Denon DN7


New Member
Mar 14, 2011
I have made up my mind for a Denon DN7 as the ONLY high end audio equipment that shall adorn my living room. As you can see I am a simple, compact, all-in-one type easygoing fellow!
Couple of questions before I take the plunge:
  • I would have really liked a basic floorstander to pair with the main unit instead of the SC N7 speakers on offer. The specs state 65W+65W, high power output (4ohms). Can I pair a Polk Tsi300 which states 8 ohms impedance? If not, what are my options?
  • The search started with the intention of getting a stereo amp (+) Floor standing 2 speaker set up with budget at 50k. Would the forum regulars have something in mind which can sway me away from the all-in-one?

Thank you for your time and responses!
I have made up my mind for a Denon DN7 as the ONLY high end audio equipment that shall adorn my living room. As you can see I am a simple, compact, all-in-one type easygoing fellow!

Hmmm....actually can not see that. :D

Buddy, whats your music taste? How much are you spending on DN7? How much money are you left with out of 50k to buy the FS?
Thanks! The Denons cost 44k with speakers, reckon I can knock off some greenbucks if I source abroad. Profx - Advanced Audio Solutions

I listen to a wide range of music from Jazz to EDM to Ghazals. I am partial to warm, room filling (not jarring) low and mids, with clear and consistent highs. Moreover the speakers must be versatile and VFM (considering just 20k for a pair will overshoot my budget with the Denon main unit). I have auditioned and liked the Polk TSi. Polk RTi unfortunately is out of budget for floor standers. I found the Wharfedales too bright on a brief demo last year, though will go in for a second round of auditions with my music.

Any help on 4Ohms v/s 8 Ohms?
no harm in using 8-ohm speakers with the Denon - but output per speaker will be around 30W instead of 65W.

you could also connect four 8-ohm speakers instead of 2.

I was also considering the Denon for my living room - is there enough quorum for a group-buy?

I would suggest you also consider the Marantz M-CR503 mini system. It is very good and should cost you around 25-30k. You can then pair them with speakers of your choice.

I found it to be better than the Denon Onkyo in all respects.
Marantz M-CR503 is also a good option but since it does not have wifi - it is suited only if you have LAN wiring in place.

I also checked out the NAD link - but could not find model that support internet radio. Let me know if I have missed any NAD model that has "cd+fm+internet radio+amp+wifi"
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