Mosquito Season & Mosquitoes: Periphery and Internal Defenses to deal with them?


Active Member
Apr 16, 2011
Bombay, India
Searched the forum and found a few analogies and one thread:
Try the dwarf Bamboo varieties or Ponytail palm. They'll look awesome in the corners. If you're worried about mosquitoes, Citronella and Lemongrass are excellent repellents. Also have some Marigolds in the patio. You can have herbs like Oregano, Sage, Thyme, Basil on the kitchen counter and they also work as repellents.

Don't buy anything online, it'll cost you a lot. Visit the local nursery in your area. Support your local farmers and nurseries :)
- Analogies -
.. (Like a mosquito buzzing inside the mosquito net at night)..
..A very simple analogy will be - when you open door for guests, together with guests, some mosquitoes too fly in and become nuisance later on..
- My own pain -
So, unless I am searching for something tiny or a mosquito, TUBELIGHTS are off - whats sad is most of folks I know use White Tube lights - CFLs and LEDs - and they are worst in terms of Eye Rest an Sleep Rythns.

- We've got sliding windows with one net window, but one human slip up (parents, family, maid or single Ring of doorbell in evening) and the precautions go for a toss.
- Also are there some gaps that most average folks miss out?
.. between/ junction of sliding windows / A/C in out air control vents - / Exhaust Fans etc?

- We've gone off the Tortoise & AllOut/ GoodK mats due to toxic chemical concerns
- Have used Odomos/ GK lotion when traveling/ outdoors for holidays - Am told Neem Oil should work but..

Dont like it but have resorted to mosquito nets to get un-interrupted sleep; worse feeling when finally feeling half asleep and they pop into / around years neck and..

WRT Mosquito Nets I am a bit new/ amateur as we never saw or used them at home in Mumbai ever before so no internal wisdom on it. Hence asking.

I am the first & only in family to use/ try it now:
2 types:
They both are cumbersome to fit every night
Cumbersome to get in and out of - bathroom or so on.

Considering one of the Hanging Types- that hopefully allow quick easy in / out from underneath.
Rectangular (4 corner strings) or
CIrcle/ Round nets (central ring with string - fan attach maybe)

I am guessing White or Ivory colors would be better to spot any flying intruders?

Any ideas / hacks on hanging also welcome;
I was thinking magnetic/ S hooks etc. retractable cord/ cable etc?

Any experience or ideas on this space that can help with a design is welcome :D
You can get a Hit mosquito racket and start exterminating the mosquitoes.
On a lighter note it makes you feel like a Jedi . Just joking:)
On a serious note, the Hit racket is quite good and a single charge lasts for a long time and does a good job.
Pls stay away from those liquid dispensors which are very harmful to adults and children.
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Searched the forum and found a few analogies and one thread:

- Analogies -
- My own pain -

- We've got sliding windows with one net window, but one human slip up (parents, family, maid or single Ring of doorbell in evening) and the precautions go for a toss.
- Also are there some gaps that most average folks miss out?
.. between/ junction of sliding windows / A/C in out air control vents - / Exhaust Fans etc?

- We've gone off the Tortoise & AllOut/ GoodK mats due to toxic chemical concerns
- Have used Odomos/ GK lotion when traveling/ outdoors for holidays - Am told Neem Oil should work but..

Dont like it but have resorted to mosquito nets to get un-interrupted sleep; worse feeling when finally feeling half asleep and they pop into / around years neck and..

WRT Mosquito Nets I am a bit new/ amateur as we never saw or used them at home in Mumbai ever before so no internal wisdom on it. Hence asking.

I am the first & only in family to use/ try it now:
2 types:
They both are cumbersome to fit every night
Cumbersome to get in and out of - bathroom or so on.

Considering one of the Hanging Types- that hopefully allow quick easy in / out from underneath.
Rectangular (4 corner strings) or
CIrcle/ Round nets (central ring with string - fan attach maybe)

I am guessing White or Ivory colors would be better to spot any flying intruders?

Any ideas / hacks on hanging also welcome;
I was thinking magnetic/ S hooks etc. retractable cord/ cable etc?

Any experience or ideas on this space that can help with a design is welcome :D
Mosquito net protects you to an extent but not always. These buggers somehow know how to get inside the net even if it is fully closed. Main disadvantage with mosquito net is if you are using the ceiling fan you will not get sufficient air inside the net and will always feel stuffy. AC should be ok if you are using it throughout the night.

As for all chemical vapourisers/creams mosquitoes have become immune to them long time ago so even if you are using it or not doesn't matter.

I find that mosquitoes march inside the house during dusk (6pm to 7pm). If you keep all windows and doors closed during this time you may get some repreive from them.

