Moser Pls come back!


Sep 23, 2007
I think the ban period is over and WE WANT YOU BACK!

( I think this period must have served as intoxicating period!)

Whatever happened is over and I am certain you are mature enough to understand and will come back!

Yours was valuable contribution and I feel you gave a lot more than gained!

On a personal note than in the past matter If you are hurt cause any of my posts I am openly saying sorry! I just wrote from my heart! And I understand sudden burst of emotions ! ( Long back on a bad day I caught an autowala by his collar and abused choicest word relating to his mother,sister and some else - IN FRONT OF MY MOM! Think of dosage I've got!:ohyeah::licklips::D)

So no grudges and Pls come back!

PS - You may find it kiddish but attaching a kiddie image! Such thing makes me feel I'm 18 till I die!!:ohyeah::ohyeah::ohyeah:
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Moser, pls get back, put down the Hyderabadi Briyani for now, and get back to us. I promise you the biggest beer jar in mumbai. So back to the forum now..
Hi moser,

Only yesterday gave a PM to vortex inquiring about you. Take things in your stride and do come back. I don't have to tell you that we have to always move on in life, The icing on the cake is even manu wants you back:).

Moser where are you, Please come back.
Are you angry with all of us...

I am ready to float a dedicated website (with all expense paid) for you if you do not want to come back ... :lol:
Hai Moser,

Its high time you came back to the forum, and also to get introduced to good music by you.

Moser - I dont know if you are reading this. But if you are - I have very interesting news for you in our ultimate audio player quest!!!

I can see how you can get upset. I can only say that I have been in your position and can appreciate the delicacy and the conflict between emotion/ego and passion/hobby. Passion/Hobby almost always wins out. None of us, I believe hold out anything against you. This thread is an indication of how popular and respected you are here.

Lets share thoughts, ideas and recommendations and get better at this hobby and just go have more fun. Do come back.
"Some people make the World more special just by being in it"

Please Come Back Moser.See how many of us are missing you.

aaaaaah no one here miss me that much moser :D

come one man i know your ban has been lifted coz we both banned at same day and same time so i guess that's enough to explain that we have something in common and that thing is:-



just kidding don't mind yaar come back i can learn so much from you as well as others

so come back yaar

Moser I have a question and delaying my purchase about computer being used as a source. I don't my fingers to be burnt, only you can help in this regard as you have the aptitude.

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