Calling all stereophiles... to loosen up

its actually a hit and miss sir:)
concerts sound great on multichannel as do some other songs that are mastered for multi-channel listening but ever tried listening to jazz or say country on a multi-channel system. It would sound ridiculous. :sad:
My search on the placement of subs led me to this: The Advantage to 5.1 Channel Music - AxiomAudio

What say you?

Hi Vj@HiFi,

there is something truly remarkable about how a two channel stereo system can create a phantom (sound) image and lay a soundstage for one to enjoy.

i have heard good multi-channel systems play music meant for such systems (mainly live music shows), - never could relate too much to them.:sad:
Do you mean loosening up ones wallet ??:ohyeah:

Just Imagine:
5 speakers instead of 2 (3x $$$$ :sad:)
More Cables..some of them 20 Feet long
For Same quality of amplifiers ..3 more monoblocks
..and worst of all new media to bought which are anyway limited..not to mention a good quality universal player..

..I think ill prefer my 2 Ch ! i am with Suri on this one ..
Since the digitization of audio video technically it is not difficult to achieve superbly hifi 5.1 channel music. Some Purist dont even want crossover in two way speakers system leave alone disturbing stereo output. I have seen some purist listening to Indian Classical flat i.e. with out any tone. So I guess for some it comes down to perspective rather than technicality.
I have heard a number of 5.1 CDs (or should I say DVDs) on my HT system, and they certainly sound nice. Actually it is quite strange, but once you listen to a well recorded 5.1 audio on a (good) HT system, if you listen to it on a 2.0, you will think something is missing. Your mind will play tricks with you expecting a particular instrument to be played for behind you.

In Hindi we have Dhoom and in Tamil Vettaiyadu Vilayadi both recorded in 5.1. Unfortunately these do not seem to be available any more, nor are they bringing out any new 5.1 audio DVDs.

Unless I listen to a really good recording that bring outs 'the subtle time, level and phase differences present on a lot of stereo recordings' as Alan says, I am very skeptical about playing stereo in Neo 6 and such decoding software. This is what many of our cinema halls do when ever there is song sequence. And, believe me, that is a painful experience. In a genuine 5.1 recording, either the instruments are recorded into independent channels, or the time and phase differences are physically coded in. These are things you can actually hear.

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It is just a GIMMICK to sell more loudspeakers. And more AVRs :D

We never sit in the middle of a band with the performers around us in a circle. So why do we need speakers around us for music ? :sad:
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