Pre amp


Active Member
Aug 31, 2006
Hey! I'm about to buy a studio amp a Tannoy( lapp Grupen) rated at 300 watts per channel at 8ohms. I going to use the amp for my home purpose along with my tannoy speakers. I am looking for a pre arnd 50k or below.
If 50K is the budget then only the Nad C162 and Rotel Rc 1070 would be within that. I guess u can stick it with most SS pre amps and be ok. I would be patient and scout for a few used options. I have a rotel pre for sale but i cant say its a great pre amp. Actually dont know what would go best with a LG power amp. Is this amp also a TD design? I didnt know they had a 300 wpc amp, thought they only made bigger amps.
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Thanks dinyar.
If not 50 k then what amt will fetch me a good one?? & what brands should i look at???

Pardon me but by ss pre do you mean solid state??

What about tube pre amp? will it better a option???

The model is ta 1000 -Pl check the link below.

I'm not sure about TD design.

Thanks dinyar.
If not 50 k then what amt will fetch me a good one?? & what brands should i look at???

Pardon me but by ss pre do you mean solid state??

What about tube pre amp? will it better a option???

The model is ta 1000 -Pl check the link below.

I'm not sure about TD design.

Ya i mean solid state. U know valves sound good and smooth but in most cases when matched with a SS power amp there is a hum or a whizzing sound. (as i unfortunately experienced)
Unfortunately local availibility of great pre s is difficult. Just an option could be a Bryston BP 6(very minimalistic line pre), the musical fidelity(unlike SS sound if thats what u are after). I have never heard the amp u have acquired so difficult to elaborate. The brand is supposed to make top class studio amps.
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Thanks again!
How would you describe the bryston or MF Sound?? Since it seems you've heard them both.
What is the price for the bryston & MF??
Can you tell me the dealer or distributor in India ?? or even better in Mumbai??
Yes i have heard both. The Bryston is very neutral, but very minimal and the volume control takes a little getting used too.There are 3 models available BP 6(line level), BP 16 and top of the range BP 26 at 1L, 1.35L and 2L. Keeping in mind the studio heritage of Bryston i suggested this amp to run with ur Lab.Gruppen amp. U can get an onboard DAC or phono if required and all Bryston stuff carries a 20 year warranty.Have heard the MF Pre a few years ago and it sounded brilliant. Very warm and pretty different from SS gear i have heard. My perception was confirmed a few days ago when i heard the MF A5 integrated. The 2 amps are very different sounding so its best to hear them and decide the sound u prefer. I think the MF would be under a lac for the pre. I repeat i have not heard ur amp so these are just suggestions. The lab. gruppen is swedish(i think) and maybe a Primare Pre 30 may compliment it too!!!!
Both MF and Bryston are available at Boomerang at juhu in bombay.
Thanks! I checked the MF web site & it seems that they only have one model & it's a tube do you think it will work??
One my friend has also suggested me an adcom amp. Do you know anything about it?? it seems to fall within my 50K.
Yes its the same one and i dont think its a tube amp in the conventional sense and yes i think it will work. See Neo i dont know if the LG amp will be musically satisfying for u. If u like that kind of studio sound then maybe. I suggested MF as it would be a warmer, richer presentation. Ya the adcom would be ok too. Where would u get one?
Please try and hear all pre amps with ur amp(however u can) as its very difficult to get a perfect handshake between the two especially since the Gruppen is for meant for studio use. Budget Pre s genarally have a very high gain factor and maybe the power amp may run really hot. Am just expressing my concerns as i just cannot be sure. Maybe u can mail the Co and express ur concerns and ask for opinions. I always interact with the Co s and have always received satisfactory answers and explanations.
The Adcom is available through a distributor in Chennai so it seems tough to get an audition in Mumbai.

I'm goin to def audition stuff before I decide. I?m goin for the studio amp as my spk
(Tannoy system 1200) is a studio design as well & they require a lot of power & sadly quality power in a home design is very expensive. Although I agree the LG is on the drier sound side.

