Re Squeezebox RIP?

Just when I was thinking of selling my barely (4 hour) used SBT!

I guess i should keep it, no?
In a recent review of the Marantz 7005, the reviewer called the SBT still the best standalone audio player of its type. I have owned one(currently have two) from the days of the SB 3 Classic and just love it.What a shame!
What a device. I cant imagine enjoying my audio system without SB touch. I am not sure it being so popular why would logitech make it dead.

I am not sure it being so popular why would logitech make it dead.
Lack of marketing means it is popular among a small community.

This is a perfect opportunity for a buyout. The new company could be called something like Slender Gadgets.

Joking aside, in the event of my Duet failing, how am I going to connect PC to hifi, given that cables are not possible without digging up a floor and re-tiling? We'd better have a thread on suitable alternatives for those of us that do not want something cheap and nasty but don't have the budget for Sonos.
I requested my friend to bring this SBT for me from the US to complete the chain of my Topping Amp & JBL C1. Should I stop him?. Kindly suggest if any other alternatives.
Is there any reason not to buy a SB now, if it is what you need?

The only thing to consider is that you are not going to be able to replace it in a few years time if it breaks.

Also that the software development is going to be frozen, but...

--- if it works, it works. The appetite for increased version numbers is often not based on anything actually necessary.

--- the community is not going to go away overnight.

It might even be a good investment!
Well, yes, I do have entry-level monitors and fairly decent headphones attached to the PC --- but neither really match playback from the hifi, so the "connection" is vital.
SO, will we be able to enjoy SQ Touch which we own forever OR will it stop working? If stops will we be able to play internet radio via server installed on our pc ?
I don't think that internet radio on your squeezebox relies on either your PC or on The radio "stations" are independent, and you are accessing them just as you access websites with your browser. The only thing that does for you is to maintain stuff like your favourites when your local server is not running.

I don't use my SB very much, and haven't looked at internet radio on it for ages, so I could be wrong.
I don't think this will be a serious problem-at least I hope it isn't! There are a whole raft of media players in different form factors who all offer similar access to internet radio stations after all.
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