Equalizer with Spectrum analyser


New Member
May 4, 2008
Hi All,

I am planing to buy Graphic Analyser with Spectrum Analyser or with VU Meter (may be simulation) which I can connect with my Denon PMA700AE
Can anyone suggest which brand to look for and any outlet in delhi ncr region to see demo.

Hi All,

I am planing to buy Graphic Analyser with Spectrum Analyser or with VU Meter (may be simulation) which I can connect with my Denon PMA700AE
Can anyone suggest which brand to look for and any outlet in delhi ncr region to see demo.


Some people think an equalizer will bend the sound, Increase the Bass and Treble, Increase the punch, dynamic slam, Tightness etc.

When you listen to a CD, you hear a lot more than the loudspeakers themselves. You hear and listen to the environment housing the speakers too.

In a song, the frequencies being heard don't merit Eqs as frequencies keep changing with the change of song.

Standing reflected Bass waves act on the next sound coming from the speaker to create peaks and flats.

Flats mean an absence of any sound at that frequency.

Using traps (Real Traps etc) Helps absorb the reflected Bass which is not absorbed by a curtain. This treatment requires a thick treatment with glass wool.

THis prevents reflections from acting on the fresh signal.

Try moving about your room. You should see different bass sounds peaking from place to place in the room. So, what will you equalise?

Most audio systems are excellent at reproducing High bass to treble freqs without much complaints. Even small systems are good because they give 95% of the sound input. Having a dedicated subwoofer brings to life the remaining lowest freqs. Playing a sub too loud muddies the Higher frequency being produced by the bookshelves/sats.

The thing is that unless you're a Motown freak, try to hear the same sounds as a sound engineer had while recording the song. Back off on the sub volume so that the High Bass and treble are true.

Why listen to woofs and Tweets when we can hear music instead.

Dont spoil the experience, and see things in a professional would.:lol:
Ok, thanks for the reply, but would surely like to septrum analyser connected to my amplifier where I can see visulaize different frequencies. Can you help me in suggesting some decent spectrum analyser
Ok, thanks for the reply, but would surely like to have septrum analyser connected to my amplifier where I can visulaize different frequencies. Can you help me in suggesting some decent spectrum analyser and there availabilty in delhi ncr region
what are you trying to achieve with this?

Hi All,

I am planing to buy Graphic Analyser with Spectrum Analyser or with VU Meter (may be simulation) which I can connect with my Denon PMA700AE
Can anyone suggest which brand to look for and any outlet in delhi ncr region to see demo.

Hi All,

I am planing to buy Graphic Analyser with Spectrum Analyser or with VU Meter (may be simulation) which I can connect with my Denon PMA700AE
Can anyone suggest which brand to look for and any outlet in delhi ncr region to see demo.


Hi Vish,
I have just bought an ADC SS -100 Graphic Equaliser with spectrum analyser and connected it to my Denon PMA 700 AE amp.I am pretty happy with the results.I have a lot of old cassettes,both pre -recorded and some that I recorded myself 20-25 years ago,from LPs.You can certainly tweak the sound to your liking and also improve some of the SQ of the older recordings and also of Worldspace.I have a recording of Led Zeps "Black Dog " album,which I made in 1974 on a Sony TC 161 SD Cassette Deck through a Sansui amp,using a Garrard TT.All this becomes eminently listenable today.I don't have a "professional studio" at home where I listen to music, but an ordinary drawing room of maybe 23 x 15ft,with curtains , carpets and plenty of furniture. I think an equaliser certainly makes a world of difference. On my other system (in the same room)I also have a graphic equaliser,of some unknown Indian make called 'Revelation', which has served me well for over 15 years.I think you should go for it.Any decent pre - owned 10 band one will do -Shearwood,Technics,ADC,etc. Look out on Hi Fi Mart - thats where I got the ADC from.Cheers,
Hi Sanjay,

Thanks for the information. Actually I also do have old cassette collection for which I was looking for equalizer. Can you please let me know any outlet in delhi ncr if you are aware of. I enquired at Cinebel Gurgaon, but they are not aware of such product.

Hi Sanjay,

Thanks for the information. Actually I also do have old cassette collection for which I was looking for equalizer. Can you please let me know any outlet in delhi ncr if you are aware of. I enquired at Cinebel Gurgaon, but they are not aware of such product.


Hi Vish,
Unfortunately, no one makes equalisers any more, so you will have to look for a pre-owned one. None of the dealers in Hyderabad or Bombay seem to stock them.If I come across anyone selling one here, I will let you know.Cheers,
Subcentre has raised a good point.

AFAIK Parametric Equalizers are considered an alternative to acoustically treating your room. by taking measurements of which frequencies peak at critical points in the room, the PE can be adjusted to subdue the output of those frequencies. But a good PE costs a lac maybe.

Many people "play by ear" with ordinary Equalizers and get lucky with finding a set of frequency matches that improves the sound in the room. No harm trying out if you have $$ to spend I guess.

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