Configuration for music

Placed an order for Norge 1000 with Mr Bajaj. Will go in for Norge + Wharf combo for the present, upgrade to Marantz PM next year

Hi abracher9,
The Norge amp + Wharfe combo has a signature that has many satisfied owners on this forum (including me in past). Adding Marantz cdp in chain will enhance that experience further. This is not to dis-orient you from your decision, but I strongly suggest Usher V-601 bookshelves (@35k MRP) instead of Wharfe 9.5. This Usher + cdp + Norge should still be close to your 60k budget.

Usher V-601 has flatter freq response and can deliver more micro details than Wharfe... these qualities matter if you passionately look for finer details in music. If you don't want your music louder than 100 dB (at 2m from speaker), then this bookshelf will serve as good as wharfe 9.5 floorstander in loudness & bass.

Bought the Norge 1000 Amp direct from Mr Bajaj at Mumbai. He couriered it in 03 days flat.
Also got the Wharfedale 9.6 after audition from Bass n Treble. Got a decent price thanks to Denny. Very helpful and good advice from him.
Currently my set up is:

Old Philips DVD Player (Planning upgrade to Marantz CD5003 in April)
Norge 1000 Concerto Gold
Wharfedale 9.6
Chord Audio Connectors and speaker wires

Hardly got time to listen to the music since my leave got over (I'm in the Army) but 1 day of Hi Fi bliss!! I know it will improve in due course of time.

Thanks to all you guys for your advice.

Well, Got the Marantz CD5003 a couple of days back. Now the setup is complete ...... for now!


good for you abracher9 ! I thiunk thats the way to go.. nice small steps eventually leading to a nice system. Enjoy listening.. atleast till you are bitten by the upgraditis bug :)

A beautiful, well-constructed speaker with class-leading soundstage, imaging and bass that is fast, deep, and precise.