Delhi the most pathatic A/V Dealership/professional place.


Well-Known Member
Aug 25, 2009
Though I am a proud Delhite, but seriously Delhi is pathetic CRAP when it comes to Distributes, who call themselves A/V professional and have these so called demo rooms....... but do not have the patience, interest or the inclination to address a person who is interested in building up an HT (which is his dream project BTW) with a decent budget. (the arrogance level is so high that most of the time you have a feel, the dealer is suggesting " you can't afford me buddy "). If by any chance they do have any one of the above they wont have the equipment you want, or would present you an out and out exorbitant package with an intention only they know (probably indicating......"told you can't afford me"), and then they would expect you to order if you want the equipment of your choice. Now how on this marry mother earth would I order without auditioning the equipment:rolleyes:. I have been reading threads all across this forum and I seriously feel, places like Bangalore and Hyd have much better dealership with far far better availability. Today I auditioned 4 showrooms (I would not give the names to maintain decency) with brands including Mordaunt-short and Jamo. 4 showroom and just 2 Brands and that too with just a pinch of these equipment, not even equipments, rather speakers, rest I dont even know what was attached except the brand name and forgot about acoustics and designing (cant afford them....remember) I am bitterly disappoint in Delhi's High End A/V professional world . Is there no hifivision member in Delhi who had dealt with a professional who DOES give a damm, what I want and am looking for. I am most probably giving up on these so called A/V professionals

members I am looking forward for help from you now. Specially members from Delhi NCR. The only way I think and I hope, I can get a respectable demo is by coming to your residence, very much like my trip to ashish house. I will provide my budget requirements and I want my fellow friends and respectable members to let me know if any one out there owns the brand I am looking for and with all due respect if I may visit their place to have some decent, patient, respectable demo, I can then, with satisfaction place the order with any dealer who has a good after sales service.

I hope there are people out there who would understand my situation and would help me out of it. Looking forward a positive response from you all.


PS :: BTW tomorrow i.e Sun I am again going to couple of places to have more auditions, though I do not have much of a hope but will share the experience with you all, when I am back.

PS 2: I am not sure if I have opened this thread at the right place, but if its not MODS can move it under the correct branch/location.
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"Today I auditioned 4 showrooms (I would not give the names to maintain decency)"

You *should* give the names of the showrooms and your experience with them. Only then will it help other members from making the same mistake and make the showrooms change their behaviour. There is no "indecency" in voicing your experiences and complaints, for the benefit on the audio community in general. Please print the names.

members I am looking forward for help from you now. Specially members from Delhi NCR. The only way I think and I hope, I can get a respectable demo is by coming to your residence, very much like my trip to ashish house. I will provide my budget requirements and I want my fellow friends and respectable members to let me know if any one out there owns the brand I am looking for and with all due respect if I may visit their place to have some decent, patient, respectable demo, I can then, with satisfaction place the order with any dealer who has a good after sales service.

I'm willling to help. You are welcome to my place. Mon/ Tue is my off.

Amp: Lyrita SET 2A3
Speakers: Vintage B&W DM4
Source: LG DVD + Beresford DAC
Cables: Lyrita's I.C & cables
Try Bass'n'treble in Dwarka, Manish Plaza. I did quite a bit of research in Kolkata and Delhi and finally ended up purchasing from them. In fact I had visited the dealers in CR Park to Chandni Chowk and also Gurgaon area.
Happy listening.
Sam, welcome to Delhi's hifi senario, the way you feel and write happens to anybody who is entering into this hobby. I have had a similar experience while going through my first setup purchase and at that time I didn't even had hifivision or internet to research on all these things. But now the things are absolutely different as we can discuss these issues with our like minded passionate friends here on this forum.
Do you remember the first thing I told you when you came to my place? I did warn you to research on the equipment part on your own and rather than seeking professional help, first you should prepare your mind that what you want for this project of yours and then research on it, this way you will end up making your dream come true in your budget otherwise, any dealer will try to maximise his or her profit after knowing your intententions since its their bread and butter whereas the advice which you get here are for free and its completely up to you whether to follow them or not. Rather than complaining I would request you to first decide on your required list of equipments and then if possible try taking demo of these either at fellow members residences or if a dealer exists then at his place. Secondly you should consult a Sound Engineer for your acoustics part, and lastly take the rates of all materials to be used in your project. This kind of informed decision will not allow any dealers to rip you apart and I meant financially.

