interested in knowing made in india items


New Member
Sep 8, 2006
i am surprised to see most of the info. about products are not made in india.
even the dealer member category also introduce foreign brands.

i will be glad to see discussion about products which can be obtained for
less than 5k.

i think by encouraging local manufacturers by making references about their products we will be doing a good service.

for example some one has mentioned about the torvin speakers. i had visited the show room of this product. it is modest tucked in a bye lane in the first floor. it is amazing to see the array of speakers available:rolleyes: . all are made in india.

another product i came across is some one from pune, if i remember correctly, the speaker name is ARTIS. :cool: for want of proper encouragement and publicity, good product manufacturers go unnoticed.

what do you feel.

thank you mr.anil for caring to inform me.

i immediately clicked the pulz link and visited the website.
worth knowing.

you have helped me add one more bit of vital info. in my field of interest.
i am getting educated.

in my home town in TN, Vellore, once i came across a manufacturer of speaker systems meant for cinemas. as a young boy i used to visit his assembly line, backyard of his shop. there i used to see the finishing of
the aluminum die cast speaker shells, fixing of big magnets, coils, pasting of cone papers etc., their speakers were installed in all small theaters in
the district of North Arcod. Some 300 installations. this was somewhere in
1965. I dont know what happened to them afterwards.

First time (1970 may be) i enjoyed 8 track stereo installed at the Saffire(First 70mm) theatre at mount road chennai. it was a thrilling experience. I befriended the projection room assistants son and once he took me to the backside of the 70mm screen! Now, only the ground where the theatre was there is left.:mad:

anyhow thanks a lot once again.:)

thank you very much rashmikant.

except two all the websites good.
especially torvin at chennai itself, i had once gone there.

norge is one of the oldest. they have stayed tightly within the amp.mfg.
what surprises me is that how come they are not able to cater to the lower
middle class. i think in india, good music system is still out of reach of ordinary man.

what happend to the Cosmic people. I hope still they are in.

wish you good day.

cosmic is long gone..I know and talk often with their tech head, Gaurang here in Mumbai.
Arphi was another nice speaker manufacturer, I used own their Aquarius model speaker as a kid.
Re: looking for indian brand

Thanks for the nice collection of links. I think Space Audio link now is

Regds / Shailender

I would like to add:

Lyrita Audio

text from Lyrita site:

Lyrita Audio has its genesis in a huge attic in Chicago, where Viren Bakhshi, a chemical engineer, began mucking around with hi-fi components and design, his ears full of Chicago jazz and chamber music. This all-consuming passion for pure sound really got going in 1994 in New Delhi, India, when Viren began to design and produce high end audio equipment commercially.
Like all high end companies, Lyrita Audio is the creation of its designer. Its products reflect the purist philosophy and goals of Viren Bakhshi who maintains: "Reproduced music should be true to the recorded medium. If the recording is good, the listener is brought close to the 'live' experience."

To the discerning ear, Lyrita offers truth and clarity. And enormous gratification. In a world where most audio products are sold more by hype than pure performance levels, Lyrita is the audiophile's genuine alternative to the big name and brand.

It is a happy alternative. Lyrita Audio has a widening circle of customers, admirers, friends and business associates who are similarly driven: passion for music and for equipment that reproduces sound realistically.

Lyrita follows a policy of manufacturing long lasting equipment. Improvements in design are made on a regular basis to improve music reproduction. What's more, all the enhancements are retrofittable. Your equipment is protected from obsolescence, the scourge of all contemporary electronics.

In every little detail, your Lyrita system is designed to go on. Because, for Lyrita, music is life.
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A few additions

At the higher end we have Audire ( from Coimbatore.

At the affordable end we have Audiocraft in Chennai. Unfortunately he does not have any website.

I have tube amp & single driver speakers form Lyrita Audio.Very good products, although I dont know how to put it in magazine jargon, I am quiet satisfied
cosmic is long gone..I know and talk often with their tech head, Gaurang here in Mumbai.
Arphi was another nice speaker manufacturer, I used own their Aquarius model speaker as a kid.

Thanks for the information.I have a Cosmic turntable which I am keeping as a remembrance.I shall be thankful if you could kindly let me know through Mr.Gaurang the service technicians of Cosmic products in Chennai so that any minor problems in my Cosmic TT can be sorted out.
Thanking you,
Hi All,

Really good idea to have such a thread. Great to know there are some enterpreuners trying there hands on such stuff.

Though there needs to be seen how they market and provide support for their products.

It'll will be great if people post there reviews on indian made products.

Thanks for the information.I have a Cosmic turntable which I am keeping as a remembrance.I shall be thankful if you could kindly let me know through Mr.Gaurang the service technicians of Cosmic products in Chennai so that any minor problems in my Cosmic TT can be sorted out.
Thanking you,

Hi Pk,
I spoke to Gaurang yesterday late eve. He says he doesnt know anyone there. I am sorry. Couldnt help you. Infact he has moved out of the music business altogether, he gone into IT and stuff...sad.
Hi Pk,
I spoke to Gaurang yesterday late eve. He says he doesnt know anyone there. I am sorry. Couldnt help you. Infact he has moved out of the music business altogether, he gone into IT and stuff...sad.

Hallo madjack,
I thank you for the efforts you have made.As a matter of fact I have located a service centre which services Cosmic products and I thought it would be better to utilise the services of people who were originally involved in such activities.
Thanking you,
A few additions

At the higher end we have Audire ( from Coimbatore.

At the affordable end we have Audiocraft in Chennai. Unfortunately he does not have any website.


Dear Venkatcr sir,
I feel, audiocraft must have website and people like you only can bring his products to limelight. Recently he has a new line up for 5.1 and 7.1 packages under demo at his new chennai showroom costing upto 1 lakh. Kindly visit and audition them, then share ur kind views with all of us who are not exactly in chennai but in near by areas.
Thanks in advance.
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