Finally you will get used to them after few days and as a FM mentioned you need to invest in a good mosquito bat to get rid of them but they will keep coming like zombies and there is no end to it.
@Analogous @bornfi - Since you made the analogies, maybe you have some wisdom for the real life ones :D
@crashnburn thanks for the interesting tips to avoid being punctured by mosquito bites.
Since you ask, here is some gyan (?) :)….mostly looking outward:

On the topic of mosquito nets, dipping them in a solution of permethrin was highly recommended when I worked in East Africa (cerebral malaria was responsible for a large proportion of under 5 child deaths) mosquitoes that come in contact with “dipped” nets die too. Same can be applied to curtains. It’s a toxic chemical and far from ‘organic’ but very effective. Needs to repeated every 3-4 months. Handle and store with care. Used well they may be safer than inhaling vaporised the commonly used DEET.

Mosquito density decreases with the height of the dwelling. Higher level apartments have fewer mosquitoes than ground floor ones. But if there is a high density of mosquitoes near your home it is highly likely there are some breeding sites close by.

It’s a good and worthy effort if you or a group of concerned neighbors walked around your buildings, roof tops, unused water tanks, gardens etc and locate places where rain water, leaks, garden water etc are collected. Mosquitoes lay eggs and breed in such places. Removing old bottles, old discarded tyres, cans, coconut shells, barrels, pots and such and filling up puddles all will help reduce mosquitoes in your area. If you have correctly identified breeding sites and remove them you will find a dramatic decrease in mosquitoes the next day. Also covering (cementing) up openings or cracks in the sewage system, septic tanks, putting a cloth or a net to cover the vent pipes of septic tanks will help a lot.

This needs to be done regularly (every week preferably) and more so after every rain. Even if you can not eradicate all breeding sites in your locality doing so in and around your home will help. Getting neighbors to do the same will require tact, diplomacy and patience I am sure. Do resist shaming or demonising resistors. They will come around in time; after all mosquitoes do not discriminate like we do. As we know so well Nothing brings a community closer than a perceived common enemy!

Understanding mosquito behaviour also helps prevent bites (thus preventing discomfort and disease) Some species feed at dusk and dawn, others like Aedes Egypti are day biters. Some prefer clear water to breed, others prefer sewage
They usually are limited to a km or so from their birth places, they live 7-10 days, they have evolved over millennia and have adapted very well. For example if we are trying to kill them with a electric racquet or with our hands the immediately fly to areas which are dark or black so we can’t see them well. They locate us by our body heat and know which parts of our anatomy is well supplied by capillaries!!! Not all mosquitoes feed on humans and not all species host parasites, viruses or spread disease.

Fresh water ponds in parks and in residential places can be stocked with a species of small fish called Gambusia. Small fish eat the new emerging mosquitoes when they are at the larval stage. You can ask your corporation or municipal office for these fish (they will be breeding and stocking them for the same purpose)

Educating all adults and children in the neighbourhood and getting organised for cooperative action against mosquitoes is one of the best things we can do in my opinion. Public health action is too important to be left to experts and the government. In this case I believe Individuals and communities can do a lot.

Larger engineering solutions like covering up open drains can also be facilitated by community requests to local government administration and elected representatives.

Ministry of health Government of India shares this:
We burn medicinal camphor in an electric diffuser. Does the job so far.
Yes, I would also like to know which brand of camphor is pure and has medicinal value. There are so many brands of camphor but almost all of them are laden with sulphur which is very harmful especially for children and old aged people. Bought some organic sulphur through Amazon but they are certainly not pure as they leave residue which does not happen with pure camphor.
Could you please let me know the brand and source of the Camphor used by you.
Yes, I would also like to know which brand of camphor is pure and has medicinal value. There are so many brands of camphor but almost all of them are laden with sulphur which is very harmful especially for children and old aged people. Bought some organic sulphur through Amazon but they are certainly not pure as they leave residue which does not happen with pure camphor.

I get this from my local ayurvedic shop.
Searched the forum and found a few analogies and one thread:

- Analogies -
- My own pain -

- We've got sliding windows with one net window, but one human slip up (parents, family, maid or single Ring of doorbell in evening) and the precautions go for a toss.
- Also are there some gaps that most average folks miss out?
.. between/ junction of sliding windows / A/C in out air control vents - / Exhaust Fans etc?

- We've gone off the Tortoise & AllOut/ GoodK mats due to toxic chemical concerns
- Have used Odomos/ GK lotion when traveling/ outdoors for holidays - Am told Neem Oil should work but..

Dont like it but have resorted to mosquito nets to get un-interrupted sleep; worse feeling when finally feeling half asleep and they pop into / around years neck and..

WRT Mosquito Nets I am a bit new/ amateur as we never saw or used them at home in Mumbai ever before so no internal wisdom on it. Hence asking.

I am the first & only in family to use/ try it now:
2 types:
They both are cumbersome to fit every night
Cumbersome to get in and out of - bathroom or so on.

Considering one of the Hanging Types- that hopefully allow quick easy in / out from underneath.
Rectangular (4 corner strings) or
CIrcle/ Round nets (central ring with string - fan attach maybe)

I am guessing White or Ivory colors would be better to spot any flying intruders?