I have a dedicated HT room and I am more than willing to help you. I live in Meerut and I believe you are currently residing in ghaziabad. I shall PM you my cell number. Lets fixup a time and meet. You are more than welcome.
Also, I wish to be a part of your future entertainment room.

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For stereo

Try Lyrita Audio in Sarita Vihar for Valve amps and full range speakers. I think his address is L-458, google lyrita audio for his phone no. Simple delight in interacting with him
Look at how a upscale dealer may think:

"When you pay Rs. 800 to 1000 a square feet for rentals, spend 15-20 lakhs on interiors, and keep a few lakh Rupees of stock, you don't want to spend time with a prospect who will take endless hours of demos and ask endless questions on prices, technology, interconnects, cables, region code, soundstage, frequency coverage, etc. Who the hell cares about these things in any case? Does the prospect even understand the questions he is asking? I am sure he has been primed by some friend of his to ask these questions, or even by another shop owner to make us look bad. Maybe he learnt all these questions from that "%$#@^^@" site that is called HiFiVisor or something. And worst, at the end of all this, he will just go elsewhere and buy the stuff. Why should I even show him a demo?

I would rather work with a guy who drives in a Merc, looks at the sexy brands we have and buys an A/V System to match his Rolex watches, Gucci shoes, and Park Avenue suits."

Gobble, your comments are welcome. :):)

Look at how a upscale dealer may think:

"When you pay Rs. 800 to 1000 a square feet for rentals, spend 15-20 lakhs on interiors, and keep a few lakh Rupees of stock, you don't want to spend time with a prospect who will take endless hours of demos and ask endless questions on prices, technology, interconnects, cables, region code, soundstage, frequency coverage, etc. Who the hell cares about these things in any case? Does the prospect even understand the questions he is asking? I am sure he has been primed by some friend of his to ask these questions, or even by another shop owner to make us look bad. Maybe he learnt all these questions from that "%$#@^^@" site that is called HiFiVisor or something. And worst, at the end of all this, he will just go elsewhere and buy the stuff. Why should I even show him a demo?

I would rather work with a guy who drives in a Merc, looks at the sexy brands we have and buys an A/V System to match his Rolex watches, Gucci shoes, and Park Avenue suits."

Gobble, your comments are welcome. :):)


Now I am "there" having left "here" a few days back.

Your observation is spot on and I tend to agree with you that considering the ultimate truth of the business side of hifi, I can't put the entire blame on the dealers - the major reason I mentioned in one of my earlier posts that one has to first decide on the quantum of money one is willing to spend before venturing into this hobby - Everyone likes to have the best possible equipment but then reality creeps in late. I have seen people willing to spend maximum a few thousand rupees and then discussing options like separate transport, DAC, preamp, power amp etc whereas the reality is that he or she cannot aspire for more than an all-in-one system. It is not difficult to read from forums like this and other websites options, prices etc, and then take the most pragmatic route and narrow down your visits to those dealers who may be able to help you.

The other side of the coin is the dealer himself who caters more to the needs of those willing to spend money and in my state, I know of quite a few who do extensive business with the so-called super rich cashew-capitalists, spice tycoons, politicians and others who buy these things more for decorative purpose than listening. Prestige, that is what counts.

