LG 47LH90QR LED TV? Price + Power Consumption!


New Member
Oct 11, 2009

Is LG 47LH90QR Direct LED LCD TV, truly a LED TV?

Then why is there such a huge price diff between Samsung UA40B7000 (Rs 140,000) and LG 47LH90QR (Rs. 90,000)

Also, any body has any idea about the power consumption (W) of LG 47LH90QR?

Many thanks!:)
well for one LG IPS panels are cheapest to produce,atleast its the cheapest to buy for any OEM like philips,panasonic etc.the SPVA panel and AMVA panels are more expensive.
secondly samsung is got more of a brand image then LG.
thirdly i am not sure but LG i believe was the first to set up assembly plant in india,samsung have just started too churn out lcds in their assembly plant.so may be not all the parts are localized,lg may have higher amount of parts assembled in india.

Also, any body has any idea about the power consumption (W) of LG 47LH90QR?

Many thanks!:)

As per professional people who have measured it,

(for example, CNET measured it at backlight at 50 which is a good setting),

power consumption is 100W. Based on backlight setting (there are menu options to control it manually or tv can do optimization automatically), the consumption can go as low as 66W.
well for one LG IPS panels are cheapest to produce,atleast thirdly i am not sure but LG i believe was the first to set up assembly plant in india,samsung have just started too churn out lcds in their assembly plant.so may be not all the parts are localized,lg may have higher amount of parts assembled in india.

While this factor might be true general, it might not specifically apply LH90. If one looks at the pricing in US, there too the same price difference holds for LH90. So, I think brand premium and IPS panel might be the primary reasons (in that order).
While this factor might be true general, it might not specifically apply LH90. If one looks at the pricing in US, there too the same price difference holds for LH90. So, I think brand premium and IPS panel might be the primary reasons (in that order).

in the case of LH 90 the indian version lacks the THX certifications,which does cost some amount to get it certified.
As per professional people who have measured it,

(for example, CNET measured it at backlight at 50 which is a good setting),

power consumption is 100W. Based on backlight setting (there are menu options to control it manually or tv can do optimization automatically), the consumption can go as low as 66W.

Thats gr8!!!!:clapping:

As per Sony site KLV-40W550A consumes 175W!!!! So Sony panels are more power hungry???

BTW... is AMVA panel better than IPS panel??
Thats gr8!!!!:clapping:

As per Sony site KLV-40W550A consumes 175W!!!! So Sony panels are more power hungry???

BTW... is AMVA panel better than IPS panel??

well the W550A is power consumption of 175watts is the maximum power consumption,when backlight,voulme etc is set to max,with the USB ports occupied.at optimum settings it won't consume more then 120watts.
off course a LED backlight lcds are more efficient.

as far as AMVA it has much better contrast,due to deep black levels then IPS.
the IPS has better viewing angle and natively has slightly lower response time compared to AMVA .however newer AMVA third generations panels have similar response time,alreadys used by many lcds companies like sony,samsung etc in their 09 current lcds tvs.
BTW... is AMVA panel better than IPS panel??

IPS is the best in LCD technology and it has way better color,viewing angle,better brightness,sharper,crisper.

AMVA or MVA is OK, but it does shows slightly better black and contrast than IPS (although both IPS and AMVA suck big time in native contrast)

IPS panels are the most expensive to make of all LCD panels, since LG manufactures it in-house they sell their TV's cheap but other manufacturers who use IPS panels sell their products for a very high price.LG is not the only IPS panel manufacturer but their panles are relatively cheaper than other IPS panel manufactures such as HITACHI etc.

A good example is Dell monitor, their IPS monitors cost the highest and other monitors were they use panels from samsung etc cost very less since the those panels are real cheap.

the HP dream color 24" using IPS is another good example.

I saw a few LCD's from samsung,sony and LG in chroma a month ago and major advantage LG had was it showed amazing color variation and details which the Sony and samsung lacked big time.With led dimming technology these manufacturers using these days contrast difference between these panels are hardly noticeable.

