Well-Known Member
I believe, Most popular DVPs in the forum are 1. Oppo 2. DV 99 3. Pio 610 4. Philips 5996 in that order.
Now, Oppo and CA are high end and have dedicated thread in forum. While Philips is cheapest and Pio in grey comes close price wise. So, I want to start discussion here for the lower range i.e. 610 v/s 5996.
Everybody seems to rate 610 higher. But, In smaller cities, thare can be probem for service/part availibility regarding 610. And, in grey there is no Guarranty/Warranty. Philips has advantage in this regard. 5996 also has karaoke. Pio has more option of playable discs(DVDA etc).
Most users also tend to rate 610 higher perfornance wise.
So, I invite all experts to give their valuable insights and all user of the two to share their experience with the two.
Now, Oppo and CA are high end and have dedicated thread in forum. While Philips is cheapest and Pio in grey comes close price wise. So, I want to start discussion here for the lower range i.e. 610 v/s 5996.
Everybody seems to rate 610 higher. But, In smaller cities, thare can be probem for service/part availibility regarding 610. And, in grey there is no Guarranty/Warranty. Philips has advantage in this regard. 5996 also has karaoke. Pio has more option of playable discs(DVDA etc).
Most users also tend to rate 610 higher perfornance wise.
So, I invite all experts to give their valuable insights and all user of the two to share their experience with the two.