The best approach for a consumer like you and I --- first learn to stretch your legs before attempting to walk and later run.

cheers from the land of dates and camels...
First of all, really appreciate for all the response here, before addressing individually let me share the experience for today's audition. As I had already portrayed in my first post, nothing change in today's scenario. I took the Audition of B&W 685 Theater (685:fronts, 686:rear, HTM62:Center and ASW 610 Sub). This was done in Select City walk Mall, saket. I fully rest my case again when I say that these hifi A/V junkies, seriously think that we are some low lud noodlesoup who dont even know what audio is and would piss in our pants when they would tell us the price of the equipment. I had to literally beg/convince this person (who was not the owner but the one who operates the DEMOs and was the only one present at that big showroom) to provide me a listening of the HT setup. Initially he just made me sit and played a song on an already connected stereo system,(without even bothering to ask what I am looking for) and when I interrupted, to let him know my intentions are the 5.1, simply denied the request with all his helplessness (for what ever reasons), I had to AGAIN convince him that I am coming all the way from Ghz and I REALLY am looking for an HT under "this" range. I had to embarrassingly emphasize on the "range" part to get his some attention. Ok 5.1 connected and all he had was a BR of Fast n Furious 2 (crap movie), played and thank God spks were worth the effort. Better than Avianos that I auditioned yesterday. I then made him switch between an Indian Movie DVD and an Audio CD. It was the music part more so than the movies,....with just the front connected that gave me some smile in this suffocating world. . I really wanted to hear the 684s (2 way) as a stand alone stereo set up, but I was already exhausted with all that explaining and convincing part that I decided to leave.........:sad: Bad Weekend but atleast I found speakers close to my ears atleast for Music........getting ready for the next weekend.
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You *should* give the names of the showrooms and your experience with them. Only then will it help other members from making the same mistake and make the showrooms change their behaviour. There is no "indecency" in voicing your experiences and complaints, for the benefit on the audio community in general. Please print the names.

I would rather not........ its not that I don't want to but look at it like this I was not ripped/cheated by them (as for now), just their attitude which can be a personal opinion and out look as well. Anyhow most of them were recommended by my fellow members here itself so they might be friends or well acquainted, you know what I mean. All I can say is that the first audition I took was in Okhla, second and third was in CR Park and last was in GK 1. Todays one was at Select City Walk Mall Saket.

@Helium thanks man for the very first response and help as well. I will surly get in touch with you. Can you PM me your number. Though Mon/Tus is not my off but I will be getting X MAS holidays and would use them to go to as much fwlloe members I can.

@Firefox, Bass n treble and couple of dealers in Lajpat rai market are on my list for the next weekend. Thanks for your input, need more of those.

@dilli added Lyrita Audio along with bass n Treble on the list for the Next weekend project. thanks for your input. I appreciate

I have a dedicated HT room and I am more than willing to help you. I live in Meerut and I believe you are currently residing in ghaziabad. I shall PM you my cell number. Lets fixup a time and meet. You are more than welcome.
Also, I wish to be a part of your future entertainment room.

Thanks you so much Sumit for giving me that honer, I have noted down your number, as I said I will be having X MAS holidays from 25 to 4 Jan and so would be totally free to peruse all Auditions. I will be out from delhi on 25/26/27 so you can fix any day and time after that. You are most welcome to be a part of my entertainment room, infact I want passionate people like you and ashsih to be with me so that I can share what ever I am thinking/planning. i would infact bring all my layout plan I have designed, my equipment listing, details and all the research work I have done so far online for my HT and my Home automation part as well. Would be a good geeks meeting:D... looking forward.
Sam, welcome to Delhi's hifi senario, the way you feel and write happens to anybody who is entering into this hobby. I have had a similar experience while going through my first setup purchase and at that time I didn't even had hifivision or internet to research on all these things. But now the things are absolutely different as we can discuss these issues with our like minded passionate friends here on this forum.
Do you remember the first thing I told you when you came to my place? I did warn you to research on the equipment part on your own and rather than seeking professional help, first you should prepare your mind that what you want for this project of yours and then research on it, this way you will end up making your dream come true in your budget otherwise, any dealer will try to maximise his or her profit after knowing your intententions since its their bread and butter whereas the advice which you get here are for free and its completely up to you whether to follow them or not. Rather than complaining I would request you to first decide on your required list of equipments and then if possible try taking demo of these either at fellow members residences or if a dealer exists then at his place. Secondly you should consult a Sound Engineer for your acoustics part, and lastly take the rates of all materials to be used in your project. This kind of informed decision will not allow any dealers to rip you apart and I meant financially.

