Music Streamer

If the Popcorn Hour can communicate to an iPhone, iPod Touch or iPad you can use the screen on the iDevice na? I mean who want so squint a 4" screen from across the room (which was the point I was making with the SBT) when your iDevice can do this in your hand.

I haven't seen iDevice control for Popcorn hour - maybe it exists, I am just not aware of it.

You first have to decide between audio-only solution (SBT, Sonos etc - no monitor required for selection, easily controlled from iDevices) or audio-video solution (Popcorn hour etc - there are SEVERAL such players with different features and capabilities - but will need a monitor for selection).
popcorn hour is audio video solution but offering audio playback capability without turning on ur tv
If I do not have a iXXX device then? I did check though on ebay cheap wifi android tabs sell for 3.5K INR

More devices support Android than Apple. Since the ecosystem I live in is Apple centric so am I.

have decided for the time being (actually status quo)
4. audio media player - appletv - optical out to NAD mdc dac. Fabulous interface on ipad, need not switch on TV/ projector, have local hard disk attached

apple tv? Sonos, SBT, and most others also support iPads and iPhones.

I haven't seen iDevice control for Popcorn hour - maybe it exists, I am just not aware of it.

You first have to decide between audio-only solution

Sarge, like ANM, I don't mind having 2 media players one that is audio centric and the other that is video centric.

The bandwidth in India does not consistently support video streaming or rather if it does it is quite expensive. I am not sure about pandora or rhapsody.

What I thought was popcorn's Achilles heel was streaming not audio. Streaming and networking within devices is Sonos's forte. In India due to brick and mortar construction of our apartments wireless (at least analog wireless like cordless telephones) is also not great. That negates the 2 big pluses Somos brings to the table.

You are deviating again. PCH will NOT be good for music. It is not a music streamer.

Which in your opinion is the best sub 50k music streamer (50k with DAC)? I don't want a HTPC I want something as easy to use as a set top box or CD player.
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Why do you say that? It can play internet radio as well as audio from its HDD using one of the Music Jukebox apps that you can download.

George, the PCH is an excellent product, but essentially meant for video. The audio part is not optimised for music. Whatever it can do in terms of audio is an afterthought and an addendum to video streaming. In most cases this will suffice.

But, our friend Navin is looking for music centric streamer that does not have the added baggage of video circuits. That was the very essence of this thread.

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More devices support Android than Apple. Since the ecosystem I live in is Apple centric so am I.

If you live in an Apple centric environment, you should quietly go for an Apple TV.

The bandwidth in India does not consistently support video streaming or rather if it does it is quite expensive. I am not sure about pandora or rhapsody. What I thought was popcorn's Achilles heel was streaming not audio. Streaming and networking within devices is Sonos's forte. In India due to brick and mortar construction of our apartments wireless (at least analog wireless like cordless telephones) is also not great. That negates the 2 big pluses Somos brings to the table.

The bandwidth you set up using a wireless LAN at 54MBPS or above is more that sufficient for most streaming applications excepting 1080P movies. I listen to Net music everyday using a simple wireless LAN. Worst case, you may need to set up some repeaters between floors.

Which in your opinion is the best sub 50k music streamer (50k with DAC)? I don't want a HTPC I want something as easy to use as a set top box or CD player.

Squeezebox Touch? At 50K, you should also look at CA and Marantz streamers. I have a feeling that the sound quality of these players will be better than the touch.

You may face some initial issues, more to do with LAN and IP set up than anything else. Once that is surmounted, it will be easy sailing after that.

I use my SB wirelessly on two floors with a single router no problems at all w.r.t signal. The best way is to probably take a laptop around and check how strong the wireless signal actually is, instead of making any assumptions-you will know the reality. In terms of user interface the SB is easier for wireless, and with a display makes the user experience for audio only better than a Popcorn Hour. I don't use my Popcorn for audio.
I use my SB...In terms of user interface the SB is easier for wireless, and with a display makes the user experience for audio only better than a Popcorn Hour. I don't use my Popcorn for audio.

So do you use SBT for audio and Popcorn for video?

If you live in an Apple centric environment, you should quietly go for an Apple TV.

I listen to Net music everyday using a simple wireless LAN.

At 50K, you should also look at CA and Marantz streamers. I have a feeling that the sound quality of these players will be better than the touch.

