Movies - Both Good and Bad


New Member
Apr 19, 2009
Hello guys,
I happened to watch Disaster Movie in Singapore recently. Thats when it struck my mind to actually share with people so that we should know which movies we should not waste our money n time on...
This was infact a Disaster for a movie.:lol: Just waited for the movie to get over... Just try to share ur experiences...
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Good one.

I will say most of the crap shown on Star Movies and HBO these days. Sony Pix is doing a much better job in fact.
hv stopped watching the garbage that is being churned out these days (theatre and tv both) . Mostly watch old hollywood movies ( 50s ). There are a lot of good old movies .
hv stopped watching the garbage that is being churned out these days (theatre and tv both) . Mostly watch old hollywood movies ( 50s ). There are a lot of good old movies .

Then you must catch/watch TCM channel. It's available on Dish TV DTH, not sure about other DTH providers and I've not seen it's availability on Tata Sky. But a great channel and only airs/plays classic Hollywood movies from the 30s to the 60s or so. I've stayed up entire nights watching one movie after the other. Learn so much about such Hollywood greats like John Wayne, James Stewart, Rod Taylor, Robert Taylor, Cary Grant and so many, many more. Truly they don't make movies like them anymore.
Yesterday I was watching Wall E but due to it being not that appealing, had to turn it off in less than hour. Then, Even snatch was not my cuppa tea. There are so many other movies. we will talk about it in due course.
Yesterday I was watching Wall E but due to it being not that appealing, had to turn it off in less than hour.

You did not like Wall E? I am surprised, to say the least. I thought the movie was brilliant in terms of animation and cinematography. I was really impressed how they brought Wall E and Eva to life. When Eva was taken away for recycling, I could sense the desperation in Wall E as he searches for her and tries to rescue her. His agony and need to get Eva back was palpable. Bringing that amount of life to an inanimate object, was, in my opinion, incredible.

Similarly I could sense Eva rebuffing Wall E's initial advances as he makes makes a fool of himself to attract her attention. Later on she starts missing him and actually liking him. I think making an audience feel these emotions when the actors cannot show any emotion is something rare.

I certainly would not list it as a disaster movie. I actually have a original DVD and have seen it may times and enjoyed it.

I suppose each person has his or her taste.

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Hello Venkat,
It's just my personal point of view, it doesn't mean that they r really bad. It is the same way as u say listen to all speakers in person to decide. I watched it for about an hour till yeah the captain says its a false alarm. Then I sort of felt it to be dragging. Infact I would say I preferred to watch Open Season. In Animation I would say I loved Ice Age 1 & 2. I like a lot of movies but anyways, this forum is the opposite. But, I would say I also liked the Bucket List if u had seen it. It was a nice movie. cheers mate.
Personally I don't like animation movies at all and have not seen anything except The Incredibles which I enjoyed very much. I've not seen Ice Age, Toy Story, Polar Express, Wall-E (I saw in bits and parts since my newphew was watching it and I was watching over him i.e. babysitting). Otherwise have not seen animated movies at all. My wife though enjoys them and loves watching cartoon network even now. Guess each to his own...
Guess each to his own...

Completely agree with what you and BondGuy say.

I never had any interest in World Cinema, and started looking at it only after reading Sandeep's thread and your postings in it. As I have written there, by a strange act of coincidence WB was showing Akira's Dreams yesterday, and now I am intrigued to see more of such movies.

Completely agree with what you and BondGuy say.

I never had any interest in World Cinema, and started looking at it only after reading Sandeep's thread and your postings in it. As I have written there, by a strange act of coincidence WB was showing Akira's Dreams yesterday, and now I am intrigued to see more of such movies.


People like Akira Kurosawa, Alfred Hitchcock, etc. are pure genius. Not just world cinema but they would make masterpieces no matter which country they were born in.
I have realized that I watch so many animation movies with my little daughters. I kinda enjoy them. Its good to keep in touch with their world:)
I'm a huge sucker for animation movies, especially all the Pixar movies. Think they are simply brilliant - sometimes even better than the faces that gives the voice!

To name a few among my favorites - KungFu Panda, Cars, Finding Nemo, Wall-E, Ratautoulle etc.

Out of those lot I would say I liked Ratatouille, Finding Nemo and Kung Fu Panda. Finding Nemo was the best of the lot as far as I thought. Infact this thread is becoming too much of an Animation thingie. So, I think we can infact change the title.
I hope the moderator or administrator whoever can do it.
Animation Movies !!! What say???:sad:
^^yup, finding nemo was so great, that anyone who says they dont like animation should watch it...incredibles were over hyped and is an ok watch....
wall-e is good, but again a bit over hyped..the visuals were great though
no one mentioned madagscer 1&2 yet or i missed it?
When we are all talkin about Animation movies, What happened to the Lion King. It was a real good one... And Open Season wasn't so bad too...
Guys as we are all takin this thread into a new direction, I've asked the moderator to change the Title... Lets continue to throw some messages and review all upcoming movies in this thread. Cheers guys...
You did not like Wall E? I am surprised, to say the least. I thought the movie was brilliant in terms of animation and cinematography. I was really impressed how they brought Wall E and Eva to life. When Eva was taken away for recycling, I could sense the desperation in Wall E as he searches for her and tries to rescue her. His agony and need to get Eva back was palpable. Bringing that amount of life to an inanimate object, was, in my opinion, incredible.

Similarly I could sense Eva rebuffing Wall E's initial advances as he makes makes a fool of himself to attract her attention. Later on she starts missing him and actually liking him. I think making an audience feel these emotions when the actors cannot show any emotion is something rare.


Hello Venkat,
can't agree more with you on this. Its trully a brilliant movie. I guess although it is an animation but it is no way a movie meant for kids.Since most of the people expect to be a fun movie for kids thats where it goes wrong. Apart from the movie I also enjoyed the documentary on the movie sound creation. I was really amazed to see and listen how they create different sounds from completely random objects. Its quite funny that what we believe we are listening is not actually the thing making the noise.
People generally think that animation movies are for kids and mostly funny.
Wall E is not exactly either of that. It was more about emotions, dealt in a childish or fantasy kinda way. but it was so engrossing that it took almost more than 20 minutes into the movie for me to realise that there hasn't been a dialogue delivered yet and i was far from being bored. how many non animated movies can retain an audience without a dialogue for so long. (the only other movie that comes to my mind with almost such a long opening is 2001 Space Odyssey - another masterpiece). Wall-e is really an excellent movie and infact many wanted it to contend the main Oscar movie list for the best picture rather than the animated one. But, since the movie is a slightly serious one the regular comedy fans might not like it that much.
By the way, no mention of Stanley Kubrick yet. Frankly of all the horror and thriller movies I have seen, no scene could get me more horrified than the one in 2001 Space Odyssey, when the astronaut is outside the craft and says "Open the Door, HAL". Imagine if it was you there.
Hello guys,
I happened to watch Disaster Movie in Singapore recently. Thats when it struck my mind to actually share with people so that we should know which movies we should not waste our money n time on...
This was infact a Disaster for a movie.:lol: Just waited for the movie to get over... Just try to share ur experiences...

Watching a movie based on anothers recommendation can be a disaster by itself. This works only if his/her taste is the same as yours:D
For example Wall-E according to me is one of the best movies ever made. But someone else finds it boring:o
You could do better by reading reviews on rotten There are mixed reviews and you can get general feeling of the movies if you sift through.
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