here we go again..

the jc2 ( $4500 ) and promotheus pre amps ( $550 ) are poles apart.. maybe you can comment more since u owned both..


Mpw they are not really $4k apart, soundwise. The prometheus is an excellent pre, provided the amp. matching is done well. What both of them do very well is that they are very transparent, but what I heard is better extension of frequencies on both the top and bottom from the Jc2. Overall resolution also appears better with the Jc2. Beyond that nothing much more really. Soundstage depth & width, imaging etc. are almost similar.
Perphaps depending on the amp. the TVC may be better in certain areas as well.
Ok that is the probably the price at old fx rate then. I believe the current mrp of the a23 is 80k, and as I mentioned before, definitely not a VFM at this price.
The price was benchmarked to the Rs50/$ mark when I had enquired.

So the fx rate is 10% higher now where as the MRP is 20% higher. What a ripoff! Guys don't get me wrong, I have spent close to a 7 figure sum on hi-fi equipment last year all sourced through Indian dealers, and I am ok if the msrp is 25-30% higher than international pricing, but 50% - 100% (got a quote yesterday on a component at this markup), is daylight robbery and I refuse to give any business to such D&D's.
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was at laxmi indl estate andheri now with my passive pre amp.

Speakers - deftech Studio 55 ( cost mrp 44k )

Listening room - closed and heavily damped..about 20 by 15 room

started off with the song no 10 from Rockstar album - the shenhai duet. Straightaway the shehnais and the highs were sounding recessed switched to various tracks.. but the combo lacked fizz.

That set the mood down..

in a passive pre amp.. one does not expect too much fizz but i like sounds that are presented a bit forward.

Tried with the P3 pre amp ( 60k ) and JC2 ( 200k ).. the JC2 was the best but even there the magic was missing..

maybe it was not my day and maybe since i am used to listening to music in a largish open room.. the passiveness of the passive may not have come into play so much. My flooring is marbonite too..

I have to keep my room in mind when i audition as i think thats half the battle.. each system can sound different in a different room..

I doubt things would have improved by leaps if the epos m12i was there..

On a few other CD's.. like norah jones.. the intimacy was there but on chris rea.. the bass was too pronounced..

Or maybe i got used to the NAD sound too much


2 more auditions lined up in the next 2 days.. lets see..

Possibly it was the def tech studio monitor 55.. not as good as made out to be ..

am happy the process of filtration has begun from the available options..

Regarding the Jolida, as we are speaking on the other thread, I found the dealer in Pune (oceanic Sound & Vision). He is currently out of town and will reply to my e-mail in couple of days regarding the pricing of the 1501 BRC (which is readily available with him)
So, if pricing is reasonable then I will go for an audition + buy to Pune in the coming week.
was at laxmi indl estate andheri now with my passive pre amp.


Tried with the P3 pre amp ( 60k ) and JC2 ( 200k ).. the JC2 was the best but even there the magic was missing..

I just read a bit about your speakers and from WHF they say that treble can get aggressive (or something like that) and given my earlier experiences with WHF to my experiences, WHF loves bright kits (or kits which sound a tad bright in untreated rooms)

I am not really sure what kind of sound liked by you at your home, but I would really suggest to go with options which let you take your speakers or get the amp for a home demo (I am not too sure about this possibility as I recently relocated back to India)

Given the fact that they are rear ported(?) you can already tune the sound a bit by moving them closer or further away from the rear / side walls.

I had the Parasound kit one time (A23, A21 as well as their multichannel pre-amp). Parasound kit, to my ears, is extremely neutral and clean and lets you hear the speakers, especially the A21. Given that, if A 23, fits budget, I suggest hear it with your speakers and there is a good chance that you might like the A23.
The way I see it, Jolida amp will add some subtle color (atleast that is what I am intending to do) and given what I read about the Epos, it might be a welcome thing too!!

i am not saying anything good or bad about the A23.

Our of the FM whose opinion i value suggested it to me.

The room was very confined and heavily damped and the seller knew it as well..

The question is the pre amp. I dont have funds to spend 100k on a good pre amp and then the A23 so i need to go with something that matches with my promitheus TVC or settle for an integrated.

Maybe i will take my Epos with me for future auditions.

Truth be told.. the epos m12i is a very nice speaker with due respect to WHF but as with any thing in audio.. system matching is a must.

I have huge clearances from the rear and the sides at my home and the Epos is very comfortable with that given the fact that my rear "wall" is actually 2 inch wood.

I think my speakers at home breathe very well and i dont wish to play around more than what is required to keep things simple.

Have PM you about MF and please PM me about Jolida .. maybe i could join in ( if something doesnt work out for me by then )

I wish you luck..


I think my speakers at home breathe very well and i dont wish to play around more than what is required to keep things simple.

Have PM you about MF and please PM me about Jolida .. maybe i could join in ( if something doesnt work out for me by then )

I wish you luck..


