DD HD added on Channel no: 402 in Tata Sky


New Member
Jun 18, 2010
Indiasat World is showing DD HD has started in Tata(Sky HD. :yahoo:

OK I no wonder...I tried searching for it yesterday but couldnt find. I hope it will be listed under HD Channels in the guide. I hate scrolling thru all channels. WIll this be a chargeable top-up or free?
Do u have TS HD?
No I don't. Actually I cancelled my order for getting 'TataSky HD' at the last minute, due to the 'sub-titles on NG HD' issue and have been waiting for them to resolve it before I invest them.

PS: The other reason I have not gotten it yet, is also because they are too darn slow in installing. I being an impulsive person expect the installation to be done the day I have the3 impulse to get it, but they say it will take atleast 2 - 3 days. 'SunDirect HD' and 'DishTrue HD' had both installed within hours of my placing an order, having to wait a few days is so typical of Tata.
They're not slow. I got mine installed next day of purchase of STB and that too on a Saturday. They even managed to hook up my HD STB with my landlord's old Airtel dish. SO I get to keep the new dish in a new state and will come in handy when I shift houses.
No I don't. Actually I cancelled my order for getting 'TataSky HD' at the last minute, due to the 'sub-titles on NG HD' issue and have been waiting for them to resolve it before I invest them.

PS: The other reason I have not gotten it yet, is also because they are too darn slow in installing. I being an impulsive person expect the installation to be done the day I have the3 impulse to get it, but they say it will take atleast 2 - 3 days. 'SunDirect HD' and 'DishTrue HD' had both installed within hours of my placing an order, having to wait a few days is so typical of Tata.


Perhaps you are aware of this, but the sub-title is purely a channel issue and TataSky has nothing to do with this. The concerned channel provides the same feed as Eastasia with the sub-titles though they have a permission for braodcasting in India. Hence, TataSky can't do anything with that. Every service provider DTH or local cable wala will have the same feed with the sub-title if any of them wish to transmit this HD channel. This channel comes with the sub-title, take it or leave it.
Perhaps you are aware of this, but the sub-title is purely a channel issue and TataSky has nothing to do with this. The concerned channel provides the same feed as Eastasia with the sub-titles though they have a permission for braodcasting in India. Hence, TataSky can't do anything with that. Every service provider DTH or local cable wala will have the same feed with the sub-title if any of them wish to transmit this HD channel. This channel comes with the sub-title, take it or leave it.
I am sorry but you are misinformed on this issue. This is definately not a "channel" issue but rather a problem limited to TataSky only. The proof lies in the fact that none of the other DTH providers have subtitles on their 'NG HD' channel. As a matter of fact Airtel had a similiar problem but they have reportedly resolved it and now they too don't have subtitles on the 'NG HD' channel.

My theory is, that Tata Sky is either inadvertantly using a 'Chinese' feed of NG HD, rather than the one meant for the rest of Asia. Or it is possible that 'NG HD' is broadcasting the signal with 'Chjinese' subtitles which can be turned on/off by the receiver and for some unfathomable reason TataSKy either has not been able to figure that out or quite simp0ly they don't care.

