Need advice : Asus Xonar Essence Vs Beresford 7520?


Well-Known Member
Feb 19, 2008
Cochin - Bangalore
Need advice : Asus Xonar Essence Vs Beresford 7520? Which one is the best (SQ) for music and movies (leaving the usabiity feature of a separate dac)? Planning for 7520 (a group buy is active in this forum). If Asus is having better SQ, then i will go for that (i am already having an htpc). If there is a difference then please explain how much, is it marginally or significantly and in which area?
if you already have an HTPC the Xonar makes more sense
ALso the Xonar specs are much better thn those of the beresford and i expect the Xonar to have better SQ

now "how much better SQ" well that depends on how good your amp and speakers are in showing it.
i expect for an entry level system the Xonar may only be marginally better

However moserw,venkat vortex etc ( and users od the 7510) will be in a better position to advice

In my case though i dont have an HTPC but my WDTV should arrive soon. and i already have a DVDP - hence since i have no immediate plan for the HTPC a beresford would make more sense ( at least i think)

since you already have an HTPC
get the Xonar card
Although we need to switchon and wait to boot (Win7) for music is ok for me, but it may not be acceptable for other family members. So i thought of another hdd (80GB) for storing 128/320kbps mp3 files and divx movies and will be connected to my dvdp thru' usb. So I have 2 options:

- usb/dvdp/htpc >> 7520 (opamp mod) >> amp (may be norge 1000) / avr onkyo htr320 >> SpaceAudio TWR6 towers.
In this case i can use 7520 for htpc also.

- htpc >> xonar >> ... I would prefer this one only if there is a considerable improvement in SQ over 7520.

waiting for comments.
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