OPPO BDP-83 - Defeating Regio Coding


Well-Known Member
May 14, 2007
I just bought a Oppo BDP-83 player :ohyeah:. Some searches on the net revealed that there are both firmware and hardware hacks to make it region free. Has anyone here tried the firmware hack? and if so how is it working?
I just bought a Oppo BDP-83 player :ohyeah:. Some searches on the net revealed that there are both firmware and hardware hacks to make it region free. Has anyone here tried the firmware hack? and if so how is it working?

I have done hardware modding to my BDP83 and it works like a charm, for now you could go ahead with the soft mod too but that would be wiped out with the firmware upgrade.
Please go through this thread wherein I have shown the modding as well as the first impression of this player. http://www.hifivision.com/dvd-playe...ssions-reviews-oppo-bdp83-blu-ray-player.html
Thanks a lot ashishkesarwani for the feedback. Much appreciated - though I am a bit concerned about opening up the unit - so for now I will stick to the firmware mod and will apply the hardware mod once BD discs become commonly available (read cheaper). Has any one else been using their unit with just the firmware mod and not the hardware mods
I have done hardware modding to my BDP83 and it works like a charm, for now you could go ahead with the soft mod too but that would be wiped out with the firmware upgrade.
Please go through this thread wherein I have shown the modding as well as the first impression of this player. http://www.hifivision.com/dvd-playe...ssions-reviews-oppo-bdp83-blu-ray-player.html

Is there anyone in Mumbai who could do this?
I am scared to open the unit and do all myself.:o
Is there anyone in Mumbai who could do this?
I am scared to open the unit and do all myself.:o

I believe its very easy to do h/w mod for oppo. search on the web. it just requires changing a cable, no soldering required. the cable looks like a pc IDE cable. I saw some thread on avsforum for this, had good instructions as well as tons of images.

Edit: Here's the link showing images:

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Its not at all difficult to mod an Oppo 83 as it doesn't require any kind of soldering, as the mod kit comes pre soldered with the installation instructions, all you need to do is to open the top cover and instead of the original Strip you just have to switch it with the mod kit strip which is a piece of case.
If anybody needs help with this then I am willing to help.
@sidvee, @iyersn

Did you buy the Oppo locally or abroad? If locally, please could you let me know where from and for how much?

I bought the oppo from Amazon.com for $529 shipped to my friends hotel in LA which he graciously offered to carry back.
i thought amazon gives free shipping for this. did you ask for faster shipping?

Yes indeed Amazon offers free shipping to any address in US but to avail that facility a person has to be a "prime member" for which they charge US$70 anually, and then offer free 2 day shipping on all items bought through AMAZON.com
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Yes indeed Amazon offers free shipping to any address in US but to avail that facility a parson has to be a "prime member" for which they charge US$70 anually, and then offer free 2 day shipping on all items bought through AMAZON.com

right. but if you dont want 2 day shipping, regular shipping is free for above 25$ purchase.

BTW amazon prime is on free trial for a month right now.
Anyway, enjoy the player.:)
Sorry I cannot find the exact link; there was guy on US ebay who was offering the kit with Photo isntructions....
Any info on the lowest price for Oppo BD-83 Hardware - Modified set ? The lowest I have seen was $599 which seems fair considering the retial price of the set $499 and the mod kit $50 ....
i thought amazon gives free shipping for this. did you ask for faster shipping?

Yes I asked for 2 day shipping - otherwise the normal 5 day shipping is free. You can also opt for their trial offer for 2 day shipping but there is a subscription for something or the other which will renew automatically if you don't cancel
Yes I asked for 2 day shipping - otherwise the normal 5 day shipping is free. You can also opt for their trial offer for 2 day shipping but there is a subscription for something or the other which will renew automatically if you don't cancel

you can goto the account settings and disable the auto activate button. if u do that, they wont charge you automatically, neither will they renew the subscrition. They will send you an email asking u if u want to activate the full-year subscription.
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