Need an opinion on Blue Note Vs Jolida vs Creek vs Marantz


Active Member
Jun 27, 2008
Hi all,

I need an opinion on CDP's . I am contemplating the following which are in similar price bands of 55-65K

Blue Note villa Koala ( solid state )
Jolida JD100 ( Tube )
Creek Classic ( Solid state )
Marantz SA7001KI

Other equipment I use are the Dynaudio Focus 140 and Krell 400xi.
Of the above the ony one i have been able to demo is the Jolida ( whihc was pretty nice ). I need a comritive opinion on the above if possible.

I'd add another one into the bunch... Arcam CD192. The only bluenote experience I have is with the Stibbert II and that is a very very good player. I'm not sure of this particular player.
The Blue note Mini Koala is cracking player at arnd 60k.
Def Much better than the marantz, but i believe marantz is cheaper so should not compare.

The jolida have heard only briefly. I believe the Blue note is much more smoother i.e analouge sounding.

Haven't heard the creek so can't comment.

For my money i will opt for the blue note.

All the best.
I have no experience of Blue Note and Creek Classic but I auditioned both Jolida JD100 and Marantz SA7001KI.

Jolida is too sweet and needs careful pairing with associated electronics , It is good only for certain music genre such as Jazz and Indian Classical. While Marantz is true all rounder. Jolida is built like a tank but electronics is nothing great , you are buying a very ordinary DIY kit assembly packed in a nice metal box. All great reviews that you might have read of Jolida are for heavily modded Jolida player costing 2X of the stock player.

You may want to consider some more options like:

1> ARCAM CD 73T , which I audtioned along with Jolida found better all rounder.

2> Cyrus CD6 is also a very good player (slightly costlier than Jolida and Marantz) but I found that player better than 4 other CD players I group tested last year viz Jolida, Arcam, Advance Acoustic , Cyrus and NAD.

3> CA 840C: This is quite a promising player around 60-65K, it has one plus point that it can be used as a CD player as well as a stand alone DAC!! That way you will remain future proof. With Music servers catching on and availability of (official) high resolution music down loads , having a DAC in hand makes sense!!

Hope this helps

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I agree with ShuhasG on the jolida front.
If you like the cyrus 6x then you most likely will find the mini koala better.
If you can I strongly recoo the koala tube which will be arnd 1.3-1.5 approx. It is truly astounding.
With all due respect to ShuhasG IMO pl do not get a cd player just because you can use it as an DAC.
You must like the sound of the player ,as if you do get a server in future you can always get dac.
All the best.
As far as i know the KI player has not been available at least in mumbai for the last few months. When a fellow member of this forum was in sgpore last month he was told that the player was out of stock there too.
Also if u are willing to shell out 65/70K for the 7001 KI i would say u try the SA 15 SI. Its replaced by the S2 and u should get a deal on it. In my opinion its a better buy.
Hi Saurabh/Neo,
Have not heard the Blue note so cant comment.
Dont know delhi availability but if possible hear the YAMAHA CD- S 2000. Beautifully built and very detailed. Its listed at 1.03L but should get at about 75/80. Dont know how it will sound in ur set up though.
I heard a few cdps in my apartment with my Bryston/B&W combo last month. Compared the Arcam CD192, the Yamaha, the Marantz SA7001/SA 15S1 and my own cyrus CD6s. I really liked the yamaha as it played MOST of my music faithfully though i could see why people love the Marantz too.
Apart from the sound and specs, the feel, build , loader, etc are important factors in selecting a cdp for me.
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I havent heard the Yam so can't comment. But i'm sure people won't go wrong with your advice.
Dinyaar feel you should make the effort & auditon the blue note if you are in the ring for a cd player. It is def worth the drive to Juhu.
Well it would be really be a very long drive for me to JUHU since I am based in Delhi .. But a audio trip to bombay/bangalore sure is tempting.
i have heard only blunote koala in singapore last year,but found it to be slightly lean,rest i have not heard
i was asking dinyaar to make the effort:o

Mekr what was the whole set up when you heard the kolala??

Well it would be really be a very long drive for me to JUHU since I am based in Delhi .. But a audio trip to bombay/bangalore sure is tempting.
i had gone to singapore to buy a CD player,shortlisting Koala,raysonic,mf and resolution audio,i heard koala with their distributor, .otherwise audionote singapore are distributors for very good brands,and it was about 15 months back,and i do not remember the setup,in mumbai,jacob of J.B.Audio at that time was selling bluenote
I havent heard the Yam so can't comment. But i'm sure people won't go wrong with your advice.
Dinyaar feel you should make the effort & auditon the blue note if you are in the ring for a cd player. It is def worth the drive to Juhu.

Hi Neo,
Thank u for the kind words above but that may not be true when it comes to a cdp as most of my friends in bbay love the cyrus/roksan/Rega cdp s and some even feel a Yamaha should not even be compared to them. I guess the fantastic reviews these cdps have got from various sources has an imprint in ones mind! Saurabh should go with an open mind and hear. Also it must gel with the rest of his gear.

God i am tired of the drives to Juhu neo!!!! Actually if u are referring to Boomerang then i have heard the Blue Note cdp that they had but my mind was really scattered as my amp had just blown the same evening and hence i cant say much about the sound. I dont even know which blue Note it was.

Neo have u now completed your set up? I remember u were looking for a preamp.

The Pleasure is all mine Dude:).

Reviews do cloud one's mind.

I'm aware of surabh's set up(Krell 400xi & Dyn Focus 140) & i feel it should gel well. But he should def hear it our for himself.

Boomarang doesn??t have Bluenote & I??m not sure if they will sell one as the guy who distributes is also based in juhu.
The guys Name is Jacob & his nos is 9820285812. He also has cary audio & B&A speakers. Give him my reference if you wish for a demo.

My search for pre isn??t over but my power has arrived & since our last discussion i had changed my power amp form the Lapp grupen to an MC2. I??ve just recvd it arnd a week ago, My initial imp is that it is extremely neutral. Infact I??d like to test it along with a bryston some time.
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Hi Neo,
Thanks for the info. Actually i had suggested u look at Bryston preamps earlier. They are not spectacular at all but are minimal and good.(BP 6)
But with the two price increases i now feel one can get better for the money.
Actually Grattan(whose opinion i trust) from Boomerang was raving about the Arcam FMJ pre as being brilliant though the arcam FMJ power amp is a let down. A forum member BASS TREBLE was selling a used Bryston BP 25(now replaced by BP26) along with a 3BSST. Try speaking to him and see whats the asking price as i feel the preamp is really good and bryston gear is built to last. I say this inspite of my power amp failing as that was related to the voltage in south mumbai being 230V and for some reason this amp was preset just below 220V!!
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