Playing Speaker Poker with mpws NAD356

Update on the B&W + NAD pairing. It left a really sour taste. I have heard the 685s before and they sound beautiful the C356 we've heard with the Titans of course, various PSBs and even viki's Proacs and that too isnt too bad a performer. However the pair simply refused to mate.

The bass was bloated beyond control, the mids were listenable at best and the highs were completely amiss. While I am aware about pairing discrepancies, I never imagined it could be this bad. Even my wife said these speakers are un-listenable she had never heard them before hence the naive comment but still... Its a lesson well learnt.

Will drop by and give you a Denon amp. try it out with the 685's ...Decent synergy. - It may just surprise you :)
The only downside of Synchrony series is that it requires very good amplification to really show its true side, and here the true case of more the better follows.
BTW MPW / Denom, good work here for the fellow members.

So true! I can't wait to hear the Synchronies with a matching NAD amp. Although the Threshold wasn't a slouch and the 375 was more than adequate for a pre, an amp bred in-house at NAD+PSB could probably offer a superior synergy.
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So true! I can't wait to hear the Synchronies with a matching NAD amp. Although the Threshold wasn't a slouch and the 375 was more than adequate for a pre, an amp bred in-house at NAP+PSB could probably offer a superior synergy.

Synchrony Series does very well with Master series of NAD i.e either M2 or M3.
PSB .... somehow the lakozy visit is getting post poned due to myriad reasons. Maybe this weekend.. lets see..

mpw, great to see your reviews. Are you talking about Lakozy in Mumbai? Could you do me a favour? If you do audition the PSB Image T6, can you also compare them with the T5? I passed on the T6 in favour of the T5. Would really like to have a second opinion.

All the best with your search. I highly recommend PSB!
I have heard the PSB T5 and T6 during earlier visits to Lakozy. Thats why ( sub-consciously i think ) i am keeping this visit for the end as i know both these sound good.

The T5 is good for a medium room. I think its more dynamic. The T6 is ok for a largish room like mine ( 20 by 20 ) but unfortunately the T6 comes with a heavy price tag for me.

I have heard the PSB T5 and T6 during earlier visits to Lakozy.
The T5 is good for a medium room. I think its more dynamic.

Nikhil ... The T5 being more dynamic was exactly the same reason what pushed you towards the T5's ..

You were spot on with your observation
I have heard the PSB T5 and T6 during earlier visits to Lakozy. Thats why ( sub-consciously i think ) i am keeping this visit for the end as i know both these sound good.

The T5 is good for a medium room. I think its more dynamic. The T6 is ok for a largish room like mine ( 20 by 20 ) but unfortunately the T6 comes with a heavy price tag for me.


For what it's worth I think the T5 is plenty enough even for a 20 x 20 room. I have a room that is about 18 x 20 and the T5s have enough at 36-40 on the volume dial for room filling sound level. At 40 it's loud!

Referring to your earlier post on the Synchrony - I didn't audition them but I did have a listen to the Imagine series which had a "dual magnets" behind the drivers giving them a much tighter sound but making them that much harder to drive as well. The Image series has a single magnet which makes them easier to drive and probably is the reason they sounded much better.
Been through another round of auditions with FM mpw, the music CDs were the same as the ones mentioned in my 1st post, with the addition of 2 more CDs
1) The Ultimate Collection of Rock Ballads
2) Spirovious Test CD :lol:
This time we had a smorgasbord of speakers to taste :D
Started off with visiting the Imperial Audio Demo Room(earlier known as Boomerang) at Fort, Mumbai, where we heard the following speakers:
Dali Lektor 6
Monitor Audio RX6
Monitor Audio MX6
Monitor Audio RX2
Monitor Audio GX100
Source used: YBA YC201 / Esoteric SA50

Cables: Forgot to ask :p
Will post my brief view on each speaker now starting with

Dali Lektor 6:

