Invention Audio Power Conditioner - Version 2


New Member
Jan 20, 2016
First time I used power conditioner, which is a chinese one, named Weduka, bought from Ali express. One of my audiophile friend suggested it. I was very reluctant to do this upgrade, I was very new to the audiophile world and did not believe in power conditioners, my belief is that the equipment should be capable enough to handle the power accordingly.

I did an A/B comparison with and without the conditioner and I thought conditioner made a difference but not sure it was a positive difference. I still thought the equipment sounded better without the conditioner. I left Weduka on for few days and I did an A/B comparison again. This is the first time I believed a good power conditioner will definitely make a difference to the sound. I was happy with Weduka for a long time until I heard Invention Audio. Couple of friends already were using it and very impressed with it. I got a demo piece to check. I could feel the difference the moment I switched on, the sound was different. After a few minutes of listening felt like it's music that is flowing out from my system which I dreamt of for a long long time. Especially the highs started to feel like real instruments and they were floating through the air. After few more minutes of listening I was smiling to myself as I never thought a power conditioner will make this much difference. What I was listening was sheer musical flow.
After few days of listening I was convinced that there is no looking back and I booked my order for a new piece as I have to give back the demo one. It took 2 months for the new one to arrive (Credit goes to Covid). What I got was the version 2 of the conditioner. The demo piece was the initial or version 1 but version 2 as per Sandeep from Invention Audio is more advanced. The question arises to me as how much better version 2 will be better than version 1? Version 1 was already outstanding. Right out of the box version 2 has the same qualities of version 1 with the same musicality and tonality but felt some details and sound stage were missing. Sandeep suggested me to let the unit break in for at least 50 to 100hrs to really hear the performance. I was going to my home town and I will be away from music for 10 days, so I connected the conditioner to my refrigerator so that the unit has ample time to break in :-)
When I came back and connected the unit back, I really could not believe the difference in sound after the break in, there is a day and night difference. What I felt was there was more control in the overall frequency spectrum right from top end to low end. Version 2 is definitely better than version 1 in terms of control and better and bigger Soundstage as far as I heard. Also wanted to mention the build quality and extra protection compared to version 1. It took more than 200hrs to actually confirm the sound that I am hearing. I wanted to test more to make sure the conditioner is doing its job every time I switch on. Right now I am convinced and throughly too that there is no doubt that a power conditioner will make a difference and a huge difference in this case. After 350hrs of runtime, I don't worry about the conditioner now. It's like invisible and don't come in between the sound.

How much do you invest in your equipment to sound good? Straight forward answer is there is no end in this audiophile world. Do yourself a big favor, try Invention Audio power conditioner before investing on any other equipment and see what a difference it can make to the sound. Literally I feel like it's acting like a preamp, weird but YES, it is actually like a preamp for me. The whole frequency spectrum blossomed, there is musical flow with control. In my Audio Note set up the highs sparkling sweet and it's not highs anymore but feel like real instruments. Mids are outstanding and not to forget the voices, I felt real audiophile voices. You won't be missing any lows either. Actually all my audiophile friends whom I highly regard and respect as good audiophiles use Invention Audio power conditioner now and I am throughly convinced that it is doing a great job too.

In fact it is world class and I rate it five star better than any other power conditioners I heard for the price. Please do yourself a favor Screenshot_20210130-100408_Gallery.jpgScreenshot_20210130-100355_Gallery.jpgand try Invention Audio power conditioner version 2 before investing on any other equipment.
First time I used power conditioner, which is a chinese one, named Weduka, bought from Ali express. One of my audiophile friend suggested it. I was very reluctant to do this upgrade, I was very new to the audiophile world and did not believe in power conditioners, my belief is that the equipment should be capable enough to handle the power accordingly.

