DVD Player USB port and Hard Disk access

Venkat's ideas is good. I was planning to do same way when i bought 500GB HDD last week. but due to lack of time, (as i had to copy lot of data frm my friends HDD & return it back) i could not do that.
However, i confirm that a 160GB works on my LG388. Next thing to try on same model is 250GB. But, i really don't find any importance, coz, LG documentation says it recognizes the first 165 folders & first some number of files (forgot the number) only. so, 160GB is more than enough to have in 1st partition.

Last time I wrongly stated that LG LCD TV (32LG80UR) did not read my 150GB partition... but I tried today & guys, it works like breeze!!!.

small tips to others who are trying. the 1st partition in the disk should be strictly marked "Primary" and "FAT32" format. then only it detects!. (i did the mistake of not chosing primary for my 1st few attempts).


Glad that it worked for you and thanks for sharing the tip! Have a nice time, enjoy!
