New kids in the block


New Member
Mar 11, 2008
Hi Guys & Gals

My first post here so be gentle :)

Not sure if these are available in India...
XTZ | Bookshelf speakers • 99.25
They are Swedish and sell directly. I own them and these are fantastic for the money. Ribbon tweetors go really low and sound very neutral and fantastic.

MY kit is
processor - lexicon mc-1
power amp - Sherbourn 5/1500A
front 3 speakers - xtz 99.25
rear - b&w 601
sub - svs PB10

Check these speakers out. Check review here

XTZ 99.25: A Review. UK First MkII. -

Rajesh :D

Hearty Welcome to the forum Rajesh :) ! have a nice time here !

Some kit you have :ohyeah:!

Please do share with us your music/listening preferences and such,The Cables used in the system so that we can get better feel of your system ! Also please do mention where you are from ?

Hey Thanks one hell of a job you have done :clapping:

I am originally from Chennai and settled in London. Wow diy speaker cable is the max mt effort lasted!!.. diy speakers ... India is going places .. keep it up guys.

May be you should start experimenting with ribbon tweeters as XTZ do. man these are mean speakers. wish i could demo them .

I am not a great believer in expensive cables as i have never found the difference. DIY cat5 speaker cables sound good to me . so go my own version of 'anaconda' :D using 4 lengths of cat5.
will ty to put some photos soon.


Thanks a lot Rajesh for liking my stuff :D!

Hmm London, I knew you were not from India :p the moment I read the selection of components ;)!!

There is another member Suniil who is also from chennai and settled in London ! Like you he too has a SVS Sub,although I have rarely seen him these days on the forum !! by any chance do you guys know each other ??

I am not a great believer in expensive cables as i have never found the difference. DIY cat5 speaker cables sound good to me . so go my own version of 'anaconda' using 4 lengths of cat5.
will ty to put some photos soon.

Well to each his own :p!! although Am too not a believer of expensive cable,Am the one who strongly believe in Good quality cable makes a huge difference,hence my quest to make better cable never stops !

I'd love to see your version of Anaconda's :licklips: !! Please do post the pics.

I have some other DIY stuff that I've cooked,if you are interested please drop in a mail here [email protected].

May be you should start experimenting with ribbon tweeters as XTZ do. man these are mean speakers. wish i could demo them .

Well as you might know very well,In india its not that easy to source such exotic stuff ! so Am stuck with the normal stuff !

But I have tried something,please do check this out for more details !

DIY Dome Tweeter

As with the demo,I too wish we were in the same city to Audition each others stuff :p ! But what to do......

Hi Guys & Gals

My first post here so be gentle :)

Not sure if these are available in India...
XTZ | Bookshelf speakers • 99.25
They are Swedish and sell directly. I own them and these are fantastic for the money. Ribbon tweetors go really low and sound very neutral and fantastic.

MY kit is
processor - lexicon mc-1
power amp - Sherbourn 5/1500A
front 3 speakers - xtz 99.25
rear - b&w 601
sub - svs PB10

Check these speakers out. Check review here

XTZ 99.25: A Review. UK First MkII. -

Rajesh :D

wow - nice kit. reviews will be appreciated. and welcome to the forum
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