A general note: Always buy products for thier quality and not brand image cause buying stuff for brand image or even thinking brand image instead of quality is the most stupid anyone can ever get.
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well the best lcd crowned by cnet this year the samsung 8500 uses the VA based tech,its ANSI contrast levels are about 10times higher then LG LH90,as measured by a member in avs forum.both have local dimming but the samsung has quite a lot more contrast its because of the natively better contrast of the panel.
the AMVA3rd gernation panels can show contrast levels as good as SPVA based,if not better.infact both the tech have briefly lead the contrast race.when AMVA was launched it took the crown from SPVA.from then on both are evenly matched.

no one panel is perfect,its only subjective opinion when one says its the best.just like u can't say plasmas as the best.in order for it to be best,it has to be best in everything concerning PQ which includes good contrast ,if the IPS based lcds where the best tech,we would have seen lcds tvs with IPS panel being awarded the best of all lcds.but that hasn't happened consistently we are seeing lcds based on VA tech crowned the winner.

the LG 42" panels are cheapest for any OEM to buy compared to other lcd manufactures like AU optronics makers of AMVA and samsung makers of SPVA.

with LED dimming the lcds cannot show good greyscales,it also suffer narrow viewing angles.once again their is no substitute to a panel that shows natively better blacks,which results in better contrast.
ANSI contrast levels are about 10times higher then LG LH90

10 times? that's a nice joke.

the LG 42" panels are cheapest for any OEM to buy compared to other lcd manufactures like AU optronics makers of AMVA and samsung makers of SPVA.


quoting unreliable,untrue information over and over again can never make the same true.

TN Film, MVA, PVA and IPS - Panel Technologies

LCD Panel Technology Explained - S-IPS, H-IPS, S-PVA, MVA and TN

LCD tv does not determine the best of LCD panels but LCD pro displays does.

Samsung and AU optronics are the cheapest panels for any OEM to buy and they are minting money on TV's and monitors made using those panels.

Laptop LCD Panels

CNET isthe worst site in terms of writing reviews and i can only laugh at people who buy stuff believing CNET's reviews.

u can't say plasmas as the best.in order for it to be best,it has to be best in everything concerning PQ which includes good contrast ,

Yeah that's right, that is why kuro is used as the reference panel by all videophiles and till date no LCD is even remotely close to it in terms of picture quality.
10 times? that's a nice joke.
it could be for some people,who are plain ignorant.


quoting unreliable,untrue information over and over again can never make the same true.

TN Film, MVA, PVA and IPS - Panel Technologies

LCD Panel Technology Explained - S-IPS, H-IPS, S-PVA, MVA and TN
well the source is from digi times who published the prices of 42" panels,the prices mentioned in one of the articles/news,as u know or in case u didn't know ,with digi times all articles beyond a certain days old is for paid subscribers only.

BTW lcd tech in AMVA and SPVA have evolved significantly in all parameters including viewing angle,response time,contrast etc.thats why we AMVA3rd generation which is completely different from AMVA 1st generation.

LCD tv does not determine the best of LCD panels but LCD pro displays does.

Samsung and AU optronics are the cheapest panels for any OEM to buy and they are minting money on TV's and monitors made using those panels.
the reason why LG IPS beyond 42" lcd are cheaper is because they have the highest amount of order or have shipped the highest number of 42" panels,i.e they lead the segment in sales .hence the manufacturing cost becomes less.
well we are taking about lcd tvs here,for monitors i agree that IPS can be better.but for tvs VA based tvs are preferred.

CNET isthe worst site in terms of writing reviews and i can only laugh at people who buy stuff believing CNET's reviews.

well they could be unreliable,but not more then you,especially for a guy who
said "i don't like LCD's anyways, As long as i am happy with the kuro i would care real less abt LCD's".