I did an A/B comparison with and without the conditioner and I thought conditioner made a difference but not sure it was a positive difference. I still thought the equipment sounded better without the conditioner. I left Weduka on for few days and I did an A/B comparison again. This is the first time I believed a good power conditioner will definitely make a difference to the sound. I was happy with Weduka for a long time until I heard Invention Audio. Couple of friends already were using it and very impressed with it. I got a demo piece to check. I could feel the difference the moment I switched on, the sound was different. After a few minutes of listening felt like it's music that is flowing out from my system which I dreamt of for a long long time. Especially the highs started to feel like real instruments and they were floating through the air. After few more minutes of listening I was smiling to myself as I never thought a power conditioner will make this much difference. What I was listening was sheer musical flow.
After few days of listening I was convinced that there is no looking back and I booked my order for a new piece as I have to give back the demo one. It took 2 months for the new one to arrive (Credit goes to Covid). What I got was the version 2 of the conditioner. The demo piece was the initial or version 1 but version 2 as per Sandeep from Invention Audio is more advanced. The question arises to me as how much better version 2 will be better than version 1? Version 1 was already outstanding. Right out of the box version 2 has the same qualities of version 1 with the same musicality and tonality but felt some details and sound stage were missing. Sandeep suggested me to let the unit break in for at least 50 to 100hrs to really hear the performance. I was going to my home town and I will be away from music for 10 days, so I connected the conditioner to my refrigerator so that the unit has ample time to break in :-)
When I came back and connected the unit back, I really could not believe the difference in sound after the break in, there is a day and night difference. What I felt was there was more control in the overall frequency spectrum right from top end to low end. Version 2 is definitely better than version 1 in terms of control and better and bigger Soundstage as far as I heard. Also wanted to mention the build quality and extra protection compared to version 1. It took more than 200hrs to actually confirm the sound that I am hearing. I wanted to test more to make sure the conditioner is doing its job every time I switch on. Right now I am convinced and throughly too that there is no doubt that a power conditioner will make a difference and a huge difference in this case. After 350hrs of runtime, I don't worry about the conditioner now. It's like invisible and don't come in between the sound.

How much do you invest in your equipment to sound good? Straight forward answer is there is no end in this audiophile world. Do yourself a big favor, try Invention Audio power conditioner before investing on any other equipment and see what a difference it can make to the sound. Literally I feel like it's acting like a preamp, weird but YES, it is actually like a preamp for me. The whole frequency spectrum blossomed, there is musical flow with control. In my Audio Note set up the highs sparkling sweet and it's not highs anymore but feel like real instruments. Mids are outstanding and not to forget the voices, I felt real audiophile voices. You won't be missing any lows either. Actually all my audiophile friends whom I highly regard and respect as good audiophiles use Invention Audio power conditioner now and I am throughly convinced that it is doing a great job too.

In fact it is world class and I rate it five star better than any other power conditioners I heard for the price. Please do yourself a favor View attachment 54245View attachment 54246and try Invention Audio power conditioner version 2 before investing on any other equipment.
Nice review....Are all components connected to power conditioner?....Did you try isolating the power amp and connecting rest to see the difference? Please do excuse my noob questions...I am very new to stereo listening and building my system gradually.
Nice review....Are all components connected to power conditioner?....Did you try isolating the power amp and connecting rest to see the difference? Please do excuse my noob questions...I am very new to stereo listening and building my system gradually.
Yes I have my cd player and Integrated amp connected to it. I tried both cd and amp with and without the conditioner and the difference is obvious. Good Luck.
Nice review....Are all components connected to power conditioner?....Did you try isolating the power amp and connecting rest to see the difference? Please do excuse my noob questions...I am very new to stereo listening and building my system gradually.
I have been using ver 1 for over a year now and it is as essential a component as any other in my system.

My Nuprime monoblocks are connected to the conditioner. They sound cleaner with the conditioner. Dac, Mac mini, AVR, Apple TV 4K and my OLED TV are all connected to the conditioner.