Any ideas / hacks on hanging also welcome;
I was thinking magnetic/ S hooks etc. retractable cord/ cable etc?

Any experience or ideas on this space that can help with a design is welcome :D
Searched the forum and found a few analogies and one thread:

- Analogies -
- My own pain -

- We've got sliding windows with one net window, but one human slip up (parents, family, maid or single Ring of doorbell in evening) and the precautions go for a toss.
- Also are there some gaps that most average folks miss out?
.. between/ junction of sliding windows / A/C in out air control vents - / Exhaust Fans etc?

- We've gone off the Tortoise & AllOut/ GoodK mats due to toxic chemical concerns
- Have used Odomos/ GK lotion when traveling/ outdoors for holidays - Am told Neem Oil should work but..

Dont like it but have resorted to mosquito nets to get un-interrupted sleep; worse feeling when finally feeling half asleep and they pop into / around years neck and..

WRT Mosquito Nets I am a bit new/ amateur as we never saw or used them at home in Mumbai ever before so no internal wisdom on it. Hence asking.

I am the first & only in family to use/ try it now:
2 types:
They both are cumbersome to fit every night
Cumbersome to get in and out of - bathroom or so on.

Considering one of the Hanging Types- that hopefully allow quick easy in / out from underneath.
Rectangular (4 corner strings) or
CIrcle/ Round nets (central ring with string - fan attach maybe)

I am guessing White or Ivory colors would be better to spot any flying intruders?

Any ideas / hacks on hanging also welcome;
I was thinking magnetic/ S hooks etc. retractable cord/ cable etc?

Any experience or ideas on this space that can help with a design is welcome :D
Dear Sir,
UV led light will certainly be a positive step in luring them. I after having sliding nets on the aluminium rail do get few intruders as people walk in my bungalow in Goa. Every morning i do get around 5 to 6 (it all depends) mosquitoes caught in the trap. You can search (google) on amazon India, for UV led light traps for mosquitoes.
Iam using Comfort ( Citronella & Lemon grass ) incense sticks (bought in Amazon), find it very effective .Keep the room totally closed, light 2 of them at a time, occupy the room after sometime.
Good to keep in mind burning or vaporising anything indoors can be hazardous to lungs and health.
Even if it smells good, is organic, is effective against mosquitoes it is indoor air pollution and the effects over time can be cumulative and bad.

Take the fight to mosquito breeding spots.

You can consider the fumigation approach where you can burn a coil, aromatic oils etc, leave the room fully closed for an hour or two then remove the burning coil etc, turn on the exhaust fan. Works best before bedtime and if there are mosquito screens for ventilation or aircon.
Good to keep in mind burning or vaporising anything indoors can be hazardous to lungs and health.
Even if it smells good, is organic, is effective against mosquitoes it is indoor air pollution and the effects over time can be cumulative and bad.

Take the fight to mosquito breeding spots.

You can consider the fumigation approach where you can burn a coil, aromatic oils etc, leave the room fully closed for an hour or two then remove the burning coil etc, turn on the exhaust fan. Works best before bedtime and if there are mosquito screens for ventilation or aircon.
Yes, inhaling any thing that burns, including the fine bamboo sticks from which incense sticks “Agarbatti” is made is also not advisable. Please go through the following article.

Yes, inhaling any thing that burns, including the fine bamboo sticks from which incense sticks “Agarbatti” is made is also not advisable. Please go through the following article.

Many believe looking at labels which say "organic" or "100% natural" or "100% pure" that it will not cause ill effect. But the opposite is actually true in many cases. Please take informed decisions before using. And especially, keep kids away from the stuff! Camphor too is a hazard in many cases of usage. Google is your friend - use it!
Was hoping to hear more about mosquito nets and how if any have been installed over the bed :)

But other insights also very welcome :D

Here's some insights on 2 types of Camphor.

Iam using Comfort ( Citronella & Lemon grass ) incense sticks (bought in Amazon), find it very effective .Keep the room totally closed, light 2 of them at a time, occupy the room after sometime.
The issue always is finding pure organic herbal natural product minus chemical usage.
Good to keep in mind burning or vaporising anything indoors can be hazardous to lungs and health.
Even if it smells good, is organic, is effective against mosquitoes it is indoor air pollution and the effects over time can be cumulative and bad.

Take the fight to mosquito breeding spots.

You can consider the fumigation approach where you can burn a coil, aromatic oils etc, leave the room fully closed for an hour or two then remove the burning coil etc, turn on the exhaust fan. Works best before bedtime and if there are mosquito screens for ventilation or aircon.
Its not a anything vs everything approach.
In Ayurveda there is a process of Nasya and Dhumpan - where certain herbs are vaporized and inhaled with specific medical purpose.

Such things have a science behind it and a derived daily practice of that was Dhoop. Agarbatti, Kapur etc.
With modern day manufacturing the purity had taken a back seat as $$ became more key for makers.
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