DD HD added on Channel no: 402 in Tata Sky

Hey, hello. I know you've been expecting my reply (even if you act as if you haven't been)
Huh...? Sorry, I'm just a little lost for words here.
I was talking about a Test Match between India and Australia, while all the controversies surrounding have been regarding the Pakistan-England series, and the Pakistan team in general.However, you have taken upon it yourself to generalize the whole issue.
This is what you said:
Watching Cricket in HD is the 'real thing' and other dth services have failed poorly.
Sure seems like a "genarilized" statement. How and why, you would expect anyone to comprehend from this statement, that it is limited to just a India-Australia Test match, is beyond me. Furthemore, the "controversies" actually extend far beyond the Pakistan-England series and include the Pakistan-Australia series, the IPL3 and many more, ie. if you don't restrict yourself to just this year.
You used the word 'glut of cricket', and I take offense to that.
My my. Are you really that sensitive? Or is it that you just don't know what 'glut' means?
Its crystal clear that you don't understand much about the game, and thus connect 2 different events and draw your own conclusions.
So, because I stated that there is 'too much' cricket being played, that's what 'glut' means, you conclude that I don't know much about the game? Wow! That's stretching it atleast a bit. Don't you think?
Your infected vocabulary suggests
"Infected vocabulary"? "Infected" with what?
that you should come along with me in those public behavior lessons.
"Why, because I stated that there was a 'glut' of cricket? (glut = too much of)
This made me conclude:
But in the case of cricket, or should I say the 'glut' of cricket being played, not to mention all the scandals and scams, it has lost a lot if not all of it's attraction. In any case whether cricket holds any attraction for me or not is immaterial to the fact that it is important to you. In the same spirit, it is immaterial whether National Geographic has any attraction for you.
Now, if you had a 'hidden' meaning behind this particular sentence that suggested that you don't 'don't like cricket', please enlighten me...
First of all, my stating that something has lost some of it's attraction, does not imply that I 'dislike it'. As a matter of fact, I quite clearly stated that I enjoy watching cricket.
Undoubtedly watching cricket in HD or for that matter any other sport, is a wonderful experience.
Secondly and more importantly, as stated earlier, my liking or not liking cricket, has no relevance to the fact that you like it. In the same spirit, whether you like National Geographic or not, also has no relevance to the fact that others do. In simpler words, you ought not to be imposing your likes and priorities on others, just as you would not wish for them, to do the same to you.
As far as my memory goes, I don't think I've said anything offensive in my previous posts.
It's not so much, as what you said, but rather the fact that you stated to impose your likes/dislikes and priorities over others.
However, it seems you take offense to anything or anyone who does not agree with you
I have no issues with people disagreeing with me, but I most certainly take offense to anyone dismissing what is important to me and trying to impose their likes/dislikes or priorities.
which is obvious since you have been cribbing in the whole thread
You don't think that statements such as this, are offensive? Let me help you understand, what it is that your statement suggests or means.
Meaning and Definition of 'Cribbing':
(n.) The act of inclosing or confining in a crib.
(n.) A vicious habit of a horse; crib-biting. 
(p. pr. & vb. n.) of Crib
(n.) Purloining; stealing; plagiarizing.
Meaning and Definitions of 'Crib'
(n) crib [ krib ]   
(n.) baby's bed: a bed for a baby or small child
that has high, usually vertically barred, sides
to keep the child from falling out
(n.) grain store: a small building with slatted
sides used for storing grain, especially corn
(n.) animal's stall: a stall for cattle or horses
Synonyms: cheat, copy, plagiarize, steal, borrow, pilfer
So, if I'm exercising my Right to speak my point of view, you have a problem.
Contrary to what you think, I have absolutely no problems with you stating your view point. What I took issue with, is your dismissing what you don't like as unimportant.
it is absolutely inappropriate of you to impose your likes and dislikes on others. If you do not care for the content on 'National Geographic HD' good for you, but that does not mean it is not atleast as important as any cricket coverage.
The experience of watching the wonderfully well organized & executed CWG Opening Ceremony in High Definition on a 106" screen was fantastic. Unfortunately, the experience was also tainted by Doordarshan's blatant greed for advertising revenue. Their total disregard, for the viewer and the importance of a National event of this magnitude, is not only reprehensible, but also totally unpardonable. Shame on you Doordarshan.
Sanjay...what kind of a 106" screen was that ?Yeah the opening ceremony on my 50 incher was scintillating to say the least. Since 401 was showing the same stuff on SD and 402 on HD, the difference was as clear as night and day. Best content my TS HD and Plasma's displayed till date. Will invite my sceptic friends for the closing ceremony, since they doubted what diff in PQ was discernable.

