LP lovers / collectors meet - Bangalore?


New Member
Aug 26, 2008

I was thinking if it would be a good idea if we could all meet up sometime?
We have been speaking to a few, corresponding to a few and helping the rest.
I thought why not make an opportunity to meet up for a casual "chai", perhaps on Saturday this week chit-chat...

Just a thought...please don't shoot me down if it is silly!:D

Dont you think.. you have brought this idea.. a bit late...say a week..

I am going on my business trip on Wednesday for the complete month...

I was here for 10 dayz...
will be back on 8th Oct..only...

Please plan accordingly buddy...

I dont wanna loose the opportunity..
as we will be atleast 20 for the meet..
as most of the enthusiast are from bangalore...

Please dont mind...

But plan all the things by that time...
Even i am getting some audio consignment....(Accessories only), by month end...
so will give you all a demo as well..
impressive response. I thought there might just be 1 or 2 people who might take the time out for this...nice! :)

How about this Saturday say by 11 AM - Airlines Hotel - Off St. Marks road / lavelle road?

All those who're in town and could make, lets meet up, and as we gain more people into the circuit, we'll meet more often...

Mridul, no sweat bro...better late than never. Once you're back, do give a holler, and we'll meet again for the suttah & chai and also for the demo of your audio system...

BTW, where're you heading? Anyplace within India or outside? Either ways, you have a safe trip mate.

- maddy
impressive response. I thought there might just be 1 or 2 people who might take the time out for this...nice! :)

How about this Saturday say by 11 AM - Airlines Hotel - Off St. Marks road / lavelle road?

All those who're in town and could make, lets meet up, and as we gain more people into the circuit, we'll meet more often...

Mridul, no sweat bro...better late than never. Once you're back, do give a holler, and we'll meet again for the suttah & chai and also for the demo of your audio system...

BTW, where're you heading? Anyplace within India or outside? Either ways, you have a safe trip mate.

- maddy

Thanks for the response maddy...

Sure will meet up for Chai(i prefer coffee) & Suttah(would be great...lol)...

Its my business trip to North India, specially New Delhi, Punjab, Chandigarh, and may be Haryana & UP tooo...
I am in process of opening a branch in New Delhi as well...
Anyways thanks for the concern....

Buddy one request...
Plan the meet in some place of a Showroom(Dealer / Distributor), or any DIY Owner....
Contri the amount, audition the product, discuss more products and all...

In a Hotel or Restaurant it will be pretty formal...
Buddy one request...
Plan the meet in some place of a Showroom(Dealer / Distributor), or any DIY Owner....
Contri the amount, audition the product, discuss more products and all...

In a Hotel or Restaurant it will be pretty formal...

Not that I am against meeting you guys in a hotel/restaurant, however I totally agree with mridul. Lets meet at some place where we dont have to be formal..
what say you, maddy??
Airlines is an open air hang out that serve some kick @$$ short eats & chai / Coffee. Not one bit formal, especially when we see some folks playing the guitar, cracking jokes, even doping at times ;-)
I hope this meet is still on the cards. Anyways I will come at the suggested venue.
Maddy, I have fetched the covers for you. Pls sms me on Sat morning so that I dont forget them to bring along.
Of course...

From what it looks like, we might be about 3-4 of us, including both you & I and SilS. Prashanth has gone out of station, so he wouldn't be able to make it this time.

SilS, you in mate? You're incommunicado...whats up?
well Avphreak,

i am out of station and so is SILS.. he is out of station as well :D
you guys carry on this time, we would catch up for the next meeting.. hope you guys have a ball of a time discussing the LP & other stuff...

if others are wondering about the meet that was scheduled on Sat...
Well, I and maddy decided to meet later in the afternoon as we were the only ones left. We both met at Balaji's on Avenue Road. I also had the pleasure to meet Anil there.
It was nice to meet you guys... I thoroughly enjoyed your company.

Am glad to hear that the meet went on well :)
Would definitely make it the next time..have u guys decided on meeting in the near future once again ??
Yup, it was just Arvind & I at Balaji's on Saturday.

Thanks buddy, it was good meeting you too.
Hey, on a different note, the Philips TT that I picked up, remember Balaji mentioning that we could hook it up to our Amp with a 5 pin plug. Well, I bought a 5 pin plug, came home excited. I cleaned it first, took out a nice LP, placed it on the TT, connected the cables to the Aux input of my Amp, switched on the TT, LO AND BEHOLD....there was dead silence........

It took the devil out of me to figure out, and later realized that it might be a wiring problem. I opened the TT and saw that the socket was no where connected to the board. It was just a plug there, independent to any connection.

Prashanth_dv, our fellow member and a good friend of mine has offered me to help me fix it. Lets see how that goes...

Prashanth_dv / SilS, it would have been great if you both could have made it too. Perhaps the next time...

PS: The TT still plays well from the mono speaker that is in-built.
why dont you give it back to balaji and ask him to fix it for you.. he knows a couple of TT mechanics and they regularly visit his shop. However, if Prashanth can fix it for you, then nothings like it for you have to give TT to balaji for at least a day.
Also, ask balaji to give you stylus for its cart as well.. no harm keeping a spare one. to best of my knowledge, the cartridge installed on the turntable is Philips AG 3306.

I hope next time we will meet Prashant and SilS...
well revolution...

the first party is over... i couldnt make it as well.. so am waiting for the next...hope it should happen soon :)
I opened the TT and saw that the socket was no where connected to the board. It was just a plug there, independent to any connection.

Prashanth_dv, our fellow member and a good friend of mine has offered me to help me fix it. Lets see how that goes...
Any luck with fixing the 5 pin socket, Maddy?
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