You are quite fortunate to have such free space! I had the problem of not giving enough space to speakers to breathe and it involved working around.

Though Parasound is good, IMO, I will still not get Parasound again as I am looking for something to give a very slight midrange coloration postively and not sacrificing dynamics

Thanks for the PM. You are more that welcome to join for the Pune audition (If I am going in the first place!)

BTW, what else are you auditioning in the coming days? It will be very interesting to know!

Also, I live very close to laxmi industrial estate (4 Bungalows). What is the shop / place where you did your audition of the Parasound gear?

Please fill in with findings of your auditions with other amps :)

had a little party at home yesterday.

Ronnie ( thank you so much surrealstix ), Denom, Ravikumar, Bimalved, Kaushal and the humungous Odyssey Stratos plus.. !!

It was about 2.5 hours of bliss.. ( This was our own impromptu meet parallel to the delhi one )

An array of audio gear at bimals place added to the lustre..

Thank you guys so much..

and a thank you to Sridhar ( Odyssey ) of ARN too..

Ronnie.. i really appreciate the chance for home audition for the stratos..

I thought the music was good..

I have some thinking to do in terms of my way forward.. and i hope to make real progress by this weekend..

Distilled choices..

Power amp :-

Odyssey Stratos + promitheus pre
Odyssey Khartago + promitheus pre
Arcam P75 ( used )
NAD C275.. the quiet bull in the china shop.. dunno when this guy will wake up.

The Khartago will fit my rack very well but i am not sure if that will be my only criterion.

I am told that we have to keep power amps on for 1 hour or so to warm up and get the best music.. i am not sure i could do that regularly.. my listening sessions stretch for an hour and a half at max... this is a damping factor for me.

i see folks shifting to good integrateds mainly to keep things simple..

Sometimes i think.. lets keep it simple and do it the integrated way..

Exposure 2010s
Naim Nait 5i
Simaudio Moon I-1 ( or the I-250 )
MF M3i
YBA 201 - this is a new french company.. am hoping this is not built in china and branded in france
Odyssey Cyclops ( single input.. integrated )
Jolida 1501 BRC.. the dark horse in the background
Quad Elite integrated..
Rega Brio - cant hear it anywhere ??

I think i could choose from these.. am thru with names..

I think one fine day.... lack of time and lack of music.. and a few discussions will pull the trigger.


Getting an amp that has synergy with your speaker is crucial. The amps you have shortlisted are all pretty good. The important thing is whether they will sing with your speakers.

If you are clear you are staying with Epos, then go with a British amp. As per the experts the recommended one is Creek. I have heard the older Creek integrated amps and they are very very good. The new ones are the Evo series. I think the Creek Evo 5350 should be an excellent match. New should be around 1000 UK Pounds.
the creeks are out of my budget prem..

they are 104 MRP for Creek 5350 and 150k for Destiny 2. There are excellent amps nevertheless..


The Evo 2 should also be fine. That would be much cheaper. Or try get a older used Creek 5350 from UK. The 5350 are pretty special amps.

Go with the older 5350 model. I am not sure about the new EVO series. Was just reading about them. Both have a digitally controlled vol control. Not sure how that will sound.
am trying to locate something aborad.. lets see how things pan out..maybe the older 5350 at a better price will be nice of they have one lying around some where at the dealers.. unlikely.. but can get lucky..

The creek pricing in India is quite bad.. compared to the international pricing and i find the same with many many amps..

It throws the VFM equation out of the window ( if bought in India and Indian prices )

Hey MPW,

Have you tried matching your speakers with musichall amps? It is a true poor man's creek and is a real value.

There is one for sale from srini for rock bottom price in the 20s range.

I have earlier upgraded from NAD to musichall amp before eventually moving to MF. Still I think it is one of the best values. You can find my impressions elsewhere vs NAD.

today afternoon auditioned the combo Marantz CD 5004 + Roksan kandy K2 + jamo C803.. at Cinebels..

Just dropped in with my CD's as i was rather close to the dealer at the time.

I wanted to hear the Roksan play before i take the effort of lugging my speakers.

The music was good.. infact sweet.. the combo was a touch heavy on the bass, i thought the mids could have been better and the highs were a bit recessed to my liking. It could have been the speaker here..

Sweet - to the point of a slight lack of detail.. i hope i am communicating properly.

I thought the soundstage could have been better.

I also thought my experiences mirrored the stereophile review on the kandy K2 - or maybe is it that i "heard" what stereophile had to say !!


Its best to take my speaker for audition.. maybe i will do that next week.. take 2 days off.. put my Epos M12i in the car and off we lots of auditions..

I found the Kandy interesting enough to possibly get my speakers there.. or maybe ask for a home audition..

Looking to audition a creek in Mumbai.. anyone with creek integrated and willing to host me for half an hour..please raise their hands !!


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