The only complaint I have was audio levels were totally off teh charts, the source audio was too high, leading in cracks and distortions in sound. DD being DD you can bet on them to screw up something or the other, in additional to unacceptable AD breaks in the middle of the ceremony.
And where does 'Patriotism' come from? From refraining from Chinese subs? Oh, give me a break...
If you are really Patriotic, stop buying the Chinese products, stop any of those from being imported here.... Stop.. Stop... Stop...
And don't eat Chinese food... no noodles....

I think you're referring to my post. Well even if we wanted we really couldnt boycott chinese goods, as the economics of globalisation and contract manufacturing dictate so. I'm sure 60% of the components found in the rather impressive list of (non-chinese) AV equipment in your signature were made in China. Also as regards to Chinese food, you have to differentiate between Indianised Chinese food that we eat, and the stuff which comes from Mainland China (the Place, not the retaurant chain). Chinese immigrants and settlers have made India their home since the 19th century to escape communist persecution and to pursue Private enterprise. They are basically Indians of Chinese origins, and if we boycott their restaurants and manufactured goods (Leather, furniture etc.) we really dont harm China, we harm our own local economy.

When I speak of patriotism, I refer to it from a cultural and policy standpoint, and hence I will reiterate my statement that broadcasting Mandarin subtitles in a channel meant for Indian viewers is unpatriotic and a violation of broadcasting ethics.
Hi Sanjay.
1. to feed or fill to satiety; sate: to glut the appetite.

2. to feed or fill to excess; cloy.

3. to flood (the market) with a particular item or service so that the supply greatly exceeds the demand.
4. to choke up:
Gluttony is also one of the 'Seven Deadly Sins'. So, glut is not just 'too much of'... When used in a certain context, it's certainly not used to praise anything, but rather criticize it...
Also, from where did you conclude that I have 'imposed' myself. I spoke my point of view, but you concluded that I was in a mission to stop everyone from watching NG and Discovery.
I think you're referring to my post. Well even if we wanted we really couldnt boycott chinese goods, as the economics of globalisation and contract manufacturing dictate so. I'm sure 60% of the components found in the rather impressive list of (non-chinese) AV equipment in your signature were made in China. Also as regards to Chinese food, you have to differentiate between Indianised Chinese food that we eat, and the stuff which comes from Mainland China (the Place, not the retaurant chain). Chinese immigrants and settlers have made India their home since the 19th century to escape communist persecution and to pursue Private enterprise. They are basically Indians of Chinese origins, and if we boycott their restaurants and manufactured goods (Leather, furniture etc.) we really dont harm China, we harm our own local economy.

When I speak of patriotism, I refer to it from a cultural and policy standpoint, and hence I will reiterate my statement that broadcasting Mandarin subtitles in a channel meant for Indian viewers is unpatriotic and a violation of broadcasting ethics.

Well, the Chinese immigrants who stay in our Country, and are our citizens, do speak mandarin (atleast some of them do). And since India does NOT have an official language, I don't think it's unpatriotic at all.
I think Govt. of India has an Official Languages Dept.

Further, I think this discussion is getting more farther than it is intended to. Well everybody has a right to his/her point of view. I would urge fellow members to focus on issues at hand.

I think all agree that

1. Showing Chinese subtitles does not add value to the channel

2. Further, the logos of DTH operators are not well appreciated.

I may be wrong but these are my feelings.
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and too much frenzied obsession abt cricket is certainly gluttonous. Its like clinging to the edifices of our colonial past, and our poor performance in other sports does seem to mark there is a glut. Personally I think Cricket is way too overrated, and in my own personal opinion it is a lame sport.
and too much frenzied obsession abt cricket is certainly gluttonous. Its like clinging to the edifices of our colonial past, and our poor performance in other sports does seem to mark there is a glut. Personally I think Cricket is way too overrated, and in my own personal opinion it is a lame sport.