PS: I have had both 'SunDirect HD' and 'Dish TruHD' right from the begining and neither has had this problem of subtitles on the 'NG HD' channel.
Could anybody confirm whether sunhd/dishd and tata sky hd have the same content in NG HD. Don't think that the subtitles can be turned off from the customer's end. Either they have the wrong feed or same can be configured at their end.
Could anybody confirm whether sunhd/dishd and tata sky hd have the same content in NG HD. Don't think that the subtitles can be turned off from the customer's end. Either they have the wrong feed or same can be configured at their end.
They have the same content. Also, you misunderstood what I stated. By 'receiver' I meant the one that TataSky uses to receive the original feed and not the consumer set-top box. It is definately technically possible and in fact if the DTH platforms in Indai had been designed and implemented correctly, then this feature is very much possible at even the consumer level. It is because these stupid and technically challenged DTH companies have not implemented the subtitle (even multiple subtitles are possible) on/off feature, that we are made to bear the obnoxious and more than irritating subtitles on most of the English channels now.
I dont understand what the big fuss about the subtitle is. Anyways there is nothing great to watch in NG HD, just good looking visuals...
Watching Cricket in HD is the 'real thing' and other dth services have failed poorly. I'm very happy with TS HD, especially because watching Cricket in HD was like a dream to me, and it was realised. I think to crib about subtitles in NG HD is a bit too picky...
at least Fox, Fox Crime, WB, TCM do not have subtitles but would have preferred a subtitle on off feature as Sanjay suggests
I dont understand what the big fuss about the subtitle is. Anyways there is nothing great to watch in NG HD, just good looking visuals...
First of all it is absolutely inappropriate of you to impose your likes and dislikes on others. If you do not care for the content on 'National Geographic HD' good for you, but that does not mean it is not atleast as important as any cricket coverage. Personally I don't care two hoots for the vast majority of channels available in India and as a matter of fact Discovery HD and National Geographic HD are amongst the very few channels that I care for. In any case even if we were to go by your limited view of NG HD and that it only has "just good looking visuals", then that is even more reason that the irritating and distracting subtitles that are marring the "good visuals" not be there.
Watching Cricket in HD is the 'real thing' and other dth services have failed poorly. I'm very happy with TS HD, especially because watching Cricket in HD was like a dream to me, and it was realised. I think to crib about subtitles in NG HD is a bit too picky...
Undoubtedly watching cricket in HD or for that matter any other sport, is a wonderful experience. But in the case of cricket, or should I say the 'glut' of cricket being played, not to mention all the scandals and scams, it has lost a lot if not all of it's attraction. In any case whether cricket holds any attraction for me or not is immaterial to the fact that it is important to you. In the same spirit, it is immaterial whether National Geographic has any attraction for you.
I think to crib about subtitles in NG HD is a bit too picky...
It is this unfortunate attitude of Indian consumers that allows these companies to take consumer rights for granted. I fail to understand what is so difficult in understanding a simple issue such as this. If the other DTH operators can get it right, then there is absolutely no excuse for TataSky not to be able to do so and customers have every right to "crib" about this, or for that matter any other issue that they may have.
And as I have stated before making Indian viewers watch Chinese Subtitles is plain unpatriotic of Tata Sky, when probably 0.0001% of Indian views can read Mandarin. Also given China's history of hostility towards India, their collusion with pakistan against our interests and thei obnoxious claims over Arunacha Pradesh, it is plain wrong to have their vile language splashed on our screens.

On the aesthetic side, the fonts take up screen real estate already compromised by channel & operator logo and can cause line bleed in old TVs. So I vehemently oppose rahuljonline's statement "I think to crib about subtitles in NG HD is a bit too picky.." We have a democratic right to crib about this issue. If those subs were in english it probably wouldn't have incensed me so much...but not chinese.
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So I vehemently oppose rahuljonline's statement "I think to crib about subtitles in NG HD is a bit too picky.." We have a democratic right to crib about this issue.
Actually you have more than a democratic right, as a paying consumer you have full moral, ethical and legal grounds to "crib".
If those subs were in english it probably wouldn't have incensed me so much...but not chinese.
I am not sure that I totally agree with the patriotic part of your logic, but still you have every right to feel the way you do. Personally, English or Hindi subtitles, the two languages I can read and write, are far more distracting and bothersome to me than any other language that I cannot read. The logic being simple. If the subtitles are in a language I cannot understand, then it is only an eye sore and a visual impairment. But if the subtitles are in a language that I can understand, I find my eyes invariably pulled towards reading the subtitles instead of focusing on the visuals or the audio. It is a natural phenomenon that I think most people, if not all, are faced with. It is for this very reason that I find the new practise of putting English subtitles on most English language channels so obnoxious.
Videocon D2H has started testing NGC HD and they too seems to have these subtitles :(
It's apparent that ineptness is a universal characteristic of all Indian DTH companies. Having had some experience as a consultant with the Airtel IPTV project, take my word for it when I say they are 'one and all' technically challenged with nary a clue regarding audio/video let alone quality.
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