Eagles' 'Hotel California' Turned into "World's Largest Vinyl Record"


What on earth is considered so great about Hotel California?

It's really a very average song ---apart from the fact that it spawned a saying from the quote about being able to check out but not able to leave. But you don't even need the record for that.

There's nothing about it that is any better at displaying the abilities of hifi than any pop-rock song, and yet it seems to be high on audition lists.

Next time (especially if I'm there), when you reach for the CD, do yourselves a favour and play Tequila Sunrise instead. It's heaps better!

<rant over :lol:>

What on earth is considered so great about Hotel California?

It's really a very average song ---apart from the fact that it spawned a saying from the quote about being able to check out but not able to leave. But you don't even need the record for that.

There's nothing about it that is any better at displaying the abilities of hifi than any pop-rock song, and yet it seems to be high on audition lists.

Next time (especially if I'm there), when you reach for the CD, do yourselves a favour and play Tequila Sunrise instead. It's heaps better!

<rant over :lol:>

life in the fast lane, new kid in town, wasted time, pretty maids in a row, victim of love
all from the Hotel California album ;)

Thad you taking about the song from desperado, which was another album :p

What on earth is considered so great about Hotel California?

It's really a very average song ---apart from the fact that it spawned a saying from the quote about being able to check out but not able to leave. But you don't even need the record for that.

There's nothing about it that is any better at displaying the abilities of hifi than any pop-rock song, and yet it seems to be high on audition lists.

Next time (especially if I'm there), when you reach for the CD, do yourselves a favour and play Tequila Sunrise instead. It's heaps better!

<rant over :lol:>

Yes even I'm tired of that song being played during speaker auditions (the times I forget to take my own CDs). Play some 21st century schizoid man! That'll be quite a challenge for the speakers! Hotel Cal. is a good song (the album as a whole is average to me) but it's just way too overrated. But there will always be songs like that..

And as for the Hotel Cal. getting the honour of the world's largest record..that's just going too far :indifferent14: Some Hendrix album would've been more appropriate.
Truly amazing. Something to look out for when I travel to that part of the world, next time.

Its nice to see that they chose a vinyl disk and not cd :)

This truly signifies what many believe - ACDs are DEAD!!
When I went for audition for avr, two of the shops played Hotel California.

And most of the musicians/ bands I personally know/ seen (in Calcutta) have once covered Hotel California on stage. :D
Thad you taking about the song from desperado, which was another album :p

Yes, of course... you're right. Desperado was the only Eagles album I actually lived with. And it was a very long time ago.

Truly amazing. Something to look out for when I travel to that part of the world, next time.

Or, rather, when you fly over it? :)

I'm glad I'm not the only one who wonders at the over-use of this song as audition material. I sometimes feel like I belong to a grumpy-old-guy club with a membership of one! :eek:hyeah:
Hotel California is one of the legendary albums of all time. People still request it on FM radio, most vinyl collectors who own over 200 records have a copy in their collection :) The original American Hotel California pressing was extremely good.
I heard (might be out of date now) that Happy Birthday to You is actually still in copyright and the copyright owner still receives a very substantial annual cheque. That doesn't make it a "good" song.

It is the way of the world that mass appeal tends to suggest poorer artistic quality. That's just the way it is. There are way better Eagles songs than this one; there are way better bands than the Eagles.

I don't have anything in particular against them. I very much enjoyed Desperado at the time and perhaps should check it out again now.

I didn't have anything against Hotel California --- but it has not stood up to repeated exposure. Particularly, it does not stand up to the multiple exposure of equipment testing/auditioning.

Sometimes even the best does not stand up to it. London guitar shops often [used to] have a notice saying that anybody playing Stairway to Heaven would be thrown out. I never knew why until I asked a guitar-playing friend.

If Hotel California happens to be anyone's favourite song, fine! Quite possibly we all have a favourite song we could drive everybody else mad with, but what we listen to at home, by ourselves, is entirely our own business and our own pleasure. I wonder if YouTube has Teddybears' Picnic? :lol:

EDIT: Yes! AND Nellie The Eliphant! Gosh, I had no idea that the girl who sang that song was only 12. But then, I was only 4 when it was released...

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I heard (might be out of date now) that Happy Birthday to You is actually still in copyright and the copyright owner still receives a very substantial annual cheque. That doesn't make it a "good" song.

It is the way of the world that mass appeal tends to suggest poorer artistic quality. That's just the way it is. There are way better Eagles songs than this one; there are way better bands than the Eagles.

I don't have anything in particular against them. I very much enjoyed Desperado at the time and perhaps should check it out again now.

I didn't have anything against Hotel California --- but it has not stood up to repeated exposure. Particularly, it does not stand up to the multiple exposure of equipment testing/auditioning.

Sometimes even the best does not stand up to it. London guitar shops often [used to] have a notice saying that anybody playing Stairway to Heaven would be thrown out. I never knew why until I asked a guitar-playing friend.

