HTiB (to be used with a PC) suggestion: Budget ~25K


Active Member
Oct 12, 2009
????????/???? (Gurgaon/Nangal)
Well I was thinking of getting a Home Theater System but after doing a lot of research, I am still not convinced about my decision. So starting this thread to share your inputs.

My Usage:
I will be using this to primarily connect to my PC (in my siggy) since I do not have and do not wish to add any external DVD player.

My listening preference is 40% music, 40% movies and 20% gaming. I would need a good sub with as perfect as possible reproduction of the lows IN MY BUDGET. I won't listen to it loud but I would want the sub to produce the lows in a refined manner. No jarry thudds and muffled up booms.
Also more of a Jazz lover, i want the strings to sound as perfect as possible (again in my budget :P) so need the satellites to sound warm and mellow, without any artificial tones.

I know its a little tough since the HTs are not really targeted towards music loving audience and especially not in the budget I've mentioned but still I do not want to go for the 2.1 setup since I want to satisfy the other surround needs as well.

Space/budget is a constraint to can't go for bookshelves or towers. :(

Options I have:
* Logitech Z5500D: Good thing for the price but here I am looking a little more than the muddy bass. But for close to 18K this will be my last option. I know people here will suggest me that but somehow this thing doesn't appeal me.

* Onkyo HTS 3100/3200: Very decent systems. The 3100 is available for 20K and the 3200 for 24K (with 3 HMDI Pass-through inputs). They sound fabulous and look like a killer deal. The bass is just perfect but the highs get a little jarry on higher volumes. Still 3200 is the one I like the most.

* Yamaha YTS 195: 24K for the complete setup. Comes with an active sub. Very decent AV receiver but pathetic satellites. Sound wise its comparable to the Onkyo. Would have loved to get this one but the satellites are seriously the downers.

* Onkyo 370 Receiver + Pure Acoustics nano system: Will shoot the budget to close to 30K but this combo sounds better than all. The only gripe is that the sub that comes with the nano package is a puny sub. I wanted to get something more powerful.

* You guys suggest. :)

My questions:
* About the HDMI Passthrough: Do I actually need it ? Well my TV already has 3 HDMI inputs. And since the sound has to be routed through the Optical link, whats the use of the HDMI then ? I know we can't talk about the Dolby TrueHD or DTS HD, in this budget. So shouldn't I just stick to the 3100 and be done with it in less than 20K ?

* What combos (Receiver + speakers) do you guys suggest ? Any experiences ?

PS: I can increase the budget to max 30K but only if there is a marginal gain in the sound fidelity. And again this thing will stay with me for more than 3-4 years, at least, and do not want to keep upgrading the stuff. Whatever I'll buy now will stay as it is. So please suggest accordingly.
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