help ! Norge 2060 right channel not working - hyderabad


Well-Known Member
Sep 29, 2008

please help. what could be the problem ? any repair centers in hyderabad?

btw i have checked the speakers (wharfe 9.1) by swichting wires and both wok fine. i also tried speaker A anb B connections. and with different sources too.

any help appreciated.

looks like a loose solder jt somewhere near that channel out.should be a simple prob to fix,but have u tried contacting ur dealer/mr bajaj?cheers
Problem is i am in hyderabad, got these from a delaer in pune and will be sometime before i go there again :(

I have given this today to a repair center run by one of the local dealers. Initial assesment is that something has short :( they have kept the unit and will let me know monday what is the damage and repair cost :(

I had the same issue. Right channel stopped working suddenly in my Norge 2060. I took it back to the dealer. He returned it back teh next day after repairing it. He told me that a part was burnt inside. Possible cause was shorting of speaker cables (though I dont think i did that... )..

hope your issue gets resolved quickly.
Thanks guys. Yes i was told the same thing , that something burnt due to possible speaker short. I am getting the amp back today.

So i had a question, how to avoid this. Is it more safe to have banana plugs instead of direct cable fix ?

If you connect/disconnect your speaker cables frequently then banana plugs are required.
The same issue happened last night with my Norge 1000.

The left channel stopped working. Both speakers were fine, checked by switching speaker cables. One of the amp speaker wire looked very loose, and possibly could have shorted, creating a minor component damage inside amp.

Lets hope it is 'something' ..... less.
RECTIFIED ...... :)

It was only a loose RC IC connecting the tapedeck 'out' to the AVR input ... which is further feeding to the Norge amp through the unpowered zone 2 of the AVR.

Compressed the RC IC using a tong and close-fitted it to the AVR 'in' ... and the dead speaker sprang back to life.
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