Surprisingly had enough bass which was quite contrary to Dalis reputation of having lean bass in speakers across their range. Felt that the vocals were quite recessed & even the separation was not satisfactory. Lack of detailing was also evident. Arun of Imperial Audio suggested that we change the amplification from the NAD356 to the YBA YA201 amp to get an idea, but did not find any difference in the overall presentation of sound + the whole point of mpw getting the best idea of a speaker pairing perfectly with his NAD356 was lost, hence we decided to do away with this practice. Arun now suggested that the change the source from the YBA CDP to the other option with him & that was the Esoteric SA50 CDP. Yes, all of you will say whoa, Esoteric & this particular model price was 4L :eek: but we had no other option & hence went ahead with it. Looking at the plus point with the Esoteric, we had the source dishing out music perfectly(clinically being the right word) as we all know what Esoteric CDPs do & now if anything, the speakers would actually show their true potential!!!! So we felt that was a good thing ;) Anyway, back to the Dalis, did not like them, but atleast found the bass to be adequate :lol:
Retail Price: 65k (since we were not impressed, did not ask for best price for them)

Monitor Audio RX6:

Arun proudly stated that these were his best sellers & that we should know why after we have a listen. I have already heard the RX6 quite recently at the Meet held @ Avenue Sounds & had then not liked em much & felt these were overrated, BUT at that instance we had a low end Yamaha R300 amp running em with a BDP as source so had left a KO(kept open) response for another demo in future with better pairing of source & amp. This was a golden opportunity as now we had the RX6 paired with a more than decent amp & a top CDP(Esoteric) as source, so here we should get a better picture of what the RX6s are all about Alas, I was left with similar impression as earlier(meaning) I was not impressed by them this time as well :indifferent14: I heard the same tracks that I heard last time I heard them, with paying attention to Dire Straits Money for Nothing tracks intro & YET again I got the same response as the last time (meaning) it fell FLAT on its face! Really am wondering, why so many people love this speaker :confused:
Retail Price: 93K (since we were not impressed, did not ask for best price for them)

Monitor Audio MX6:

:lol: Arun now was quite perturbed by our reaction & immediately informed us that if we did not like the RX6, then we will definitely not like the MX6. We still requested him to connect them just for kicks. The first track played itself gave us the whole story of these & mpw was about to puke :lol: He begged me to stop & get them changed but I labored on with a couple more tracks to give them the benefit of doubt. Plus, since we had such a deadly source(Esoteric), just wanted to see how a bad speaker reacts :D
Actually, its main issue is its completely BASS heaviness accompanied with Bass BOOM which overpowers everything!
Mind you, these were brand new speakers with barely any burn-in since these were launched recently & reached Imperial Audio about a week ago, as confirmed by Arun.

Monitor Audio RX2:

Ever since we entered the demo room of Imperial Audio, these caught the eye of mpw, even though there were lying in a secluded portion in the back. The reason was this could be his(mpws) fondness for large(overgrown) BS speakers & his strong attachment to his dear departed Paradigm Titan Monitors :D Nevertheless, these were in Piano White Finish & they looked inviting with the presence of a 8 midbass driver, so as soon as we exhausted the FS options, mpw excitedly requested Arun to hook these big boys up!
The listening impression also connected with mpws Titan monitors & hence he was in love all over again. The only place where the RX2s were far superior was in the mid range clarity & the not as sharp / bright as Titan Monitors highs.
Retail Price: 61K, best price:43K(without bill & octroi )

Monitor Audio GX100:

The best for last :licklips: These are the new speakers replacing the GS10s. Beautiful finish & sound. Ribbon tweeter is smooth & so is the overall sound reproduction. Really liked them but not their price :eek:
These hit all the right notes & are really good speakers. In one word Sublime!
Retail Price: 1.28L, best price:98K (without bill & octroi)
Whoa, that was something alright!
Thanked Arun for his patience + company & we left Imperial Audio.
Next Stop: Lakozy Mansion, which houses Lakozy Audio & those highly rated PSB Speakers, but that is for another post ;)

Discussing our thoughts in the car whilst proceeding to Lakozy, it was getting apparent that going for a pair of good BS Speakers in the price range of Floor Standers is the way to go & its being proved in our auditions time & again.

