Help Reqd. : LivingRoom HomeTheatre cum ListeningRoom

Indeed acoustic windows is a good idea and sharing the media with neighbours is a good thought and one can always adjust the timings to watch movies like avoiding the afternoon or late night as sound travels at these times faster, there are other ways also to tackle this matter.

The wooden flooring may not help anyone much let it be the listener or neighbour.


Neighbours on the same floor can be helped by double layers of windows with an airgap and most importantly by sharing some media;).

Neighbours below may be a problem, especially the LF which can get passed on structurally. Wooden floors will help to some extend if really suspended. But then, you should DIY with cheap real wood like Pine or rubber wood rather than buy ready wooden flooring as the installers will not be flexible with your ideas. Subhash had some luck by using Anutone boards below his Sub.
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