Plasma break-in query...


Active Member
Jan 3, 2010
Keeping away from the usefulness of the break-in procedure, I would like to know the visual intensity people are running the break-in slides/videos at.Was wandering around a lot of threads regarding the same, and many gurus recommend running at very low contrast/brightness settings whereas many others recommend keeping the above settings at maximum(especially contrast) for the break-in slide/video playback.

Personally, me too thinks the slides should be run at max intensity to get the full advantage of the burn-in process.

Would really appreciate if people would share their settings/thoughts on the matter....
Running plasma at full blast during breaking can also risk image burn in!
Think about it, if you choose a source that has too much of bright sky with white clouds, your topside of the plamsa will age faster than the bottom side.
Running it with lower intesity, allows you to run longer for breakin, thus allowing you to choose wider variety of source material.

Keeping away from the usefulness of the break-in procedure, I would like to know the visual intensity people are running the break-in slides/videos at.Was wandering around a lot of threads regarding the same, and many gurus recommend running at very low contrast/brightness settings whereas many others recommend keeping the above settings at maximum(especially contrast) for the break-in slide/video playback.

Personally, me too thinks the slides should be run at max intensity to get the full advantage of the burn-in process.

Would really appreciate if people would share their settings/thoughts on the matter....
^^thanks for the reply buddy...but break-in slides are uniform color shades that help every pixel of the screen to show the same intensity shade and thus,in the even aging of pixels.

I agree that all other video materials should be run with much lesser intensity till the phosphors age a bit...but i was specifically talking about the color slides that are being used for break-in purpose.
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