Ashish, yes I quite very well remember your warning and have done believe me a lot of theoretical research on the equipment part. May be I am not that responsive to share what ever notes I have gathered, but trust me work is in deep progress. Word Documents for my technical notes, Excel sheets for Budget and Instapaper for all online saving is going on for months now. Plus as I mentioned earlier reading load of threads on this forum all along,...... latest one was of Periyar which brings me to the fact that I have yet to audition USHERS.
I was not complaining, just sharing an experience, I apologize if that looked like complaining or whining. I do have an equipment listing with all the tech details, budget as well (and as far as I can say its a decent budget). But yes Budget keeps fluctuating, specially between a stereo setup and HT, as cant decide what I enjoy/want more (as I enjoy both almost equally:D) and so where to pour extra

Lastly now where on earth would I get a sound engg. If you know one let me know, but make sure he is down to earth, no arrogance person.

Just to summerise following are the Spks I have autitioned yet

1. Dali Ikon 6 (I think) with no idea what AVR
2. Mordaunt Short aviano with Cambridge Audio AVR
3. Jamo with Onkyo AVR
4. B&W 685 with Rotel AMP and Onkyo BR player

From the above following would be my preference in order of choice

1. B&W 685 with Rotel AMP and Onkyo BR player (but Rotel AMP is way to expensive) Also STEREO part was better then the movie (may be the combination)
2. Dali Ikon 6
3. Jamo with Onkyo AVR
4. Mordaunt Short aviano with Cambridge Audio AVR (though Mordant were double the price of Jamo)
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I would rather work with a guy who drives in a Merc, looks at the sexy brands we have and buys an A/V System to match his Rolex watches, Gucci shoes, and Park Avenue suits."
Gobble, your comments are welcome. :):)

That summons up my entire explanation spot on.
Look at how a upscale dealer may think:

"When you pay Rs. 800 to 1000 a square feet for rentals, spend 15-20 lakhs on interiors, and keep a few lakh Rupees of stock, you don't want to spend time with a prospect who will take endless hours of demos and ask endless questions on prices, technology, interconnects, cables, region code, soundstage, frequency coverage, etc. Who the hell cares about these things in any case? Does the prospect even understand the questions he is asking? I am sure he has been primed by some friend of his to ask these questions, or even by another shop owner to make us look bad. Maybe he learnt all these questions from that "%$#@^^@" site that is called HiFiVisor or something. And worst, at the end of all this, he will just go elsewhere and buy the stuff. Why should I even show him a demo?

I would rather work with a guy who drives in a Merc, looks at the sexy brands we have and buys an A/V System to match his Rolex watches, Gucci shoes, and Park Avenue suits."

Gobble, your comments are welcome. :):)


True, Venkat. That is reality. And yes, the dealers are not in it for just the love of good music for sure. Money is the bottomline - the same as everybody else. But see, a person who is really interested in Hifi and who is spending a small amount today can easily become somebody who really understands the power that a little bit more investment can bring him and become a repeat buyer.

Such buyers can only be created if the seller/dealer really gets down to brass tacks and makes a genuine attempt to understand the need of the buyer and at no time look down upon him or his budget. After all, all of us have to start somewhere - whether it is a Rs. 10,000 system or a Rs. 100,000 system.

