Classifieds (Buy/Sell) is back

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Well-Known Member
Dec 4, 2008
Chennai, India
Have a happy news for all. The Buy and Sell is back :clapping: . Currently, its open for members and soon dealer section will be integrated.

Thanks for all who helped us make the decision and super thanks to SuperM for making it happen.


Read the rules.

Lets use it objectively

Thanks Ram... We welcome this...:clapping: I will start with something soon to kick off...
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Thats good news ! Credit goes to you madbullram :)
Thanks again.
Sri/Hiten: Offcourse not, the credit goes to all of us who voted and put in suggestions and SuperM who had to spend time and money to get this running.

I was just a catalyst :)
Thanks MBR/MDR,

Now we can say -Hifivision is of the members,for the members & by the members.

I am having one suggestion. Since the communication is only allowed through PM, is there any chance to increase the message storage limit?Otherwise it will be very difficult to manage the inquiries. Also others may be denied to contact a person unless he clears the inbox.
Sri/Hiten: Offcourse not, the credit goes to all of us who voted and put in suggestions and SuperM who had to spend time and money to get this running.

I was just a catalyst :)

Hi Members & request to Super M & MR

We all know Hifi is spending lot of money and time to run this site..We can be part of this.........

we can also open club membership ( to meet the expenses for hosting the site) with some moderate fees or call donation ( just say Rs.100 / 200/xxx if anybody interested. such like in avsforum..Please note this is not compulosory to view the forum or to generate the views and suggestion. The fees generated will help hifi to serve free for all in long run.


The goal amount to run the site per year can be displayed in the front page, so that interested members can donate whatever they want...

I hope the valuable inputs what we are generating today should be in the web for ever, not like that we should not loose....Proper backup of the site should be done with that money generated... If anyday site crashes due to some technical problem we should be able to recover all the datas... It happened to lot of AV forums earlier... Whether HIfi is prepared for that???

Members can tell your view.

Just one line added after seeing CMSAJITH message... privelege can be given for members who paid membership fees/ donation can be given more Inbox space:lol:


Thanks to everyone involved in getting this back.

Few thoughts

Why aren't we allowed to bump a thread - Not frequently, May be we should be allowed once a day?

Also i thought keeping the all the sale discussion - excluding the payment methods etc should be on the thread. This can also make the buyer an informed decision?
Teky: Bumping serves no purpose except the seller and also add to thread count etc. So its not allowed.

Also, this is just a way to post or advertise, any discussion btw buyer and seller can be done via PMs and not with HFV.
Thanks to everyone involved in getting this back.

Few thoughts

Why aren't we allowed to bump a thread - Not frequently, May be we should be allowed once a day?

Also i thought keeping the all the sale discussion - excluding the payment methods etc should be on the thread. This can also make the buyer an informed decision?

just a quick question... how are u going to accept donations(i mean by what method.. if the amounts are small?)


just a quick question... how are u going to accept donations(i mean by what method.. if the amounts are small?)



This was prompted by Srini, we have not posted that. If all members thinks its okay, then I will talk to Super Mod and see if he is okay.
Since we all have been benifited by the forum one way or the other i personally feel that some kind of monetery contribution from all of us is very much essential for this forum to run smoothly.Who knows one day each of us might proudly announce to others that we are a member of this forum.
I have kick started the classified section today with one item,, will soon appear if mod approves... :)

Regarding Membership fees/ donation whatsoever we call and fix, there is no doubt it is an investement for our benifit and also for our AV community only for existense of this forum and moreover your daily thoughts & your struggle:lol: to get an Hifi Audio/Video will be remembered forever.. It will be an good memory to revisit this old bin on your later visiting your old friends... However we loose the touch with our school once we leave the classs, here we learn daily..... and share( teach is not an good word) others our experience and knowledge.


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