The Monitor Audio GX100s Vs KEF R300s look like a very interesting proposition, but the damn option of this being possible in 1 room with same source & amp is not appearing to be possible, which is really sad as would love to have a A/B of these 2 :licklips:
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Land @ Lakozy & the good folk at Lakozy have already kept the FS contenders ready to fire:
mpw had requested the PSB Image T5s & T6s for demo & we did not waste any time as they already had their NAD356 hooked up to both of them.
Source: NAD 565 CDP
Cables: Supra Classic
We started with:


Whoa.. whats all the hullabaloo about these??? A couple FM's have bought these speakers recently & was wondering if these really are that good. In a nutshell, the sound is FORCED upon you, no separation, no imaging, narrow sweet spot & yeah lots of BASS that just hits you the minute you hear them. What a surprise! We give it a decent run, thinking we should give them a chance OK, but hmmm NO!


Thinking somethings awry here, we switch over to the T6s, BUT again much of the same as heard in the T5s, slightly improved in areas, with wider sound stage & more BASS! Having heard much of the same as the T5s, we decide to look at something else as atleast I speak for myself, them T5 & 6s did not impress me at all (considering the price range we are talking about here)

A thought which now comes to me is that the famed NAD/PSB combo is not what its made out to be & here the synergy might be to blame BUT this can only be ascertained after we pair the T5 & 6s with other amps, so let me just keep this listening session as another KO (kept open) till the time I am able to hear another amp(s) paired to them.

In the sidelines on the right side of our seating, I see a line of FS, acting as a partition between the 2 channel demo area & the HT demo area. I spot a couple of Synchrony FS, namely the 1 & 2, so I suggest mpw that we have a listen to them, but mpw first checks the pricing & immediately makes a frown! I coax him to listen to the Synchrony 2s at least since A) we are having them at hand & B) Never know when I would get another chance to come by & hear them. Aint I looking at my selfish interests! :lol:
Thankfully mpw agrees & off go the T5 & 6s into the corners & into the limelight come the Synchrony 2 FS.

PSB Synchrony 2 FS:

WOW!!! What a difference between the Image & Synchrony series! Night & Day! The more we listen to them, the more we love em, feet are now tapping, mpw is selecting CD after CD & handing them over to the person in charge of the demo. Immediately, we can notice separation, wide soundstage, good measure of all things required in a speaker, BUT the BASS (yea coming back to it) is still a tad overpowering the other frequencies but not in a bad way :licklips:
Time sure flies by when you are enjoying your music. Since its way out of budget of mpw (read that as retail price of 2.05L) we thank the demo person & ask him to put them away :D

A side note that I would like to share is that I also wasnt too impressed with the overall finish of the PSB speakers(FS), yet again keeping the price in mind :rolleyes:

We walk around in this huge show/demo room looking at all sorts of NAD/PSB gear in abundance with a smattering of Fatman Tube Amps, a Thorens 170 TT & a jewel of a mainstage 2 channel set-up of JBL Synthesis Speakers with Mark Levinson Monoblocks & then a rack with Naim Exotics, a Karan Audio Amp, a NAD DAC & then we come across a couple of BS, which were:

Revel MC12
PSB Synchrony 2B
PSB Synchrony 1 B

mpw requests the pricings of all of them & then asks them to be played 1 after the other, the first being:


Will follow up in the next post :eek:hyeah:
I would be quite curious to know the results of a a comparison between ma gs 20, gx 100, quad 12, dali helicon 300, b&w 800 series, jamo d830, c803, paradigm studio 20. usher be 718, sonus concerto, concertino, zu essence bs and other comparable bookshelf speakers.
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I would be quite curious to know the results of a a comparison between ma gs 20, gx 100, quad 12, dali helicon 300, b&w 800 series, jamo d830, c803, paradigm studio 20. usher be 718, sonus concerto, concertino, zu essence bs and other comparable bookshelf speakers.

Arrange all of these in 1 room with the rest of the chain being constant & call us! Am sure most of us FM's are as curious as you :p
non ... mons ... The PSB Sync BS were'nt all 'that' heavy!

