N2X Bookshelves

The bookshelves are up and singing.:yahoo:
I got them up last night and had a listen. With an hour's listening, biggest improvement I find are the vocals. Compared to the Mordaunt short 908i FS the imaging is slightly better and soundstage is much better. I haven't been able to listen further today. I've currently kept the speakers in the main hall in my apartment and there's too much of ambient noise. (Read my 3 year old son) So will get back to you on that with further impressions.

Few pics

very nice looking speakers.

Gijo, the n2x looks damn good! Hope I get to hear them sing soon. Seems you have brought them a lil forward into the room compared to your fs.
Gijo wonderful work, how was the finishing (paint) done ? any putty or veneer is applied ?

I applied paint not veneer, which I regret. If you plan to apply paint get a painter/polisher with high patience levels. Coz most of these guys don't have the time for small speaker cabinets when larger works are pending.

If you plan to paint cabinets made with butt joints make sure to apply ample wood putty and up to 800 grit (as per the paint shop owner) emery paper finishing touches or else the screw holes and butt joints will telegraph through the paint as in my case.

You can actually do the putty and sanding work yourself. You do need a small room/space for this. Another thing that you do need is time and patience. Check out this link for veneering diy speakers.
X-SLS & X-CX Encore, AV-1RS Build
that doesnt look like piano black finish either.

No it isn't. I had showed the painter enough snaps on the web of the piano black finish. But apparently he decided to make his version of piano black. But I'm actually pretty ok with the result. Its got a semi glossy and matt finish. The only problem was that some paint got in between the countersink for tweeters. I had to chip off some of the paint to make the tweeter fit and the white part you see immediately around the tweeter rim is the white putty under the paint. I had initially put a 6mm round ply into the countersink as shown in the below speaker build pics
N3/N3S/N2X Construction
so that no paint gets in between but the painter took it off and put paper under the tweeter hole.
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