I’ll post my review soon.
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I demoed the version 1 a couple of years back and I did like what it did to the sound.. I just found it a bit expensive but then I find all power conditioners expensive.. I do think it cleans up the sound and would highly recommend people to use this first before they spend fancy amounts on power cables...This definitely is more important than spending on an expensive power cable...

I just wish they had updated their website with some information.. Would be helpful for everyone as I see new pictures of vibration isolaters as well..
I demoed the version 1 a couple of years back and I did like what it did to the sound.. I just found it a bit expensive but then I find all power conditioners expensive.. I do think it cleans up the sound and would highly recommend people to use this first before they spend fancy amounts on power cables...This definitely is more important than spending on an expensive power cable...
I think the IA conditioner is much better vfm when compared to an equally priced IsoTek that I tried.

coming to power cables I noticed them making a change even when a conditioner is present in the chain. But it’s for folks who are picky and want the last leg of refinement. Ymmv

Here is my review

My system had issue at top end where the highs were too sparkly and glassy. So, I was researching how to tackle this and came across power conditioners. I tried an IsoTek (costing around USD400 new). It was a loaner unit which I used for a few weeks and was pretty satisfied. It almost solved the brightness issue. Then I heard about Invention Audio’s conditioner via a trustworthy audiophile buddy. So I got a demo unit. Once I started using it, I realized what I was missing out with the IsoTek.

While the IsoTek was pretty good, the reduction in brightness came at the expense of dynamics and overall it sounded a tad bit less lively (apparently it’s a common trait of power conditioners). IA’s conditioner while getting rid of the brightness completely, did it without affecting the dynamics at all. On top of that, it reduced the noise floor which resulted in even better dynamics. I also noticed an improvement in focus, separation, better body and weight to vocals, bigger soundstage and overall better musicality.

In my opinion clean power is one of the most important pre-requisites for any system.

One day out of curiosity I connected my TV to the conditioner and immediately noticed more saturated colors. This was completely unexpected. After a few days I tried the TV with the stabilizer and realized that it’s not just the saturation in color that has improved. There was a certain richness and resolution to them (its hard to describe), better blacks and bit more robust motion processing. I do advanced amateur photography (got published in NG. So I’m used to playing with colors). Now I can’t even watch the TV without the conditioner.

Based on my experience, I recommended one to my brother who lives in the US and Sandeep made a custom one with two power inlets/two cores so that higher power amps can be run with it. We are yet to try it.
Where to get more specs and buying options? There website seems new and product pages are not opening... any link will be appreciated.
Nice info. Wonder how it compares to the Aviron HT conditioner which also has a few positive reviews here.
How do they compare with rontek?
M actually an inche away to get myself one and would want to make an informed decision.
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How do they compare with rontek?
M actually an inche close to get myself one and would want to make an informed decision.
One of my audiophile buddies upgraded from rontek to IA
Where to get more specs and buying options? There website seems new and product pages are not opening... any link will be appreciated.
I’ll share Sandeep’s contact. Plz check your inbox. Their website is wip. So Sandeep can give you all details you need
How can I try this for myself, I know this is an important component in the hi-end setup. But not tried to myself.
Have PMed Sandeep’s contact
How do they compare with rontek?
M actually an inche away to get myself one and would want to make an informed decision.
Newer Version 2 of Invention Audio is considerably better than Rontek 7.5kva one.
Its more detailed, with better instruments separation, more air etc.
I had, One more issue with Rontek, it was giving ground error with beep. I got it replaced under warranty twice but the new one worked for 2 months and same error. Full marks to Rontek for their impeccable after sales service, they picked up and dropped the replacement unit at door step within no time. I checked everything with my electrician but the error seemed to affect only Rontek. I can't be sure of the origin of the issue but I had to replace it.