In that respect I have been deeply disappointed with the attitude of the staff at Audio People, Chennai. They routinely demonstrate speakers and amps that are beyond the price range of people and then deem it fit to smile condescendingly and mention that they really dont have anything at the price range that the guy is actually looking for. In fact they are proud of this fact. Fine, that is how they run their business. But what this means is that I do not recommend them to any friend or acquaintance of mine wanting to step into Hifi. Instead I direct them to dealers who have been pleasant and have tried to spend some time with me when I was a greenhorn (not that I am not one even now:)). It is, after all, a question of trust.
Its good to know that you are learning the tricks of this trade pretty fast with some difficulty offcourse, also a list as per your preference is the way to go. About the sound engineer part yes I know a couple of them and they are professionals who would work with you according to your needs and budget, and in that budget of yours they would help you out with the layout and Accoustic part of your theatre.
Thanks you so much Sumit for giving me that honer, I have noted down your number, as I said I will be having X MAS holidays from 25 to 4 Jan and so would be totally free to peruse all Auditions. I will be out from delhi on 25/26/27 so you can fix any day and time after that. You are most welcome to be a part of my entertainment room, infact I want passionate people like you and ashsih to be with me so that I can share what ever I am thinking/planning. i would infact bring all my layout plan I have designed, my equipment listing, details and all the research work I have done so far online for my HT and my Home automation part as well. Would be a good geeks meeting:D... looking forward.


I am free b/w 15th and 30th as my wife and kid are going to their parents house. Lets keep a weekend date ( Sunday preferred). I shall see if Ashish can come too. It shall be good fun.

I am also working on a Delhi Hifi meet just like Chennai and Bangalore. But, this will happen during end on of January. I shall start a thread during beginning on Jan.

You know Sam, with all these dealer woes in Delhi, I am thinking I should open a store with-a-difference in delhi:lol:

Look at how a upscale dealer may think:

"When you pay Rs. 800 to 1000 a square feet for rentals, spend 15-20 lakhs on interiors, and keep a few lakh Rupees of stock, you don't want to spend time with a prospect who will take endless hours of demos and ask endless questions on prices, technology, interconnects, cables, region code, soundstage, frequency coverage, etc. Who the hell cares about these things in any case? Does the prospect even understand the questions he is asking? I am sure he has been primed by some friend of his to ask these questions, or even by another shop owner to make us look bad. Maybe he learnt all these questions from that "%$#@^^@" site that is called HiFiVisor or something. And worst, at the end of all this, he will just go elsewhere and buy the stuff. Why should I even show him a demo?

I would rather work with a guy who drives in a Merc, looks at the sexy brands we have and buys an A/V System to match his Rolex watches, Gucci shoes, and Park Avenue suits."

Gobble, your comments are welcome. :):)


Spot on Venkatji

Its like the hardware dealers - for them its like onions and potatoes and "kitna quantity move hota hai" and weekly/monthly closing targets. Likewise the elitist audio dealer wants to avoid the rush of mass market crowds and still make a buck why enjoying his existence in a plush office to impress his family and social circle. And he might just manage to pay of rent and recover the investment by making one or two sales per week, considering the profit margin.

What I have noticed is that many dealers do notice the sunglasses, the watch, the jewellery clothes and shoes you wear, the car you drive, and decide if your are worth their time or not.

Such buyers can only be created if the seller/dealer really gets down to brass tacks and makes a genuine attempt to understand the need of the buyer and at no time look down upon him or his budget. After all, all of us have to start somewhere - whether it is a Rs. 10,000 system or a Rs. 100,000 system.

Absolutely, a meek novice listener can any time become an expert audiophile with experience and time. I agree people might say from dealer perspective that they get 100 of people every day and you cant expect them to deal with every body the same way.........but man thats their job, that is what they have chosen to do, and unfortunately weather they like it or not, this profession involves and evolves through customer relations only. how so ever tired you may feel, any individual can be a potential buyer out of those 100.
The scenario is the same here in CHANDIGARH.

Its the pathetic attitude, that worries me sometimes whenever i visit AV stores/dealers.

The properioter's and sales people sometimes behave awkwardly, as if they are frustrated for not being able to clear their stock or even able to sell.

They want to sell their equipment, without giving proper time to the customer.

If they have invested huge, then a customer who will buy these pricey equipments also deserve stomach full satisfaction.
Wharfedale Linton Heritage Speakers in Walnut finish at a Special Offer Price. BUY now before the price increase.