I thought Apple TV (like Asus Oplay and WD TV) was video centric not designed for audio like CA or Marantz should be. I say "should be" because I have not tried either.
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Though Venkat's point is correct that most video media players are geared towards video more than audio, there may be products that can surprise you - for example oppo 93 / 95 - though it has lost some of its charm as a media player due to stopped support of ISO.
UI can be a major issue when playing music but I am not sure about oppo though.
For digital out, if a player/ software can output bitperfect, and has decent UI, then it should be fine for music playing as well. As long as you use a DAC.
Yes.I have 2 SBs for audio only -the Touch and the Duet and two media players for video only, connected wirelessly-a Popcorn for my projector and WD Live for my flat panel-both connected via gigabit ethernet when needed or playing off a USB HDD.
Sorry, SBs are wireless. Popcorn has a a wireless dongle but havent ever used it. The sound quality on the Popcorn is surprisingly good though, and I might start using it for audio occasionally. I use it to watch music videos.
Though Venkat's point is correct that most video media players are geared towards video more than audio, there may be products that can surprise you - for example oppo 93 / 95 -

Though Oppo may play Blockbuster On Demand, Film Fresh, Netflix, Pandora Radio, YouTube Leanback and VUDU, do they stream AV across a LAN?

yes they do on DLNA - from their specs page:
DLNA Certified - Digital Living Network Alliance (DLNA) Digital Media Player (DMP) compliance enables wired or wireless access of audio, picture, and video files stored on DLNA-compatible digital media servers such as a computer or network storage device (NAS). More details on BDP-93's wiki page.
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Though Oppo may play Blockbuster On Demand, Film Fresh, Netflix, Pandora Radio, YouTube Leanback and VUDU, do they stream AV across a LAN?


Sorry, SBs are wireless. Popcorn has a a wireless dongle but havent ever used it. The sound quality on the Popcorn is surprisingly good though, and I might start using it for audio occasionally. I use it to watch music videos.

Yes.I have 2 SBs for audio only -the Touch and the Duet and two media players for video only, connected wirelessly-a Popcorn for my projector and WD Live for my flat panel-both connected via gigabit ethernet when needed or playing off a USB HDD.

You guys are hell bent on messing with my fragile mind! LOL. I have to short list - are the lists below correct?

Audio : Pro-ject Box, SBT, Marantz, Cambridge, Apple TV (why did they use TV in the name), Oppo 93..and Popcorn in a pinch.

Video: WD TV, Asus Oplay, Popcorn, and Apple TV.

BTW I also have a PS3 and Sony 370 DVD for games and rented movies respectively as wll as a Wii (games only).
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It will also help if you clarify:

Audio - Is this only for one zone, or do you see it expanding to multiple zones as well. If multi-zone is on the horizon now or later, you should stick with SBT or Sonos.

Video - This complicates things more. What video are you looking to stream? DVD rips / Blu Ray rips / MKV / etc? Online streaming - Youtube, other?

If this is only for 1 zone, and you will be fine with Apple TV's constrained video capabilities (without jailbreak) - so no DVD / Blu Ray rips / MKV...then Apple TV will be a very good solution for both.
It will also help if you clarify:

Audio - Is this only for one zone,

Video - This complicates things more. What video are you looking to stream?

If this is only for 1 zone, and you will be fine with Apple TV's constrained video capabilities (without jailbreak) - so no DVD / Blu Ray rips / MKV...then Apple TV will be a very good solution for both.

Yes one zone would suffice. I cant even think of a reason of why I would want to take movies or music from my bedroom PC to my living room or vice versa.

I dont mind having 2 different media streamers - one dedicated for audio and the other for video. Lets keep things simple na. Let audio be audio and video be video.

Audio: currently I have about 2000 CDs ripped to Flac or Wavpack (I started ripping to Wavpack for about 600 CDs are ripped to Wavpack and another 1500 are ripped to FLAC). Eventually I would like to access streaming audio via Pandora, Rhapsody other other services just like one listens to FM.

Video: Currently I have my DVDs on DVD but would love to rip them to a hard disk so I dont have to go to the DVD shelf. These DVDs include movies my son or wife watch (I can't watch a movie more than once) or music concerts that I watch. Eventually I would love to be able to download movies and TV shows from services like Netflix, Hulu, Redbox, Crackle etc.. when these services come to India.

I think ANM does not need the amp and prefers a player with a better DAC. Right ANM?
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yes, I want a "source" only, not integrated amplification.

CDP+DAC+media player/ streaming in one :) and that too decently high quality for CDP+DAC.
Audio : Pro-ject Box, SBT, Marantz, Cambridge, Apple TV (why did they use TV in the name), Oppo 93..and Popcorn in a pinch.

Video: WD TV, Asus Oplay, Popcorn, and Apple TV.

I am making 2 vertical stacks of sources

Stack 1
Sony PS3 + Nintendo Wii
Audio CD Player
Sony DVD player

Stack 2
Popcorn Hour / Asus Oplay / WD TV (video streamer)
Tata Sky / Hathway Set top box
Marantz 7004 / Cambridge Stream Magic 6 / Oppo 93 (audio streamer) or the Pro-ject Stream Box.

Audio: Either Pro-ject Stream Box or 7004 or Steam Magic or Oppo 93
Video: Either PCH (Popcorn) or Asus or WD TV. I am a bit wary about Apple due to their IP constraints (see Sarge's post above).

Where does the Dune HD fit in as a Media Player or Streamer?

yes, I want a "source" only, not integrated amplification. CDP+DAC+media player/ streaming in one :) and that too decently high quality for CDP+DAC.

What about Olive or the ones I lasted in post 14?
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The Marantz PM7000N offers big, spacious and insightful sound, class-leading clarity and a solid streaming platform in a award winning package.