As for the high gain factor how do I check that??
Hi again,
U HAVE TO TRY TO HEAR THE COMBO. Ill give u an example of a rotel pre. Its volume has so much initial gain that it will max out ur power amp by say 11./12 o clock so about half remains which would be pure noise. Now say a Bryston pre u could take the volume to even 3 o clock and would still not be using the full power rating plus the increase is really gradual and then starts increasing steeply after about half . If u say that ur speakers require huge power u should be ok or else check. I know people will say u play at lower volumes but the gain in combination with a monster power amp is not gradual at all. It almost doubles the sound with a little turn of the volume which would infuriate me. I like a dry sound so should try to hear a gruppen just dont know where i can? Maybe someday at ur place!!!!!!
To get a listen to various pre's is going to be tough one. I guess it's gonna take a lot of time.

Well the list of preamps seem to have a few more options.Cyrus & Quad
How would you rate them??

Also what would be your preference just on the design & build of the pre.How would list your prefrence from 1-10

Will the adcom be better then the NAD & Rotels of this world??

I'll def invite you asap my system is sorted out which may take a long time as my amp will take me atleast another month or more to be delivered.But's it's a promise.
Hi Neo,

Quad is too quirky to use, hate the lay out and a no no for me. I could not live with its volume adj keys. I am one of the very few who have a dislike for current quad electronics. Do like a few of the speakers though. So no point rating it.

The cyrus pre/power i have not heard. But if i can just assume thats its similar sounding to the integrateds from the brand i would shudder to pair with the LG. I am not a fan of the cyrus amps. Another thing to note is the price is over a lac and at that price point i could get the Bryston BP 16 which to my mind is a far better pre or the minimalistic BP 6 at about 75K which also i prefer over the cyrus.

I have owned both the Nad C162 and the Rotel RC 1070 and as a pre i prefer the Nad. Very simple , decent sounding and moderately priced. The Rotels look great but i feel the Pre is the weak link with their power amps being great bang for the buck.

From what i have heard an adcom should be ok for u but if its priced close to the Bryston BP6 i would take the latter.

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Hey! man ur are everywhere on the forum, must say i like your posts & replies.They are very clear & insightful.Thanks a lot.

From what i gather from you & others i'd say my choice of pre's should be
1. Bryston, 2. MF, 3.Adcom. What say??

Else where you've praised the marantz 7000ki sacd player as a bargain.

would you rate it higher than the cyrus cd6s??

Also what do you think of the primare cd31.
Ya i guess the choice of pre amps are as u listed.

Yes i love the marantz 7001 KI player. Waited for availability for over a month and finally bought the cyrus as was getting a decent price.(Cyrus cdps are discounted in the UK as they are in the process of being replaced by the SE i.e servo evolution series)

Have heard and liked the primare cd 31 but my opinion is that it works best with the primare electronics. A few friends have splurged on the primare cdp+ Primare I 30 combo(based solely on what HIFI and nothing else) with various speakers and the sound is good while another added the cdp to a NAD masters M3+ PSB and is far from satisfied. This particular combo lacks some spark. Of course the price of the primare is much much more than the cyrus or marantz.

Lastly yes i am all over the forum sadly haha. I am a stock broker and business is a little slack in the last month and hence i spend my free time interacting with people who share my passion for music and related.

Best regards
So the slack has been good for you & us in some way then::D.

What acc to you is a cracking cdp around the 1L-1.5L??
Hi Neo,

Obviously the Primare is good. Good weight of sound, super dynamics and great build. If not willing to spend that far the Marantz SA 7001KI is great too(also love the 15 SI ). If u can get from abroad the entry level one from Naim is super too. My knowledge of cdp is a little limited as i had a sony sacd player for years and just started researching a bit when it packed up. As a stop gap player i bought a Nad C 542 which was ok too and now have the Cyrus CD 6s which is ok too. A friend of mine raves about his Audia Flight CD.
What acc to you is a cracking cdp around the 1L-1.5L??

Dear Neo,

I would recommend the Cyrus Cd8se. This new model replaces the multiple award winning Cd8x. The same will be available by June 2008.
The new Cd8se comes with an inhouse built slot loading mechanism.
The new cd player outperforms the current one by far. It will ofcourse in the price range you have mentioned.

Thanks Dinyaar & SNV

I checked the prices for the bryston & MF

The seem to be very expensive
The MF A5 is 1.5L
The Bryston BP06 is 1.3 & the BP16 is 1.7 odd
One more option that boomarang suggested is an arcam FMJ C 31 which is 1.15.

But at this prices should one consider the krell 218p at 1.7 & the cary audio slp03 at 1.3odd.??
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