronts and centre try Supra classic 4 @ 400/meter or Jenteck classic 4 @ 350/meter. The first is tin coated copper and the latter is pure copper.
Both are made in sweden. Both these i prefer to the 'popular' Chord silver screen.
QED from what i had read only labels cable bought from bulk manufacturers. Most stuff comes from taiwan.
No opinion on MX as i have never tried them.
By DAC u mean Designer audio cable in bbay? They too import from taiwan and sell under their brand name as far as i know.
Following is a link to 2 pics of an interconnect cable i received from a friend

Picasa Web Albums - khuzema - My Old Home S...

he uses it in some pricey rigs and comes highly recommended

its one of the best made interconnects ive seen
ive still to get some opinions when i meet dinyaar ji
(im hoping to meet him soon )

i havent tested the cable yet but i think its 75ohm and can double up as a digital interconnect too as well as RCA

its a 10mm OD interconnect cable, with double metal sheilding
i think i counted 6-7 layers of sheathing
the materials used seem quite differnt from the run of the mill ICs
(need to check with dinyaar about what they are)
Re: Cotton, unfortunately cannot be used in low-level signals (ICs) because they tend to be microphonic. Should be fine for speaker cables, but not worked with them.
for IC .. all popular VH Audio's offering cotton insulated wire..
i need to explore for truth...:)
good to know silver inside speakers create good results.
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