Quite contrary, wait for my views on them please before shooting in the dark :p
have guests coming over in a short while, will complete my continuation on the Revel & PSB BS + an interesting chat that we had with owner of Lakozy in that post :cool:
Expect it to be posted by late night...
Revel MC12:

Nice set of speakers, very good imaging & clarity but sound was very laid back & recessed.It reminded me of the supposed british sound which I rather do not like:indifferent14: Could be the synergy with the NAD356 was the culprit.

PSB Synchrony 2B:

The nomenclature of these PSB Synchrony speakers sure is weird, the smaller speakers are numbered higher than the bigger ones :lol:
Anyway, coming back to the speakers, after hearing the Revel MC12s, the Synchrony was just the opposite & really pleasing, with just the same kind of presentation as the Synchrony 2 FS, only the lower frequencies were not like the ones of the FS, but then thats obviously to do with the size of the cabinets & the lesser no of drivers. The synergy with the NAD356 was very very good & we sure liked them a lot.
Retail Price: 99500/-

PSB Synchrony 1B:

Hearing the 2Bs, we thought that the 1Bs would be even better, but no, the magic was lost! Maybe it was that the 1Bs need a better amp to do justice to them, but the intimacy that we achieved with the 2Bs was just not recreated with the 1B.
Retail Price: 1.33L

By now, we were well through our allocated time frame & it was getting rather late, what with the showroom getting ready to close. We were just getting ready to leave & exchange our good byes with the good folk @ lakozy, discussing a few of our observations & such, when the Owner of Lakozy, Mr. Priyesh Patel walked in & joined in our conversation with his staff. Suddenly, our discussion topic changed from what we heard to that of the designer of PSBs Mr. Paul Barton & his recent visit to Mumbai & then to cables/snake oil involved & then to the attitude of dealers/distris & what not. All this at up a good hour & the time just flew as we animatedly discussed such a lot of debated topics, that we felt we knew each other for years! Things really got late due to this which resulted in us getting back to our respective homes quite late @ night :D
And so another round of auditions ended, with this round being really absorbing & highly educational, not just with the knowledge gained on the stuff we heard, but also getting a perspective from a distributors point of view. Was really exhausted this time, but enjoyed every bit of it & am ever ready to do another such outing in the future :eek:hyeah:

Over to you mpw ;)
Denom, That was my reaction too when I listened to Synchrony 2 FS. I had gone there to check NAD CD player actually. Initially they connected it to some Image series bookshelf which I did not like at all (price was 25k-30k). So I asked then to connect better speakers and by chance Synchrony was ready , so they connected it. During audition I forgot about CDP and fell in love with the speakers. The overall sound was just perfect for my taste and my kind of music. That is a real speaker where you forget bass/mid/highs but you just enjoy music as a whole :). As I had gone for CDP, I didn't try other speakers though.
@denom: Next time you go hunting speakers remind me to put some pop-corn in the oven and brew some coffee. Man it takes time to go over all the juicy tidbits. ;)

Now lets go over some of the speakers that I've heard with the C356.

1. The synchrony FS (both 1 and 2): Both sounded hollow underpowered and recessed with the C356 as well as the C375 I am still surprised you enjoyed them. We had a bunch of ears with us some well marinated like Flash, Vikoma and mbhangui and some greenhorns like Kratos and me. All of us found the synchronies missing something.

It was only after I heard them with some "really" able amplification (read the mighty C375 as PRE and a Threshold T-200 power) did they sing to their potential and gosh are they awesome!

2. The T6 on the other hand managed to impress most of us. Vikoma even owns a pair and I still love those.

3. Revel M12: Well haven't heard these but their bigger siblings the M22 and I was blown away (This was not with the C356)

This typically proves how susceptible are we humans (ok just us audiophools) to subjective listening AND still enjoy it :D :D

PS: Thanks for the detailed observations and don't forget the popcorn reminder next time ;)
For excellent sound that won't break the bank, the 5 Star Award Winning Wharfedale Diamond 12.1 Bookshelf Speakers is the one to consider!