
New Member
Mar 10, 2008
Hi Frnds,

I am hunting for a flat panel. It s for my bedroom (10X 11)
The usage will be as follows,
PC monitor( text editing, Surfing and GAMING) ----- 60 %
DIVX rips/ .mkv files ----30%
SD cable ------10 %

Please suggest me a LCD screen (as plasma is prone to Burns...will be using it for gaming)

viewing distance --- 9 feet..

i am planning for a wireless keyboard and mouse...hence the 9 feet distance...

which will be the ideal screen size...TFT monitor or LCD
ideal size....22/24 (for TFT monitor) 32/37/40 for FHD LCD..

I am leaning towards 32 /37 FHD from samsung/panasonic(HD)/sharp(HD)
But i am concered abt TEXT EDITING on LCD....as i have read that LCDs is not ideal for text editing...( i may be wrong)

Budget - 40 45 K

Anyone in the forum using LCD as PC montior..please share the experience wrt text editing and surfing..

thanks in advance...

I use Dell 2408 WFP capable of 19200x1200 res for my desktop.

its got 1 VGA, 2 DVI-D, 1 HDMI, one display port, component-in, 2 usb hubs, a SD card reader, a CF card reader etc ...

Its 24" IPS or S-PVA panel (can't tell because Dell keeps changing arbitrarily).

I have checked all the LCD TV brand specs before buying and decided everything in the Indian consumer market (samsung, lg, philips etc) to be inferior in terms of display quality. If you get a consumer brand with IPS panel go for it else try the Dell.

well the thing is lcd monitors look like crap when played with SD resolution content,since they dont have expensive and complex image processing tech that lcd tvs have.
so i suggest to go with a FHD 32inch tv like samsung series 5 or sony 32 W series,these tvs have hell of lot more contrast then any lcd monitor know to man.sony lcds have very low input lag and more contrast then the samsung but comes at a premium.but since ur viewing disntace is 9 feet u can go for HD models as well like sony 32inch S,V series.
The Dell 2408wp has a Faroudja processing chip. How many consumer monitors have that?

I haven't watched many movies on it, but its watchable as far as I recall.

The Dell 2408wp has a Faroudja processing chip. How many consumer monitors have that?

I haven't watched many movies on it, but its watchable as far as I recall.


so u are recommending a guy who sits 9 feet away a 24inch monitor :rolleyes:
No. Just sharing info as a lcd monitor user.

Either ways to write text he will have to move in closer or use a resolution below 1680 to read text at more than 3 feet. Unless one is writing single line emails. Try reading a whole word document at 9 feet and you will know. :)

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