complete audio setup


New Member
Aug 23, 2008
Ive got a NAD C325BEE, NAD 525 and Monitor audio br2. i would like to build a rack to place these equipment with wood (local carpenter). In addition i want it to house my CDs and make room for a turntable. At what height and angle should the speakers be placed. I am planning to have a sitting area 8 feet away. In addition i am planning to keep a bookshelf directly behind the sitting area. Would that help in the acoustics? Should the rack be open or closed from behind with wood?
Ive got a NAD C325BEE, NAD 525 and Monitor audio br2. i would like to build a rack to place these equipment with wood (local carpenter). In addition i want it to house my CDs and make room for a turntable. At what height and angle should the speakers be placed. I am planning to have a sitting area 8 feet away. In addition i am planning to keep a bookshelf directly behind the sitting area. Would that help in the acoustics? Should the rack be open or closed from behind with wood?

Congratulations on the set up.
SM Speakers should placed at a height where the tweeters are at the ear level of the listener. So if u place ur speaker on a stand that is about 24/26 inches u will achieve that. Since ur seating is 8ft away ur speakers should be seperated less than that, about 6 ft should be fine. Toe in the speakers till u feel u are in a sweet spot. Have at least a foot from the rear wall and more if possible to get an accurate bass response. If these are rear ported maybe u will need more space at the rear.Play music and experiment with the amount of seperation and toe in. Basically u and the speakers are forming an isosceles triangle.
Put them on SOLID,INERT stands if possible. If putting on stools then try and isolate the stool from the floor using ur imagination! Even SM speakers come with tiny feet. (Rubber/metal or whatever) Please use them.
Regarding the rack try and make from solid wood and not plywood or MDF. The best option would be an OPEN RACK design. Maximum isolation and ventilation of components is important. I prefer an open back as its convenient to access the rear of the components and there is ample space for dressing cables. Check out designs on
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I agree with Dinyaar's comments. Just want to re-emphasise that there is really no substitute for dedicated, good quality, inert and isolated stands for standmounts. Try to buy stands from a reputed manufacturer (plenty available cheap in India), failing which I would recommend DIY designs available at TNT Audio, which you can convey to your carpenter.

This is the single most important investment you can make towards realising the best possible sound from your setup, and one I can vouch for from personal experience. Whatever you do, do not skimp on these.

Wharfedale Linton Heritage Speakers in Red Mahogany finish at a Special Offer Price. BUY now before the price increase.