Yeah that's right, that is why kuro is used as the reference panel by all videophiles and till date no LCD is even remotely close to it in terms of picture quality.
well kuro to has it fare share of problems,its still suffers from possibility of burn in and IR,ever heard of dirty screen effect.ever heard of the sharp crisp look of lcd that the vast majority prefer.Kuro is used as a reference due to the deep blacks and good image processing.
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well they could be unreliable,but not more then you,especially for a guy who
said "i don't like LCD's anyways, As long as i am happy with the kuro i would care real less abt LCD's".

right, the one who quotes Cnet review is highly reliable but sharing info from my personal hands on experience is so unreliable.

well kuro to has it fare share of problems,its still suffers from possibility of burn in and IR,ever heard of dirty screen effect.ever heard of the sharp crisp look of lcd that the vast majority prefer.Kuro is used as a reference due to the deep blacks and good image processing.

Its called the wallpaper 2d effect in LCD's and not sharp crisp image. Kuro has an excellent image depth which makes it kinda look like 3d and for watching video that feel is very important.Other stuff you mentioned are just random info(no major proven issue) in forums which has no proper proof like always you just paste it here.

plasma burn in = ooh my plasma is gonna go bad in 10 years = i don't care.

kuro is the reference almost of everything in terms of TV pic quality.at least as of now.

NO LCD from sharp,Philips,Toshiba, LG or samsung can come even close.May be in future, but without a side by side comparison and watching with my own eyes i really cant comment even when it happens.
right, the one who quotes Cnet review is highly reliable but sharing info from my personal hands on experience is so unreliable.

well i am always open to listen to others experience,but there is issue of credibilty,which u have to earn it.

Its called the wallpaper 2d effect in LCD's and not sharp crisp image. Kuro has an excellent image depth which makes it kinda look like 3d and for watching video that feel is very important.Other stuff you mentioned are just random info(no major proven issue) in forums which has no proper proof like always you just paste it here.

kuro is the reference almost of everything in terms of TV pic quality.at least as of now.

NO LCD from sharp,Philips,Toshiba, LG or samsung can come even close.May be in future, but without a side by side comparison and watching with my own eyes i really cant comment even when it happens.
well lcds do produce a sharper image,without any image or frame insertion tech.
well whether u believe it or not is upto you.
who ever said anthing about kuro not being the refrence it is still good in contrast and image processing,no plasma comes close either.
some lcds have image processing capabilites that even exceed the kuro,with local dimming they do match the black levels,but like i said before not in pixel level.
well i am always open to listen to others experience,but there is issue of credibilty,which u have to earn it.

Credibility is not for a person himself to decide.I will care real less to earn credibility from anyone who cant understand technology above brand or just talks about a particular brand or cannot share some info with proper proof.i post my experience here just because i felt like sharing, would i be bothered if any one is open to it ? nope.

not everyone can understand meaningful information about or enjoy classical music.

some lcds have image processing capabilites that even exceed the kuro,with local dimming they do match the black levels

Credibility is not for a person himself to decide.I will care real less to earn credibility from anyone who cant understand technology above brand or just talks about a particular brand or cannot share some info with proper proof.i post my experience here just because i felt like sharing, would i be bothered if any one is open to it ? nope.

not everyone can understand meaningful information about or enjoy classical music.


well yeah sure,the experiences from a guy who care less about lcds or hate some brands or tech.
Adder please stop posting junk. People in the movie making domain will laugh at you if you made those comments.

IPS panels are still the very best as far as color accuracy is concerned. Is there any professional display that uses a panel other than IPS? No! Is anything other than IPS used for actual production? No.

I work for a pretty big Hollywood studio's Indian arm and let me tell you that we still use CRTs for creating content and we use Pioneer Plasmas for director reviews. The CRTs are slowly being replaced by HP Dream Color displays which again are LG-Philips S-IPS panels. We have folks out in our Glendale office whose sole job is calibrating these displays to make sure that their color gamut is absolutely perfect for use in color correct workflows. Once setup properly, the average error delta in these monitors is less than 0.05. In comparison, the very best *VA displays have a delta approaching 1 and that is totally unacceptable.