If Hotel California happens to be anyone's favourite song, fine! Quite possibly we all have a favourite song we could drive everybody else mad with, but what we listen to at home, by ourselves, is entirely our own business and our own pleasure. I wonder if YouTube has Teddybears' Picnic? :lol:

EDIT: Yes! AND Nellie The Eliphant! Gosh, I had no idea that the girl who sang that song was only 12. But then, I was only 4 when it was released...


:lol: Remember seeing that happen in waynes world movie :eek:hyeah:
I don't know the story (Guess I'd better check out wikkipedia) but... Maybe Teddybears' Picnic was just commercial, but, hey, it's a real band with serious musicians. Music had much longer life in those days. Recorded in the thirties, that was still going strong when I appeared in the fifties.

I'd like to say that the world was a more innocent place before we discovered s__, d__gs, rock and roll --- but that would be silly. Actually, my grandmother's generation had some pretty wild times!

What on earth is considered so great about Hotel California?

It's really a very average song ---apart from the fact that it spawned a saying from the quote about being able to check out but not able to leave. But you don't even need the record for that.

There's nothing about it that is any better at displaying the abilities of hifi than any pop-rock song, and yet it seems to be high on audition lists.

Next time (especially if I'm there), when you reach for the CD, do yourselves a favour and play Tequila Sunrise instead. It's heaps better!

<rant over :lol:>

I agree completely! The reason most showrooms use it to demo kit must be that it is so commonly known, and familiar to most people. And perhaps, because most showrooms use it for demo, people start getting the idea that it is a great song to demo hifi with. And so it build upon itself, with the cause feeding the effect, and the effect feeding the cause, going 'round and 'round :p
I am indifferent to many "popular" songs in a big way. This one is a good one but definitely over rated. Give me Heartbreak Hotel over this any day.
I do have a nice cover of it by Usha Uthup though somewhere :)
But I am glad too that they didn't choose a CD!
Or worse!

They built an office block in London, with a concave side. Nobody considered that it would focus the sun's rays until stuff at the focal point started to melt.
But concave mirrors are needed only to focus the heat energy (like solar cooker).
Solar plants have flat panels; just that they are looking towards the sun.

Ofcourse the CD has to be inverted (no Hotel California album label) for such a power station to work! :p

Sorry for OT! (Bringing CD into Vinyl thread. :D)
It may not be the best for auditioning hifi but as a piece of music it has one of the most memorable guitar solos ever.
its Classic and due to some reasons their biggest hit and apparently there are multiple interpretations from satanic cults to LA life ! .. and to quote Wikipedia
The lyrics weave a surrealistic tale in which a weary traveler checks into a luxury hotel. The hotel at first appears inviting and tempting, but it turns out to be a nightmarish place where "you can check out anytime you like, but you can never leave". The song is an allegory about hedonism, self-destruction, and greed in the music industry of the late 1970s.Don Henley called it "our interpretation of the high life in Los Angeles" and later reiterated: "It's basically a song about the dark underbelly of the American dream and about excess in America, which is something we knew a lot about."
The metaphorical character of the story related in the lyrics has inspired a number of conjectural interpretations by listeners. In the 1980s some Christian evangelists alleged that "Hotel California" referred to a San Francisco hotel that was purchased by Anton LaVey and converted into a Church of Satan. Other rumors suggested that the Hotel California was the Camarillo State Mental Hospital.

I too love Desperado and One of these Nights a lot more.

This is becoming a tug Off war between Eagles fan vs Non-Eagles FAN :)

Good to Know that LP are regaining their Popularity and so We never feel shy to say "Still i use TT for my Music in a crowd which uses Ipods\Music Player\Mobiles Etc"

Though they they think we are not upto the Technical mark

I still cant understand the Term "Best Song", I have seen few Tacks which were Noise while hearing in Head-Phone and soothing when played in Complete set-up, So I am Not sure on what basis a Song is decided as the Best? On its Instruments? Vocals?Tunes? Recording?Highly Sold Over?Most dedicated song in FM? Most awarded Song in this Universe?Most requested song on stage? Or to be more update- Song which is has Max view\Likes in You tube?

Music is Music, and it differ from person to person to Person and everything is just a Vitiual here.If you like a song Enjoy it and its good to rec comment to your friends too No Harm.

Arguing whether the music is best or deserve surely doent not doing to rewrite the History:)

Thriller is the Most sold album in History
Kolaveri and Gangam style is Most viewed song in Y-tube
Rakamma Kaiya thattu was Most Played song in FM's(This could be obsolete Now)

But I have a friend who hate all the above- which was liked by People in this world, can i categorize him as Mutant?

The song which sung by a farmer during cultivation and without Music would sounds great at Early Morning, Can anyone compare the Music sense of A mom who sings Lullaby for her Kid?

So lets not ague, just Listen and enjoy
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