Help repairing Sony AZ33D HiFi system


Active Member
Jul 17, 2020
I have a really old sony music system at home that resurfaced after being forced to clean stuff up.

The main amplifier unit is not showing any signs of switching on after plugging it in. Even if the power component is restored, I'm sure there are other issues to the system. Last I remember was 4-5 years back where I was able to switch it on and connect it to my TV with an optical cable and it used to give a sound output for 3-5 secs after which it got cut and I had to power cycle again for the same. Not sure what's wrong. But I'm hoping the speakers are alright.

My query being, what is the cheapest way to get this working? Are there any 3rd party amplifiers I can use to run these speakers (model SS-AZ55D)?
Or can I open the unit up and try to repair it? I'm comfortable with a bit of soldering, etc., but will there be any outdated official components that I may not be able to find replacements for in the market?
Was able to dig up an old service manual: or . Both are pay-walled at the moment, will try to dig further.

And above all, is it worth the effort? Are these speakers decent enough to warrant all this?

I currently use an LG oled CX tv and these are the audio specifications I found:

And the specifications for the Sony AZ33D model :

Just looking at raw numbers, the Sony's 200W output should objectively be much better than the LG TV's 40W output right? Or is there anything else that I'm supposed to be looking at?

Main goal is to shift to these speakers if it's better than the tv. And, it'll also be better if I can get the amplifier unit running because it has DTS support and the TV doesn't.

Please do guide on a reasonable way forward.
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