hi thr

Jul 30, 2008
Hi, Sumit this side form Delhi, I am relatively new to the AV world and new to this site too, I was closly observing the fellow members and i must say this forum convinced me to convert my roof top party room in to a HT. your suggestions will be appriciated.

Hey Sumit welcome to this beautiful forum !! have a wonderful time here !

Well thats a fantastic idea ! if are ready to let go of the party place to a dedicated HT room then nothing like !!

For further suggestions and help regarding that please let Us know your idea ! also do not forget to mention the type of room this is with dimensions and other details pertaining to that room !!

Further more it is also important to mention the type of usage this set-up will be made for ! meaning mainly music or movies ! the taste of music etc etc !!
I know you've said that you want to convert this to a HT room but its not necessary that one needs to only use a HT room for movies !! hence my questions related to music !!

Please do the needful to get proper advice/suggestions !!


I join SoundsGreat and other in welcoming you to this forum.

There is one great advantage of converting a roof top party room to a HT room. You have to spend less on liquor, cigarette and other party needs. :) Just joking.

If you starting from scratch in converting a room to be suitable for HT, you have lost of advantages. You can literally start with a clean slate and modify your room to have excellent acoustics for music and video.

Some of the immediate steps you can take are the following.

1. Take a piece of paper and not the following:

a) Your interest in music. This will help you decide CD Transport, amplification, and speaker types you can set up.
b) Your interest in movies. If your interest is high, this will help you decide the type and size of your screen, and the kind of HT system you can set up.
c) Your budget
d) You time line.

Once you have these noted down, you can move forward in an organised manner to set up a wonderful HT room.

Dear All,

My sincere thanks to Soundsgreat and Venkat for thr mails.

Regarding my room and my prefrences

I m based in delhi and the room on the rooftop is abount 22 Ft in lenght and 15 feet in breath. I will update you with the picture soon.

right now the room has a basic home theater as we made that in a way that we can see muvies too as we dont do party everyday.

I have a 42" sony LCD projection TV
A basic 5.1 sony home theater ( I m not at all happy with it)
One local music amp which i procured from a local vendor. Two JBL Speakers ( 150Wt x 150 Wt)

Now I am planning to make the room in lounge cum HT room as whenever needed we will use the room for party otherwise on weekebeds we will use it like a family den.

My music choices are depends on mood actually ..I am more into sufi and all sometime i prefer lounge music too. I like deep and clear sound.

I have this huge collection of DVDs ( as DVD collection is my hobby)

Please suggect some good ideas so that I convert my den into a AV paradise.

Thank you all for all the time and support
Hi Sumit,
I am new to the forum too - joined a couple of days ago after reading all the posts. I live in Hyderabad and am interested in Audio. I like your idea of a dedicated room for all your AV Stuff. Hope it turns out well. For all the others out there, can anyone tell me where to get a cartridge slide for my Garrard Zero 100 Turntable
Hi Sanjay,
Thanks for your mail.

The idea of a desicated AV room was in my mind since long. Now lets see with the help of experts here , when will i be able to convert my den into one.

Tc - Sumit
Hi Sumit,
For all the others out there, can anyone tell me where to get a cartridge slide for my Garrard Zero 100 Turntable

is this what you are looking for?


In India, Mumbai may be the best place for getting parts for old turntables. I hope some member comes up with a name and address that you can use.

Can you write to the above link and see if he will ship it to you? I am afraid it may end up costing you somewhere around 3 odd thousand rupees including shipping from the US,

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