Diy dac

the rectangular hole for the power supply
or just the right angled edges in general

both are actually quite simple

how to do the psu socket ?

some one told dont go for Buffalo II here :

sumit ,
looks like you are doing all in GP boards , where is the actual DAC pcb?
I'm guessing you're referring to this bit:

UPDATE about the latest Twisted Pear Buffalo board version 2
The latest Twisted Pear board with Esstech DAC is "improved" by the addition of the output stage. 6 opamps that I counted. Unfortunately, unlike with the first board, there is no connection for us Lampizators to the naked DAC output. TP added their opamp based analog stage. The bitter truth is that it sucks. The music is bad, mechanical, closed in, not high end at all. Compared to the first board with tube stage or with Sowter transformers - the new board does not cut it at all. And there is no possibility to cheat the board easily and add tube stage. It takes a MAJOR rework including the removal of all opamps.
Guys - you overdone the good product, I am sorry. I must warn all tube fans folks who are excited by the ESSTECH DAC to stay away from your buffalo.
I seriously suggest to produce the old board with newest chip and continue to provide naked output terminals like before. You CAN'T change reality and stop musically sensitive people from using tubes, it is impossible. Ah of course - I havent even touched the price issue ;-)

If so, this is a reference to the previous version of the Buffalo DAC, the Buffalo32, not the Buffalo II. The previous version had the op-amp based I/V stage built into the module, which makes it impossible to use your own output stage. You can use any I/V stage you want with the Buffalo II...
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