I had Furman, Weiduka, 2 versions of Rontek and tried Version 1 & 2 of invention audio power conditioner. To my ears and my setup IA PCv2 fared much better than rest. It cuts the HF glare easily and improves overall resolution. My Source, DAC, Streamer, Preamplifier are connected to IA PCv2. It does equally good SQ improvement on HT side too. Its worth giving a try, especially if you don't believe in Power Cable Magic and stick to Stock Power Cables because the SQ improvements are more perceived with Ordinary Cable users. The Power Cable to IA Power Conditioner matters a lot in my experience, I have been using Cardas Golden Reference, this aspect maybe important for further tweaking the SQ to someone's liking.

So What it does, Other than alleged cleaning of power? I don't know. I think it Improves the SNR of each and every component connected to it, thereby you'll feel improvement in almost all aspects of sound. Improved resolution, instrument separation and pitch dark background can be easily perceived in my experience.

It doesn't help much when poweramp is connected to it, it feels very constricted, so I prefer to connect power amp directly to wall sockets. Other than that, the lack of indicator light, on off switch on the front could be considered as nit picking for drawbacks. Also it sounds bit bright on initial setup and takes 60 -80 hrs to sound better.
It doesn't help much when poweramp is connected to it, it feels very constricted, so I prefer to connect power amp directly to wall sockets
Thanks @drkrack...This clears my apprehension's on connecting the power amp to power conditioner as putting power amplifiers on a power conditioner has a high likelihood to kill the dynamics of the amp. The experience might be different for some users and agree on connecting other equipment to power conditioner.
Thanks @drkrack...This clears my apprehension's on connecting the power amp to power conditioner as putting power amplifiers on a power conditioner has a high likelihood to kill the dynamics of the amp. The experience might be different for some users and agree on connecting other equipment to power conditioner.
True. The results may vary

My class D nuprime monoblocks sound better with conditioner
Newer Version 2 of Invention Audio is considerably better than Rontek 7.5kva one.
Its more detailed, with better instruments separation, more air etc.
I had, One more issue with Rontek, it was giving ground error with beep. I got it replaced under warranty twice but the new one worked for 2 months and same error. Full marks to Rontek for their impeccable after sales service, they picked up and dropped the replacement unit at door step within no time. I checked everything with my electrician but the error seemed to affect only Rontek. I can't be sure of the origin of the issue but I had to replace it.

I had Furman, Weiduka, 2 versions of Rontek and tried Version 1 & 2 of invention audio power conditioner. To my ears and my setup IA PCv2 fared much better than rest. It cuts the HF glare easily and improves overall resolution. My Source, DAC, Streamer, Preamplifier are connected to IA PCv2. It does equally good SQ improvement on HT side too. Its worth giving a try, especially if you don't believe in Power Cable Magic and stick to Stock Power Cables because the SQ improvements are more perceived with Ordinary Cable users. The Power Cable to IA Power Conditioner matters a lot in my experience, I have been using Cardas Golden Reference, this aspect maybe important for further tweaking the SQ to someone's liking.

So What it does, Other than alleged cleaning of power? I don't know. I think it Improves the SNR of each and every component connected to it, thereby you'll feel improvement in almost all aspects of sound. Improved resolution, instrument separation and pitch dark background can be easily perceived in my experience.

It doesn't help much when poweramp is connected to it, it feels very constricted, so I prefer to connect power amp directly to wall sockets. Other than that, the lack of indicator light, on off switch on the front could be considered as nit picking for drawbacks. Also it sounds bit bright on initial setup and takes 60 -80 hrs to sound better.

Thanks. What’s the asking price ? I visited their site but it’s lacking any information.
I received the power conditioner 15 days back, I was using since then completed around 50hrs of usage. I can clearly say that there is an improvement in overall tonality of sound more defined bass.
Earlier i was using conditioner bought on AliExpress and also some emi rfi filters and noticed some improvement but this IA conditioner is far better than those.
One of my audiophile buddies upgraded from rontek to IA

I’ll share Sandeep’s contact. Plz check your inbox

their website is wip. So Sandeep can give you all details you need

Have PMed Sandeep’s contact
Could you please share the contact details of mr Sandeep from IA?
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