Good bye forum. :)


Well-Known Member
Mar 23, 2009
Hi Guys,

Thank you for all the help.
I got a wonderful 2.1 setup and a plasma TV recommendations and got them within my budget and am happy. :)

Recently I found that Iam spending way too much time in the forum than I expected coupled with the fact that there is no more hifi requirements for me in the near future.

I will be shutting myself down with the 300th post. Wish the forum and the members a good luck.

I hope you can stay away and save some time. I am too looking forward to the same :)

Which 2.1 did you buy?


Hi Guys,

Thank you for all the help.
I got a wonderful 2.1 setup and a plasma TV recommendations and got them within my budget and am happy. :)

Recently I found that Iam spending way too much time in the forum than I expected coupled with the fact that there is no more hifi requirements for me in the near future.

I will be shutting myself down with the 300th post. Wish the forum and the members a good luck.

Forums can rather intrude into one's life. I have four regulars now, and it often seems like there is not time in the day for the rest of the internet, let alone life outside the door!

Happy Listening/Watching :)
Hi Guys,

Thank you for all the help.
I got a wonderful 2.1 setup and a plasma TV recommendations and got them within my budget and am happy. :)

Recently I found that Iam spending way too much time in the forum than I expected coupled with the fact that there is no more hifi requirements for me in the near future.

I will be shutting myself down with the 300th post. Wish the forum and the members a good luck.


Wishing you goodluck:clapping:... Still my words follow..:lol:

The 2.1 setup you have done if at all with the help and advice thru Hifi members it shall be reiterated by posting more and more advices to junior Hifi enthu's. Just spend some 15 minutes daily to pass on your reply and advice to the recent postings/ No digging in deep for old post.. Someway or other it will be helpful to others.

With regards
After one full year of forum obsession, I have finally moved to checking this forum only a few times per day with reluctance rather than the many times per hour :) Yes everything suffers life, work, priorities ... but its our own deep inner compulsions that are to blame.

Hope you find your way back without the obsession :)

All the best Blasto, These forums are so ubiquitous that you get hooked to one or the other.Even checking mail becomes so for many people, but you cant just shun it altogether, can you? So long as it is a healthy place not spreading some hatred or vice, you'll be fine. Most of us normally get over it and move on to other things. without saying goodbye so many past members do peek in now and then to offer advice.You can do the same.

Hi Guys,

Thank you for all the help.

Recently I found that Iam spending way too much time in the forum than I expected coupled with the fact that there is no more hifi requirements for me in the near future.


Well friend ,thats not good at all as your requirment is over & not willing to help others.
Any way as you have decided All D Best.
I 2nd all my friends here blasto. yes, they r all right when they say u can just spend 10-15min daily and reply to all the new members like me for instance.

Did we ever hear Sachin say that i have had enough of centuries under my belt, no more of them now?

Come on bro, this is a good place to hang around atleast u will find all the guys w/o any competition and eager to help others.

Rethink !!:sad:
Forums can rather intrude into one's life. I have four regulars now, and it often seems like there is not time in the day for the rest of the internet, let alone life outside the door!

This is a very sad but True fact. Internet addiction is a dangerous and deadly thing. Internet is infact a double edged sword. If you use it wisely you can do wonders but if you spend too much time its disaster.

From Last 1 year I am spending way too much time on USELESS things on internet and cant seem to get over it.

My outside life has been compromised becoz of this to a great extent! :(

But on the contrary I have learnt many great things from internet which I wouldnt have been able to know without it.
Membership and regular presence to any forum helps one to make new contacts and friendship. It is a great stress buster. HFV is really a nice forum, one of the best kind among the few regulars, where I am member. Here all are passionate and always eager to help others, specially newbies. It is great.

It is very difficult for a truly passionate guy to bid goodbye from this forum. People may have less time due to other commitments. But if the guy is passionate, he will find time and give at least 15-20 minutes to browse threads and help others. After all, it is a good forum for friendship.
Blasto , Rethink about your decision, You can stay away from this forum after 1000 posts. though you dont have any thing to add for your stereo setup , you can help the new members to take decision.
hey blasto.....i completely understand how this forum becomes addictive, but it would be nice if you can stick around and help out other people when the need arises. It's a bit disapointing to see someone join the forums and then leave when their need is satisfied. All the best either way :)
Well, Nothing to disappoint.. :D

I have figured out a way to remain in the forum..
From now on.. Only saturday and sunday allocated for the forum.. :yahoo:

Mods, can you please close the thread?
Well, Nothing to disappoint.. :D

I have figured out a way to remain in the forum..

So you took my words seriously :lol:
OR you was checking popularity?

So this year's most poppular member award goes to " BLASTO "

Last time it was with Reju.:ohyeah:
Last edited:
Hai all,

I think sticking to only topics of ones interest can save a lot of time.
I do it. Post replies only when we are sure of the topic. This way saves a lot of time.

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