Too bad. Something that puts our Country on the map is a 'lame' sports according to you. So, how do you define a sports which is 'not' lame?
Anyways, it takes a lot sweat and toil to play cricket, the cricketers train hard, and have got us glory over the years, to the point of being the No.1 test team in the World.
Anyways, that's your choice, and I'm not going to force you to watch it if you don't like. Similarly, I dont have a problem with chinese subtitles as long as I can have Cricket in HD.
And yes, this thread has got out of topic, since it was about DD HD in TS HD, and not about Chinese subtitles in the first place.
Anyways, I don't want to 'hurt the sentiments' of people here anymore, and I'm off to cheer for my Country in the ongoing test match and the Commonwealth Games.
Jai Hind!
Sanjay...what kind of a 106" screen was that ?
I watched it on my DaLite (Matte White) 106" screen with projection from a Panasonic PT-AE2000U projector.

The only complaint I have was audio levels were totally off teh charts, the source audio was too high, leading in cracks and distortions in sound. DD being DD you can bet on them to screw up something or the other, in additional to unacceptable AD breaks in the middle of the ceremony.
You are right, the audio was horrible and was in total contrast to the great video. Although I don't think the problem was high volume levels, rather the problem seemed to be of either a faulty digital audio encoder or some other similiar technical issue. Ofcourse, the frequent and way too... long ad breaks, that too from a state owned, public broadcaster is reprehensible and totally unacceptable.
Here is the reality. Look at what DD official is saying about the ADS :D

On Sunday, even while the Organising Committee finally managed to get things right and put up a spectacular extravaganza, for millions of television viewers, the effect was marred by Doordarshan's decision to cram in as many commercial breaks as they could. What we saw was definitely not a live telecast. The ad breaks also meant that the video footage being shown with a live tag, was running about 15 minutes late by the time the Indian contingent began their march. So while viewers cheered flag-bearer Abhinav Bindra as he led the home side in, spectators at the stadium were listening to Mike Fennell. I don't think I have ever seen so many commercial breaks during the opening ceremony of an international event, said a viewer.

Incidentally, Aruna Sharma, DD's director-general, was livid when asked why DD spoiled the effect of the ceremony for TV viewers. Stating that opening ceremonies were major sources of revenue, she added: Our viewers are getting every single detail from the stadium in the best quality possible. Do not indulge in nit-picking or I will take you to court. She denied the event was deferred live but admitted that because a commercial lasting 60-90 seconds (approximately) ends with those 90 seconds of telecast being replayed, it led to a delay.


Doordarshan takes breaks, plays spoilsport - Hindustan Times
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Here is the reality. Look at what DD official is saying about the ADS :D

On Sunday, even while the Organising Committee finally managed to get things right and put up a spectacular extravaganza, for millions of television viewers, the effect was marred by Doordarshan's decision to cram in as many commercial breaks as they could. What we saw was definitely not a live telecast. The ad breaks also meant that the video footage being shown with a live tag, was running about 15 minutes late by the time the Indian contingent began their march. So while viewers cheered flag-bearer Abhinav Bindra as he led the home side in, spectators at the stadium were listening to Mike Fennell. I don't think I have ever seen so many commercial breaks during the opening ceremony of an international event, said a viewer.

Incidentally, Aruna Sharma, DD's director-general, was livid when asked why DD spoiled the effect of the ceremony for TV viewers. Stating that opening ceremonies were major sources of revenue, she added: Our viewers are getting every single detail from the stadium in the best quality possible. Do not indulge in nit-picking or I will take you to court. She denied the event was deferred live but admitted that because a commercial lasting 60-90 seconds (approximately) ends with those 90 seconds of telecast being replayed, it led to a delay.


Doordarshan takes breaks, plays spoilsport - Hindustan Times

No Sympathies at all for DD to be in the state it is in terms of "viewership by choice" parameters, but then they were never looking to be a channel of choice from the time immemorial!

My assessment is that the "Live Telecast" ended about an hour later than the actual event finished in JLN stadium. I don't know who should sue who!!
Ads in DD sports say that sports programming shall be beamed on DD HD from 7pm to 10 pm daily. I was rather hoping that TS keeps DD HD. Well I have made a request on their website. Hope more people join me in restoring DD HD in TS
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