The setup is exactly the same in the US as well. No LCD TVs are used anywhere in the chain. Dreamcolor displays for content creation and Kuro for monitoring. The only LCD TV that exists in our office exists in the cafeteria :lol:.

Paper specs mean jack and so does the contrast ratio. If a TV has a *VA panel, its inherently flawed in color reproduction.

Edit: I must add I've not seen how the LH90 performs, so I can't comment about it. However I've seen the Samsung edge lit LCD TVs and they are pretty terrible.
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Adder please stop posting junk. People in the movie making domain will laugh at you if you made those comments.

IPS panels are still the very best as far as color accuracy is concerned. Is there any professional display that uses a panel other than IPS? No! Is anything other than IPS used for actual production? No.

I work for a pretty big Hollywood studio's Indian arm and let me tell you that we still use CRTs for creating content and we use Pioneer Plasmas for director reviews. The CRTs are slowly being replaced by HP Dream Color displays which again are LG-Philips S-IPS panels. We have folks out in our Glendale office whose sole job is calibrating these displays to make sure that their color gamut is absolutely perfect for use in color correct workflows. Once setup properly, the average error delta in these monitors is less than 0.05. In comparison, the very best *VA displays have a delta approaching 1 and that is totally unacceptable.

The setup is exactly the same in the US as well. No LCD TVs are used anywhere in the chain. Dreamcolor displays for content creation and Kuro for monitoring. The only LCD TV that exists our office exists in the cafeteria :lol:.

Paper specs mean jack and so does the contrast ratio. If a TV has a *VA panel, its inherently flawed in color reproduction.

in tvs the contrast still matters,why do u think people still post the drawbacks of IPS panels which is contrast.why do u think vast majority of the reviews sites crown the va based lcds as winners,i guess going by what u say,everyone most be laughing at them,all are junk.:rolleyes:
did i say that IPS is superior or VA superior i just said that it lacks the contrast of VA based lcds and plasmas.
well if they use IPS for lcds monitor or in studios thats fine.for a home lcd tv view purpose the contrast do matter and the PRO lcd monitors to lcd tvs/plasmas is no comparision.
i know u like plasmas and own one too ,.
if u don't like lcds especialy VA based again that ur choice.we have already discussed on this issue in a topic before
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in tvs the contrast still matters,why do u think people still post the drawbacks of IPS panels which is contrast.why do u think vast majority of the reviews sites crown the va based lcds as winners,i guess going by what u say,everyone most be laughing at them,all are junk.:rolleyes:
did i say that IPS is superior or VA superior i just said that it lacks the contrast of VA based lcds and plasmas.
well if they use IPS for lcds monitor or in studios thats fine.for a home lcd tv view purpose the contrast do matter and the PRO lcd monitors to lcd tvs/plasmas is no comparision.
i know u like plasmas and own one too ,.
if u don't like lcds especialy VA based again that ur choice.we have already discussed on this issue in a topic before

Its not a question of what I like or what someone else does. Since the people who create the content use plasmas and IPS LCDs, you'd get the most faithful reproduction of what the artist intended if you used something similar to what was used for creation of the content itself.

Happy Diwali and I'm outta here :P.
Its not a question of what I like or what someone else does. Since the people who create the content use plasmas and IPS LCDs, you'd get the most faithful reproduction of what the artist intended if you used something similar to what was used for creation of the content itself.

Happy Diwali and I'm outta here :P.

nothing new here about the lcd/plasma ,ips/va its been debated on and on.
ultimately it all comes down which he or she can live with/without.
the IPS used in lcd tvs aren't realy as good as the ips used in lcd monitors,which use realy good color filters as well.the delta errors in IPS lcd tv are just as bad as other lcd tech,may be a fraction better or sometimes even inferior.

happy diwali to u too.
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